Hogwarts: The Most Decent White Wizard In History!

157. Fuck Me And Fuck Me Are Completely Different!

This morning.

Cedric noticed that Harry had a bad look on his face.

However, the other party still had no intention of telling him, and even when he approached, he carried her away covertly.

Didn't even say hello to Hermione.

Cedric guessed that it seemed that Harry sensed Voldemort again.

According to the description in the original book.

This time, Harry woke up and went to find Dumbledore, and accidentally said the password correctly, broke into Dumbledore's office, and "saw Dumbledore's memory."

These include.

Karkaroff's trial.

He was dying during this trial. Snape was also a Death Eater.

And then there was the trial of Crouch Jr.

Then everything makes sense.

She was very close to Snape, so Harry was avoiding her now.

"I hope you won't be scared!"

Cedric shook his head.

There is no way, since they have their own ideas, they can only worry and be afraid.

That’s okay too.

It can be regarded as a test of Harry's character.

Fortunately, he still has Blake here, so he probably won't do anything outrageous.

But Cedric didn't expect it.

In desperation, Harry actually turned his attention to Luna and Fleur.

Hearing this mattered to Cedric's safety.

Even though the two women still didn't believe it, they still listened to Harry's explanation.

"So, Dumbledore trusts Snape?"

Luna was very doubtful about this: "He knows that Snape was once a Death Eater, but doesn't he believe in him?"

"Yes, this is also the point that puzzles me the most!"

Harry and Ronald said what they had heard in the garden.

"You mean? Karkaroff and Snape...

Fleur covered her mouth in surprise.

Ronald looked at her, his eyes quickly became confused, and then he was pinched hard by Harry before he came back to his senses.

"Yes!" 19

"And there's something even more troublesome!"

Harry hid the fact that he could see Voldemort's image.

But he still revealed something: "Voldemort has regained a lot of power, and he can even cast spells!"

This news was much more shocking than the previous one.

That unspeakable person has actually released a spell?

Does that mean he was resurrected?

Looking at the horrified two women, Harry added sternly: "As you know, Cedric has always been Voldemort's number one target!"

Heard this.

Fleur nodded immediately: "Yes, I have learned about Cedric these days, and the business has reached this point!"

Not to mention Luna.

She knew Cedric better than Fleur.

"So, what do you want us to do?" she asked Harry.

"I have no idea!"

Harry said a little decadently: "I've told Dumbledore, Cedric, and Black!"

"But they all said they would believe Snape for various reasons!"

"So I can only come to you!"

This was what made Harry most desperate.

Because all the powerful wizards he could rely on could not listen to him at all.

Cedric and Snape are like master and disciple.

Dumbledore also believed in Snape.

Black believed in Snape because he believed in Dumbledore. Although he also hated Snape, he still believed in Dumbledore.

"So what can we do to help you?"

Although Fleur wasn't quite convinced yet, she still wanted to hear what Harry was going to do.

"I don't know, everything is unknown now! We can only join forces first, I guess the other party will definitely take action in the third project [we must match E at that time!"

Harry said to the two women respectively:

"Luna, you are outside. If I really guess something, then you must inform Professor Dumbledore immediately!"

"Fu Rong, you and I must cooperate!"

"Among the three events, if Cedric gets the trophy first, he will definitely be killed by Voldemort!"

Furong hesitated for a long time, then nodded.

"I'll join too!" Luna also said.

The two women joined in, making Harry feel much better. The four of them also spent the next time practicing their magic spells crazily whenever they had free time!

Time quickly entered June.

The atmosphere inside the castle soon became tense and exciting again.

The little wizards can't wait to watch the third game.

at the corridor.

Wherever Cedric walks, you can hear congratulations and blessings to him everywhere.

Harry's efforts were also noticed by Professor McGonagall.

Although she didn't think he could win, she still approved of his attitude and allowed him to use the Transfiguration classroom during lunch.

Harry quickly mastered several spells:

Including the Obstacle Curse, the Crushing Curse, the Pathfinding Curse, and the Iron Armor Curse.

Although I have already experienced two projects.

But because of the worries in his heart, Harry was a little more nervous now than before.

Cedric also became busy.

He began to carve more statues.

There were rumors that the number of giants in the mountains had decreased a lot, which gave him a bad premonition.

It seemed that Voldemort had contacted the giants first.

The day before the game.

Cedric finally got the good news he had been dreaming of: Harlot's wish in life was finally fulfilled.

[Ding, you have fulfilled Lockhart’s first wish in life!]

The first item: My life is for the shining stage! (If you can bring him enough glory, then you will get everything from him) (Completed).

Completing this wish list will prevent trapped template cards from occupying the template card slot (completed).

Not occupying template cards also brought another benefit to Ling Yun.

That is the skill of Friends of Women.

Friends of women: Women over thirty years old will increase their favorable impression of you by 30%, and the increase in favorable impression will also be increased by 30% [You will be a satisfied son-in-law in the heart of the mother-in-law! I.

During the summer vacation, I was going to meet several mothers-in-law.

This talent does not require a card, but it can help Cedric a lot.

Then come the other rewards.

[Based on Lockhart’s current reputation, you have received 300,000 experience points, 30,000 gold galleons, 30 types of magic potions, 10 legendary points, and a 1-space backpack!]

in this reward.

10 legendary points and space backpack are the most useful.

The more space backpacks he has, the more things he can carry with him.

With this income, Lingyun's legendary value of accumulated praise has reached 224/308 points.

