Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 96 Bloodline Sublimation Ceremony

The ceremony began soon after. The first was the preparation time, which took four to seven days.

Feeney's ancestors were preparing to perform the highest-level ceremony for Feeney, and Feeney had also asked for leave, so they started leaving in seven days.

During these seven days, Feini needs to provide his ancestors with his own blood, nails, hair, saliva, tears and other tissues. At the same time, he takes Buffy's Brain-Refreshing Potion and other potions to enhance his spirit or body.

The cost of these seven days alone is equivalent to the cost of the Weasley family for two years, and even much more.

After the seven-day main and backup stage has passed, it will be another seven-day magic ceremony. In fact, this magic ceremony can also be completed in three days. However, since it is the highest standard, it is naturally limited to a maximum of seven days.

These seven days are even more boring. For the whole seven days, Finny needs to drink potions and make potions. At the same time, there will be an ancestor chanting some spells beside him.

After soaking the potion, the ancestor would use another potion, mix it with certain materials, and write some magic words on his body. Among them were the runes that Finny was familiar with, and the vampire magic words he had seen before. text, and some words that he had never seen in the Ravenclaw heritage,

"In fact, we don't understand what these words mean. However, the bloodline sublimation ceremony has been like this since its emergence. For simpler ones, just use runes. For more advanced ones, use two words. However, yours is the highest level, the most types of text are used.”

If it's just like this, it doesn't matter. Because the magic words must always be maintained on the body, Fini cannot take a bath. This causes the medicine residue left on the body when soaking the magic medicine to slowly solidify. , forming a hard shell on the body. And this process takes seven full days and seven magic texts.

It would be fine if the bloodline sublimation ceremony was only at the three-day level, but Fini is the top seven-day one, and his ceremony has just begun.

There is a magic circle carved on the floor of the room where he brews the potion. Every day after brewing the potion, while writing the magic spell, the ancestor will release some of his blood. After seven days, the magic circle on the floor of this room will be filled with his blood,

Then the ancestor handed him a small bottle of bright red potion and asked him to drink it.

It was a taste that Feeney had never tasted before. It was all kinds of strange, sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy. Not only that, it also had an indescribable fishy smell. For Feeney, a potion with such a taste was completely forced to drink.

However, the effect is also very obvious. The first moment after drinking the potion, Feeney can feel the increase in his magic power, mental strength, and even vaguely feel that his lifespan is also increasing.

Afterwards, as several ancestors chanted spells and cast spells at the same time, the magic circle in the room was also activated.

Then Feeney passed out. He didn't know what happened after that. He just knew that after he woke up, his ancestor told him that the ceremony was over and he could clean his body. He smelled bad. odor.

The ancestor's words left Fini speechless. They were the ones who obviously didn't let him take a bath, but now they were the ones mocking the bad smell on his body.

The results of the blood sublimation ceremony are naturally good. Judging from the system interface, Fini's magic value has directly increased from 350, which is far higher than that of young wizards of the same age, to the average of 500 for adult wizards under normal circumstances.

The health value has also changed from 3000 to the current 4000. Although it only increased by 1000 points, don't forget that the health value of ordinary humans is only 2000.

The originally unchanged exploration attribute has also changed from 0% to 30% today. This is not the proportion of exploration, but refers to Feeney's own ability to perceive the surrounding situation.

To put it simply, Feeney needed to turn on the magic perspective attached to Jonathan's echo before to see the traces of magic. Now he does not need to turn on the echo effect. He can detect some traces of magic just by relying on his own exploration attribute. However, some traces of magic are ancient. , or the traces of magic power are so shallow that he cannot detect them.

Moreover, an item called bloodline appeared on the original attribute panel, with a value of 50%.

Through the feedback given by the system, Feeney knew that the appearance of this option meant the concentration of his own magical blood. In other words, Feeney could now say that he was a hybrid of some kind of magical animal.

You know, although pure-blood wizards in the magical world look down on mixed-blood wizards, especially those with magical animals,

However, the hybrid wizards of Fantastic Beasts all have their own strengths. The more famous one is the Charms Professor at Hogwarts. Professor Flitwick has goblin blood, and he is also super powerful in spells.

Hagrid is a giant hybrid, so he has strong resistance to any magic spell, and has blood suppression against many weak magical animals.

There is also the famous Delacour family in France. They have a Veela hybrid. The Veela hybrid obviously has Veela's magical talent and seduction talent, and the Veela's talent for transformation has also been inherited. inside.

Although it is still unclear which magical animal Fini's ancestral bloodline comes from, some magical talents and passive skills such as resistance are obviously slowly appearing.

At least when Finny used the battle magic at this time, there was no stagnation at all. Instead, it was extremely smooth, even far better than when he used battle magic before.

And the effect of the Cruciatus Curse on him is not as obvious as before. Don't ask how he knew about this. Those ancestors were really cruel. They almost used the Killing Curse.

Not only has the combat spell improved, but Finny has also become more adept at controlling his own magic power. Before, Finny often used spells directly and could not control the power of the spells.

Now he can do it. You know, many adults need a long time to practice to do this.

For example, now as long as he wants, he can control whether the Killing Curse takes the enemy's life or makes the enemy unconscious.

The Killing Curse requires strong magic to take effect, otherwise it will only make people bleed from the nose or faint. Finny can now directly cut off the supply of magic power or reduce the size of the magic supply to do this.

Of course, if Finny's wand can withstand it, like Slytherin's wand, it can cast magic far beyond the spell itself, and he can take the enemy's life with just the Stunning Curse.

However, to reach that point, you need a wand that is not restricted by magic power, just like Slytherin's wand.

Name: Phineas Walburga Black Jr.

College: None

Enrollment Date: September 1, 1989

HP: 3000 (normal human: 2000)

Magic Points: 500 (young wizards of the same age: 100, adults: 500)

Luck: ***

Exploration Attribute: 30%

Bloodline: 50%

Echo: Jonathan (Purple 450/15)

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