Hogwarts: The Most Decent White Wizard In History!

152. Tonight, They Are The Focus Of The Audience.

"You all need to prepare your dress robes!"

In the Transfiguration classroom.

Professor McGonagall said to Cedric and Harry who stayed behind:

"The ball will be held in the Great Hall at 8 o'clock on Christmas evening and will last until midnight. As heroes, you must choose your dance partners!"

She looked at the two people in front of her with some worry.

Both of them had something that made her worried, but one was worried about having too many female partners, and the other was worried that he could not find a female partner.

McGonagall couldn't tell for a moment.

Is she more worried that Cedric's girls will make a scene at the scene, or that Harry will appear alone in the Great Hall.

These two seem to be two extremes.

One is too precocious, and the other is not a child!

But McGonagall doesn't want anyone to embarrass Hogwarts.

"I know, I will take care of it!"

Cedric's words made Professor McGonagall pass by him and continue to look at Harry.

"Oh? Dancing? I, I haven't learned it!"

Harry's mind was in a mess.

He knew nothing about the scene of the ball, and even couldn't help but think of the way his uncle and aunt danced.

That was too funny.

" Potter, you have to dance, and according to traditional conventions, the ball is opened by the warriors and their partners!"

Professor McGonagall said in an unquestionable tone.

After all, this is related to the reputation of Hogwarts!

"Oh, okay!"

Harry was still very afraid of Professor McGonagall.

And he had already thought of who to ask, that is, his godfather Sirius, this kind of thing should be asked to him!


Professor McGonagall glanced at the two again, still feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

"Be sure, make sure there is no problem, if you don't understand, you can ask me!"

She gave another worried reminder before leaving.

After Professor McGonagall's figure completely disappeared, Harry hung his head and mocked:

"I would rather fight the dragon again!"

Cedric laughed.

"Strictly speaking, it's hard to say which one is more difficult, but everything requires skills." He reminded Harry: "If you master the skills, then everything becomes simple!" Harry was obviously not comforted. "Senior, of course you don't have to worry!" He looked at the two people at the door. Ron was waiting for him, and Hermione was obviously waiting for Cedric! "Let's go!" Cedric and the other four walked out of the classroom together. "Who would you choose to dance with you first!" As soon as they walked out of the door. Hermione couldn't wait to ask. After all, they were so "familiar", she had long lost her initial shyness! "You can discuss it!" Cedric knew that Hermione would definitely not be satisfied with this answer. So he added hastily: "I have to hurry up and make you unique dresses, and your hair, I will prepare a potion for you to make it behave!


Hermione touched her fluffy hair, she has been worried about this for a long time.

I want them to be smooth.

That really takes a lot of thought.

And there are dresses, Cedric means that he will make them for them by hand?

"I didn't know you can do that?"

"You can learn if you don't know, but I hope you will wear the dresses I made, after all, it is too important for you!"

"Said, you are really nice!"

"Okay, let's go meet the others, they will probably be anxious when they know the news. "

Cedric said goodbye to Ronald Harry.

The two walked towards the stairs.

That was the place where they agreed to meet after class.

Looking at Hermione who was discussing the dress style with great interest.

Harry sighed sincerely: "Senior really knows the skills!"

After sighing.

He also urged Ronald anxiously: "Let's go, write a letter to Black, we have to hurry up!"

The following days.

All of Hogwarts was talking about the ball.

Usually most of the little wizards choose to go home for Christmas.

But this year is different.

Almost everyone in the fourth grade and above stayed.

Even in the lower grades, there are many who stay.

In other words, more than 60% of the little wizards need

Because I need to find a dance partner.

There is a lot of ambiguity in the corridors of Hogwarts.

Girls will sneer once they catch someone's eye.

The boys also gathered together in twos and threes, guarding the corridor like hunters waiting for their prey to take the bait.

no doubt.

When everyone knows.

When Cedric personally designed dresses for the girls and made them himself.

He once again became the most handsome boy at Hogwarts.

Design is actually not difficult.

With his improved memory, Cedric drew many haute couture dresses he had seen in his previous life.

Modern aesthetics plus Chinese decorative style.

Make these dresses not only elegant and grand, but also unique!

The girls were almost spoiled for choice!

