Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 94 Studying at Lovegood

Just like Pando said, she is not good at alchemy. Therefore, when teaching Fini, she mostly teaches Fini the basics of alchemy through conversation, explaining the principles, etc. As for practice, We can only wait for Feeney to leave here and practice it on his own.

Moreover, most of the time, Pandora's teachings to Fini were about the connection and principles of ancient runes and ancient magic.

Just like the magic Lily Potter cast on Harry Potter that they talked about before,

Although Feeney's apparent purpose in coming here was not to make much progress in alchemy, he just made up for the already very weak foundation.

However, Fini has made great progress in ancient magic and the use and understanding of ancient magic texts.

In addition to what he learned was beyond Feeney’s expectations, the time spent was also beyond Feeney’s expectations.

He stayed at Lovegood's house for more than a month, and Pandora had finally taught Finny all the basic knowledge he needed.

You know, when Feeney came, there was only a little more than a month left in the vacation. The original plan was to come and study for about half a month, and then work with Dumbledore to take revenge on the vampires.

Finico has never forgotten that he still has a mission to take revenge on the vampire clan. Moreover, he also has a mission approved by his ancestors, which is to improve the purity of his bloodline.

Wizards in the Harry Potter world are more like warlocks in many ways, because they do not absorb magic in the air to improve themselves through meditation and other methods, but improve their own magic through their own blood.

Time passes very quickly when studying, and people are not aware of the passage of time.

It wasn't until the Hogwarts owl appeared at the Lovegoods' house that Finny and Pandora realized that they had been studying and studying together for a month.

The school owl is here to deliver notices and book lists for the new school year to Feeney.

The only new book that needs to be purchased in second grade is "Standard Spells, Level 2" by Miranda Gorshak. There is no need to change textbooks for other subjects in second grade.

It seems that this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class is more reliable. The fact that the textbooks have not been changed means that he will continue teaching at the pace of his last professor, Professor Jonathan.

Pandora also saw the book list in Feeney's hand and said with emotion,

"I think there was another book "Practical Defensive Magic and Its Restraint against Dark Magic" that year in my year. Oh, by the way, you can buy a copy of "The Fifth Element: Exploration". If it is suitable for normal second graders, It’s too advanced for my little wizard, but it should be able to give you some inspiration.”

Feeney nodded and said that he understood. Obviously, this year's situation did not require him to go to Diagon Alley to buy books.

When he was in school last year, he had already bought back "Standard Spells 1-7", and also found the original unabridged version of "Standard Spells", which recorded many things that cannot be found in this book today. Spells, some pranks, some jinxes, and some curses.

When Miranda wrote this book, he did not intend it to be a Hogwarts textbook, but intended to include a dictionary of spells. However, it was precisely because the spells in his book were so complete that it was regarded as a Hogwarts textbooks have been cut down and graded.

Seeing that the owl had delivered the book list, Finny naturally could no longer stay at Lovegood's house. With only one week left before the start of school, Finny had to do some things. For example, he had started preparing before. bloodline sublimation ceremony,

"Senior Pandora, since school is about to start, I will take my leave."

Under the rules of being a guide for Ravenclaw heirs, Finny can call Pandora, who graduated from the same college many years before him, as his senior sister, just like Pandora calls Lily Potter her senior sister.

Even though Pandora was actually the teacher who taught Finny many things, for the heir of Ravenclaw, in ancient runes, his teacher was the same person, and it would only be that one person, that is The Ravenclaw lady herself.

Pandora nodded and said,

"Well, in this month, I have also taught you all the basic knowledge of alchemy that I know, and I have also taught you all the ancient magic that I know. The rest you just need to contact and practice. "

Pandora didn't feel much about Feeney's departure. After all, this was a fact that had been determined for a long time.

But little Luna was a little reluctant to let go of her brother who was three years older than herself.

"Brother Feeney, are you leaving?"

The nine-year-old Luna was far less independent, smart, and ethereal than the later Luna in Finny's memory.

At this time, she was really like an elf, pure, noble, and full of that sacred and ethereal aura.

Perhaps it was because she still had her mother around at this time, and did not need to become independent as she would later, to relieve some of the burden on her father who was busy with the non-mainstream magazine "The Quibbler".

Because of this, little Luna was still a little naive at this time.

Feeney bent down and looked at the little girl who was a head shorter than him and said with a smile,

"In two years, you can come to Hogwarts, and you can see me then."

Luna heard this and nodded with a smile,

"Then it's agreed. In two years, I will go to Hogwarts to find you."

Feeney shook his head with a smile, reached out and touched the top of Luna's head, and nodded goodbye to Pandora and Xeno in front of him.

"Puff, take me back,"

Puff appears, takes Finny's hand and leaves the Lovegoods' house.

Little Luna looked at the place where Finny disappeared for a moment, then turned around and looked up at her mother,

"Mom, brother Finny disappeared."

The circles under his eyes were still a little red, and he felt aggrieved and was about to cry.

Looking at Luna who was about to cry, Pandora knelt down and said softly,

"Brother Finny just went to school. When Luna is old enough, she will also go. Just like Brother Finny said, he will wait for you at Hogwarts."

Luna sniffed the snot that was about to flow out, looked at her mother, and asked,

"Really? Can I go to Hogwarts too?"

Pandora smiled and said,

"Of course, as my mother told you before, your father and I both graduated from Hogwarts."

Little Luna nodded firmly,

"I must go to Hogwarts in the future. Mom, can you teach me magic?"

Pandora smiled softly and said,

"Okay, I'll teach you magic. However, you need a wand to use magic. You can use your father's wand first."

After saying that, the matter was settled regardless of whether Xie Nuo objected.

Thanks to Wu Naicheng for the monthly ticket

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