Hogwarts: The Most Decent White Wizard In History!

127. What Is Cedric’S Deepest Fear?

"Give me a minute, can you?"

Hear Luna's request.

Cedric subconsciously touched the ring on his index finger.

There is no abnormality.

It means that the other person is not thinking about liking you right now.


Cedric was a little curious: "How can I cooperate with you?"

Luna said nothing.

She led Cedric outside until they reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest where there was no one around, and then stopped.

"Can you lie down?"

At Luna's request.

Cedric lay flat on a relatively clean patch of green grass.

Then, Guna also lay down next to him.

She turned sideways and lowered her head, hugging her knees with her legs in her arms. After closing her eyes tightly, a peaceful smile appeared on her baby-skinned face.

Quiet like a child.

Cedric rubbed the ring with his thumb.

After confirming that there was really no reaction, he became more convinced of what he was thinking.

Luna must be missing her mother!

Maybe it's my own arrangement.

For the first time, she felt that someone would care about her feelings?

Although a bit outrageous.

But Cedric had a vague feeling that this was the truth.

"I'm already fine!"

Luna suddenly stood up quickly.

When she opened her eyes again, the temperament that was completely different from ordinary people was restored instantly.

"Thank you for your help. I saw several lost books beside my bed this morning!"

[Ding, correct bullying behavior. 】

[You gain 10,000 experience points, 10 talent points and legendary points! 】

Luna tiptoed a few steps outside.

Suddenly he turned around and said, "Although you probably don't need me for anything, if you do, I will be happy to help you."

"Of course!"

Cedric smiled unconsciously.

A pure person like Luna, as long as you can accept her cognition, there is really no pressure to get along with her.

He smiled and said: "If there are any new species, I would be happy to hear them from you!"

Luna was stunned for a moment.

Suddenly he jumped up on the spot as if frightened.

"I can't stay 21 anymore!"

Luna waved and turned to leave.

She took off her shoes, swung them in her hands, and ran toward the paddock.

Strange to say.

Cedric suddenly felt the ring on his finger begin to shrink.

"Why do you like it again?"

Cedric shook his head helplessly and walked towards the castle.

Professor Lupin's first Defense Against the Dark Arts class was in the afternoon, and he was still very interested.

Cedric's appearance in the classroom did not attract much attention.

Soon after he found a corner and sat down.

Lupine walked in carrying his suitcase.

"good afternoon everyone!"

After he stood still, he immediately announced the news that the little ones loved most:

"Today is a practical class. Take your books back. You only need your magic wand today!"

The little wizards all cheered immediately.

Everyone exchanged excited glances.

They, who had been harmed by Lockhart, almost stood up and gave Lupine a chorus to praise his greatness.

Think about last year.

It’s not just Lockhart’s life story that needs to be memorized.

You also need to wear various props and practice drama with Lockhart. Those who didn't know it thought this was an opera house.

Do you believe that Defense Against the Dark Arts has learned to play musical instruments?


Lupine clapped his hands: "Everyone, come with me.

The little wizards were even more interested.

Everyone stood up and followed Professor Lupin out of the classroom.

In a deserted corridor.

Peeves is playing a trick.

He was floating with his head down in the air, taking out the chewing gum from his mouth and stuffing it into the keyhole.

Footsteps are heard.

Peeves turned around calmly: "Oh, it's the new professor and the little carrot heads!"

After careful identification.

He suddenly laughed: "Isn't this an old acquaintance?"

Peeves was already there when Lupine was studying.

After recognition.

Peeves flew through the air and sang: "Stupid, stupid Lupin, stupid, stupid Lupin!"

The little wizards were very surprised.

Because although Peeves is very rude, he usually still has some respect for the professor.

Everyone looked at Professor Lupine.

What surprised everyone even more was that Lupine didn't have any trouble on his face, but instead suggested happily:

"If I were you, I would take the chewing gum out of the keyhole, otherwise Mr. Filch will find you in trouble again.

Mentioned Filch.

Peeves suddenly became unhappy.

Since the other party learned magic, it has become much more difficult for him to cause trouble for it.

And don't know why.

Now there's more to the students helping Filch.

When encountering stains, many students will use them to clean them.

Peeves smiled contemptuously.

Back then, you, Lupin, caused quite a stir in the school, but now you have suddenly changed and you are teaching him a lesson again?

Just as he was about to taunt Lupine.

Suddenly his eyes changed.

I saw a tall figure in the team.

Peeves shivered with fear.

It turned around several times in mid-air, and stood up while maintaining a military posture in the air.

"Feel sorry."

"I didn't see you here, Mr. Cedric, I will disappear now!"

Peeves quickly conjured a branch.

After popping the gum out, it quickly disappeared under the floor.

Lupine looked across the crowd at Cedric.

I didn't expect Peeves to be so afraid of him.

But he didn't care.

"Thank you to our student union president, okay, let's move on!"

Lupine continued to move.

Soon, the team arrived at the door of the classroom lounge.

When everyone comes in.

Snape was sitting on a low chair inside, seemingly waiting for Lupin here on purpose.

He walked proudly past Professor Lupin.

Come to Cedric.

"Cedric, my good student!"

Snape said loudly: "The powerful wolfsbane potion is well done, but I forgot to remind you that some people are not worthy of enjoying this medicine!"

"Professor, that's all in the past!"

Cedric shrugged.


Snape knew that Cedric must have known something.

He's here today.

Just to tell Lupine that Cedric is his disciple, and to mock Lupine again.

Lupine glanced at Cedric.

In the end, nothing was said!


Seeing that Lupin didn't refute, Snape turned around and left proudly.

The tense nerves of the little wizards relaxed.

Even after leaving the Potions classroom.

Snape's sense of oppression is still so strong!

"Okay, forget the unpleasantness just now!"