They often chat for a whole day about a flower or an accessory, so they are no longer likely to argue about quotas.

They have already discussed this matter.

Draw lots the day before the dance and have no regrets!

Cedric, who focuses on sewing dresses, has only become the boyfriend of all the female netizens.

Of course they just want to think about it.

The alliance between the four women is very solid and will keep all women out.

Cedric quickly started working on it.

It's not difficult.

He doesn't need to actually use his hands, he just needs his mind to understand how to sew, and magic will help him complete the sewing.

This made him question the efficiency of the magic world again.

With magic.

Everything is so simple, why does it feel like the magical world is not developing as fast as the Muggle world?

Could it be because magic is too convenient?

So from another angle, the emergence of inventions was suppressed?

Soon, the last week of the semester arrived.

The school corridors are getting busier every day.

You can walk down any corridor in Hogwarts and hear all kinds of top-secret news about the Yule Ball:

for example:

Dumbledore bought eight hundred barrels of flavored mead and also booked the Weird Sisters to perform.

There are also mentions of other combinations.

It was also said that 10,000 candles were ordered and Veelas were invited to perform.

He even killed a dragon just for the dinner!

Of course, most of them are very outrageous and have no possibility at all.

As time approaches.

As a teaching assistant, Cedric also felt that everyone's minds were no longer on studying.

on Wednesday.

Professors go to two extremes.

For example, Professor Flitwick directly allows the little wizards to study on their own, or find someone to play games by themselves.

And Snape.

It is a public announcement that everyone will be poisoned in this day's class.

It's good to test the effectiveness of the antidote everyone made.

As for Professor Dumbledore.

He was trying hard to impress the guests of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

He wanted it for Christmas.

Showing off Hogwarts at its best.

Although Cedric has seen decorated Hogwarts many times.

But this time is definitely the most dazzling one.

The marble staircase handrails were hung with icicles that would never melt, and the twelve Christmas trees in the auditorium were decorated with at least twenty kinds of baubles.

Shiny fruit.

The hooting golden owl.

The armors are all enchanted and will sing Christmas carols when people pass by.

Harry finally found a dance partner.

In fact, this is not difficult.

Because little wizards in fourth grade and below have the opportunity to dance only if they are invited to become dance partners.

Furong also made a lot of noise on this day.

Everyone wanted to invite her.

As a result, four or five young wizards started arguing over this and even got into fist fights.

Cedric will know about this.

It's because one of the little wizards is Ronald.

The Gemini stars would not let go of such a good opportunity to ridicule, so they pressed their younger brother in the middle.

Repeating what Ronald said just now over and over again.

"I'll make a great Seeker!"

"I will become President of the Ministry of Magic!!!"

Gemini kept simulating Ronald who had just lost his mind, smiling from ear to ear!

"Stop talking!"

Ronald covered his face and groaned: "After I saw her, I didn't remember anything, and then I rushed up to her!"

"It's not your fault, she has Veela blood!"

Harry told what he heard: "Her grandma is a Veela, so it's not your fault!"

The time has finally arrived on Christmas Day.

It has been snowing since morning.

The grass outside the castle, Beauxbatons' carriage, and Durstrang's boat were all covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

The four Jurchens were complaining about the food at Hogwarts.

"It's all your fault, Saide. You gave us too much delicious food. We can't even wear the dresses you made!"

The girls were all worried.

They glanced at the exquisite dresses on the rack, then lowered their heads and took a few bites of the corn in their hands.

"Don't worry too much!"

Cedric is currently sewing a dress for himself.

In order to give the girls a new experience, he sewed four corresponding sets of dresses for himself.

7 p.m.

Even the Geminis who were having a snowball fight outside returned to the castle.

Everyone changed into formal clothes.

At eight o'clock, everyone came to the entrance of the auditorium to meet their dance partners.

The four women also drew lots.

Hermione stood next to Cedric with a shy look on her face.

The warriors soon arrived.

The door leading to the front yard was opened, and everyone could see that a piece of grass in front of the castle was decorated into a cave, and there were hundreds of living fairies inside [their movements brought out little bits of fairy light.

"Warriors please come here!"

Professor McGonagall's voice sounded.

The crowd made way for a passage, allowing the warriors and their dance partners to pass by.