[Complete your life wish list and you will gain the talent to play with people’s hearts!]

Playing with people's hearts: When you have this talent, your forgetfulness spell will be able to break through the upper limit, and the upgrade limit will be increased to level 20. After reaching the full level, you will get 1 point of ancient magic: the power of memory (and stimulate ancient magic list).

This is of course the most important.

Ling Yun eagerly opened the ancient magic list

Ancient magic list:

Ancient Magic 1: Holy Flame Curse LV14/LV20.

Description: This is a magic spell that can restrain dark energy and has the potential to be promoted to ancient magic. After upgrading to LV20, in addition to the increase in power, it will truly have the power of ancient magic. You can attach the holy flame. It can even create pseudo-flame life on any object (requires level LV15) (requires level IVO).

The emotional power contained in it is: happy!

Required for upgrading = level * 10 legendary points.

Ancient Magic 2: All Forgotten LV10/LV20.

Explanation: This is a magic spell that can play with memory and has the potential to be promoted to ancient magic. After upgrading to LV20, in addition to the increase in power, it will truly have the power of ancient magic. You can modify others at will (need LV15) or your own cognition (LV20 required) can be used to modify other people's memories or strengthen your own beliefs.

The emotional power contained in it is: playing with people's hearts!

Required for upgrading = level * 10 legendary points.


It is indeed ancient magic.

Although there are currently only two potential spells, and the legendary points required to upgrade are also very high.

But the effect is also very powerful.

For example, the Holy Flame has the ability to attach and mimic life.

It is estimated that the mimic life still needs to be at full level.

But if the holy flame is attached, it is enough now.

Thinking of his army of statues, Cedric spent 140 legendary points without hesitation.

[You have consumed 140 legendary points! 】

[Your Holy Flame Spell changes from LV14 to LV15, unlocking the attachment ability of the Holy Flame!]

[Description of attachment ability: Your holy flame will be able to attach to any object controlled by you or uncontrolled (your own body can also be used!), providing it with the power to harm dark creatures (you can actively add designated targets ), and provide a certain protective effect. 】


Cedric could already see.

The image of him riding a dragon completely turned into flames, burning away all the darkness.

Cedric put away the system panel with great satisfaction.

Next, I am waiting to meet Voldemort: "Come on, after this is over, I can kill a few more of your clones, and I will definitely get a lot of legendary value!"

"Also fully unlocks the quest to explore Hogwarts!"

"The curses of the four founders should also have the potential of legendary curses!"

Another day passed.

The next day was the day of the competition, and the auditorium was noisy all the time.

All little wizards.

Everyone would come to Cedric and Harry to cheer them on.

But soon the little wizards left.

Because today is also an exam day.

As Triwizard Tournament warriors, Cedric and Harry do not need to take the final exam.

After breakfast.

Professor McGonagall walked towards them quickly: "Sed, Potter, you will gather in the conference room above the auditorium later!"

"Go now!"

Harry was so nervous that he shook his hand and spilled all the soup in the spoon onto himself.

"I know!"

Professor McGonagall explained: "The warriors' relatives will be invited to watch the finals and you can meet them!"


Harry's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although Black expressed his trust in Snape, as long as he was there, he could still help him keep an eye on Snape.

"I'll go now!"

Harry dropped the spoon and trotted towards the conference room.

Cedric also quickly finished his breakfast and walked towards the conference room. On the way, he also saw Fleur and 290 Krum!

In the conference room.


He excitedly said something to Blake, who frowned but still nodded from time to time.

Krum walked towards his parents.

The three of them chatted rapidly in Bulgarian.

The other side.

Fleur was chattering to her mother in French.

Her sister Gabrielle looked at Cedric and waved at him, and Cedric smiled and waved back!


Meet Cedric.

Mr. and Mrs. Diggory came up and gave him a hug again.

Then the hugging action.

Mr. Diggory quickly said in Cedric's ear: "Everyone is ready, those from the Ministry of Magic, and your people... everyone is here."

"That's good!"

Cedric tried to keep his tone calm so as not to worry them.

However, parents’ worries are unavoidable.

Mrs. Diggory twisted his hand tightly: "Child, don't do what you did last time. Everyone is here, so you don't have to rush to the front for everything!"


Cedric didn't want them to worry.

But there are some things that he won't bully them: "Fucking me is completely different from fucking me!"

"Sometimes, I have to be in front!"

Although the Diggory couple could understand, they still couldn't let go of their worries.

"Let's go for a walk!"

Cedric didn't want to talk here, so he took Diggory and his wife and walked outside the castle.

The three of them chatted for many days.

In the afternoon, the four girls came to see Mr. and Mrs. Diggory.

Mrs. Diggory finally had a smile on her face, and then asked in Cedric's ear:

"Which of these girls will help our Cedric family give birth to a child?"

"It's early, we haven't graduated yet!" Cedric was extremely embarrassed!

However, the eyes of the four girls lit up when they heard this.

If it would make their mother-in-law like him more, they would be happy to have more direct communication with Cedric.

Ever since we started talking about this.

Cedric was speechless.

They didn't separate until evening.

Everyone was sitting in the auditorium, and the judges were also here.

Dinner was much richer than usual!

But Cedric didn't eat much.

After finishing his meal, Dumbledore quickly stood up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to start the final event of the Triwizard Tournament. Now, please go to the Quidditch pitch and watch the game together!"

"Warriors, please follow Mr. Bagman to the sports field later!"

that's all.

The third Triwizard Tournament has officially begun. .

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