Professor Lupin motioned for everyone to continue walking inside.

There was an old wardrobe at the end of the lounge. When Lupin approached, the wardrobe shook violently and banged against the wall.

"This is a Boggart, not dangerous!"

Lupine was very calm, but the little wizards became uneasy.

They suddenly remembered.

The same was true for Lockhart last year. He brought a cage of goblins, and when he released them, he caused a scene in the classroom for the entire class.

Many little wizards were beaten up by them.

Familiar memories came back.

Many people took a few steps back unconsciously, but there were exceptions. Neville took a few steps forward alone.

He pinched his wand and stared at the shaking cabinet door.

What Lupine could find was certainly not particularly harmful, so he wanted to try to see if he could handle it now.

He wanted to fight alongside Cedric so much!

"Boggarts like dark, closed spaces best, such as closets, gaps under the bed, and cabinets under the sink!"


"I found a Boggart hiding in Hogwarts, so I specially applied to the principal so that it could become our training material!"

Professor Ruble glanced at the little wizards.

"So, do people recognize it?"

no doubt.

Hermione raised her arms high in the air.

"It is a shape-shifter. He can transform into any image that he thinks will scare us the most."

"I couldn't have said it any better!"

Lupine gave the highest rating: "2 points for Gryffindor!"

Then he pointed his wand at the wardrobe.

"This Boggart hasn't transformed into any form yet, because it hasn't decided what it should transform into yet!"

"I'll put it out later!"

"In this way, he will become the existence that everyone is most afraid of. In fact, we have the advantage in this regard. Does anyone know?"

Still Hermione.

"There are so many of us, so it doesn't know what to become, right?"

"Completely correct!"

Lupine's tone is witty and humorous: "When there are more people, it gets panicked and doesn't know what to do."

"I've seen it try to scare two people at once!"

"It turned out to be a slug with a mop head, which is not scary at all.


Lupine taught everyone the spell to repel the Boggart.

"Funny Riddikulus!"

"Funny Riddikulus!*3" the students read along several times.

Professor Lupine continued:

"Spells alone are not enough..."

He waved to Neville who was standing at the front: "Tell me, what are you most afraid of in the world?"

It’s different from the original work.

At this moment, Neville was no longer afraid of Snape.

He glanced back at Cedric, and then said firmly: "I'm afraid that I will disappoint someone!"

"Wow, that's a weird fear!"

Lupine glanced at Cedric.

This was the second time today that he was surprised. More importantly, the other party actually did nothing.

Peeves and Neville.

Just powerful enough to confront Cedric's two extremes: fear and following!

Lupine forced himself to return to the teaching in front of him:

"But this doesn't mean it can't be changed. You just need to think about the opposite result to your fear!"

Neville lowered his head and thought for a moment.

Then he quickly raised his head and nodded towards Professor Lupin: "I'm ready!"

"very good!"

Lupine turned to look at the other little wizards.

"If Neville succeeds, then the Boggart's attention will turn to the rest of you."

He raised his voice slightly.

"Now, I hope you all start to think about what you are most afraid of, and then how to make it ridiculous or make you happy!

The teachers' lounge fell silent.

Everyone began to think about what they should be afraid of and how to deal with them.

"Let it die!"

Ronald pinched his wand and said fiercely.

Although it is still scared after killing many spiders, it can already imagine how happy it will be after the spider dies.

Harry thought he would be reminded of Voldemort.

But when I close my eyes, the first thing that emerges is indeed a pair of rotting, glowing hands.

The same coldness seemed to sweep through 697's whole body.

That was the fear of dementors hidden deep in his memory!

Hermione took a rare step back.

Because she found with some worry that what she was afraid of didn't seem suitable to be shown in public.

All of a sudden.

She couldn't find any reason to refuse.

That would make her look so weird!

Noticing that most of the little wizards had raised their heads, Ping led Neville two steps towards the cabinet.

The cabinet shook even more.

"Is everyone ready?"

Lupine shouted and let go of his hand holding Neville's arm:

"Neville, I'm going to retreat. If you succeed, retreat too. If you scold me, the next one will come forward."

He waved to the other little wizards.


With Neville as the center, a relatively empty place appeared.

Neville raised his wand and pointed it at the wardrobe.

"I'll start on the count of one!"

Lupine also raised his wand: "Three, two, one, start!"

As the countdown ends.

A dazzling spark burst out from the end of Lupin's wand, and the spell concentrated on the wardrobe door handle.

The things inside rushed out immediately.

It was Cedric who looked disappointed. He was covered in blood and had one of his arms broken, but he shook his head at Neville.


Neville yelled angrily: "Riddikulus!"

There was a series of crackling sounds.

Soon, that Cedric suddenly transformed into Cedric wearing a formal dress and going to receive the award through magic.

He smiled and waved to Neville.

Neville smiled contentedly.

"Okay, next one!"

Lupine shouted helplessly.

Although he had known it for a long time, when he saw it, what Neville was most afraid of was that something would happen to Cedric and he would be disappointed in him.

The impact still left him wondering what to say.

By the way, I wonder what Cedric is most afraid of deep down?

Suppress the chaotic thoughts in my mind again.

Lupine shouted: "Parvati, good girl, come forward!"

What follows is much more normal.

Parvati took off the bandage of the mummy she was most afraid of, causing it to trip over her bandage and fall to the ground.

Simo transformed the female ghost he was most afraid of into various forms.

First it was silenced, then simply called rat, then rattlesnake and eyeball.

"very good!"

Lupin praised: "Everyone did a great job!"

Everyone stepped forward one by one.

Ronald took off the spider's head, and the round, brainless spider rolled around on the ground.

Lupine looked back.

Not yet coming forward.

It was just Harry, Hermione, and Cedric. .

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