Professor McGonagall also dressed up specially today.

He was wearing a red plaid robe with a wreath hanging from the brim of his hat.

She led the warriors to wait at the door, and then asked the other Lius to go and sit down in the auditorium first.

Fleur danced with Ravenclaw's prefect Roger Davis.

They stood in the front row.

She tried hard to suppress her desire to turn around, because there were formal Cedric and Hermione standing behind them.

Behind Cedric is Krum and his dance partner.

Finally there is Harry.

Everyone they came to looked at the new Hermione in a daze.

Especially Harry.

His mouth opened in surprise.

Hermione looks nothing like Hermione anymore!

Her front teeth became straighter and the same size as her other teeth.

She also had her hair done.

They no longer look messy, but are very smooth and tied into an elegant bun on the back of the head.

Hermione's demeanor was completely different.

The purple evening dress Cedric made for her by himself perfectly showed off her slender figure.

Harry exclaimed in his mind:

She is like a real star!!!

Perhaps noticing Harry's gaze, Hermione turned back and waved to the two of them:

"Hello, Harry, Pava House!"

"Oh my god, is she really Hermione?"

Parvati confirmed to Harry in an unabashedly envious tone.

"Hmm!" Harry managed a tone.

This is so shocking.

Before this, although Hermione had been following Cedric for a long time.

But there are always dissatisfied remarks.

When girls talk about Hermione, most of them say she is very lucky: "That means she is smarter and likes smart girls, otherwise..."

What follows is probably not a good thing.

Most of them are like, if I am smarter, I can replace them.

"Don't be nervous!"

Cedric heard the tremor in Hermione's voice.

He squeezed Hermione's hand gently: "It's like a rehearsal, just leave your body to me!"

This is a double entendre.

In the eyes of others, Cedric253 is just talking about dancing.

Hermione knew.

This is what Cedric often said when she was shy.


Hermione yelled slightly reproachfully, then looked around guiltily.

She was afraid that someone would hear it.

"No one will know!"

Cedric gently traced her palm with his fingertips, and Hermione couldn't help but feel happy.

People really relax!

However, there was actually one person present who understood it.

That is Hibiscus.

After the night of flying on a dragon, she chatted with Myrtle many times during the subsequent bathing night.

A deserted night.

The two women chatted very nakedly.

So Furong also knew what the sentence "Give your body to me" meant.

This made her body feel hot.

It's like taking a bath.

"Fleur!" Professor McGonagall, standing at the door, reminded softly.

"Feel sorry!"

Fleur came to her senses and walked out without holding Roger's hand.

Then came Cedric and Hermione.

Everyone filed in.

The little wizards in the auditorium immediately applauded warmly.

The auditorium looked even more gorgeous than in the afternoon.

The young wizards at Hogwarts were all shocked to see the new Hermione.

She is absolutely beautiful!

The warriors and their partners took their seats at the table of professors and judges.

Cedric noticed that Crouch was not here, but Percy came in his place.

This means that Crouch has become increasingly unable to control his son.

Everyone started to eat.

But among the four pairs, only Cedric and Hermione are more natural.

Cedric was urging Hermione to eat more, otherwise she wouldn't have the energy to dance later.

Hermione was saying that she really couldn't eat.

To make her feel more at ease.

Cedric could only say that his craftsmanship was very good and the fabrics were very durable, so there would never be any problems.

Hermione then ate a little.

Harry observed her teeth carefully and saw that they were indeed different from before.

"Senior Cedric is so awesome!"

Parvati spoke again: "Even Hermione has been transformed so perfectly!"


Harry came to his senses.

When he looked back again, he found that most people were looking at Cedric and Hermione.

Fleur's eyes always flew towards Cedric.

Her dance partner Roger didn't notice at all. He just looked intoxicated and didn't even bring food to his mouth several times.

So does Brooke.

He was absentmindedly attending to his dance partner, his eyes always looking at Hermione.

Cedric and Hermione.

It has become the sole focus of the audience.

"Yeah!" Harry had to admit: "Hermione has indeed become very unfamiliar!"

The food was finished quickly.

Dumbledore stood up and waved his wand, moving all the tables against the wall.

The dance has officially begun.

Cedric's legend tonight has just started. .

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