Hogwarts: The Most Decent White Wizard In History!

43. All The Rumors Are Indeed Not Groundless!

Cedric didn't dive immediately.

He was now the most conspicuous presence in the room, and the Ravenclaw's Seeker was even closer to the Snitch.

It would be bad to rush forward and be beaten first by the opponent.

So he pretended to be searching, turned half a circle in the air, and slowly flew towards where the golden snitch was.

Cedric is flying in the air.

His SSS-level talent allowed him to instantly blend into the wind.

When the body is freed from the constraints of gravity, an unprecedented sense of lightness comes over me, like a feather fluttering in the breeze, with only the wind whispering in my ears.

have to say.

He really fell in love with the feeling of flying in the wind.

No wonder it is said that flying from the ground to the sky like a flock of birds is one of the oldest dreams of mankind in history.

"But it's time to end!"

Cedric suddenly pulled up his broomstick and locked his eyes on the Golden Snitch!

It is small in size and flies very fast, and the sound of the wind it carries is very different. Even in a busy Quidditch stadium, you need to listen carefully.

But now he has it locked!

"Cedric is charging!!!"

Li Qiaodan quickly noticed Cedric's movement.

Although Ravenclaw's team members did not see the Golden Snitch, the two closest ones followed him without any thought.

Cedric heard the wind.

Swinging the broomstick under the seat, the body changed several positions in the air, easily getting rid of the two people.

He thrust his right arm forward.

The golden snitch, whose wings kept flapping, was caught in his hand.


"180 points for Hufflepuff, yes, 40 points for Lavink!"

"Victory belongs to Hufflepuff!!!"

After Li Qiaodan was overjoyed, he sighed with fear:

"It seems that in this year's Quidditch Cup, Hufflepuff will be the enemy of all colleges!!!"

The victory ended.

The Hufflepuffs fired the magic salutes in their hands one after another. The colorful salutes spelled out patterns in the air, and the khaki little badgers put on a proud and silly smile in the air.

Colorful ribbons are flying all over the sky, and trumpets are ringing in the sky!

"What an unexpected ending!"

The Weasley twins looked up, their voices mixed with excitement and worry.

The excitement is that Hufflepuff's win gave them a run for their money.

The worry is.

Soon after, Gryffindor will also face an enhanced version of Hufflepuff.

This time the Quidditch Cup.

Completely expanding Cedric's fame from first and second grade to all grades.

Perfect, someone else's child, Quidditch savior.

His titles also became more and more varied.

Soon after.

The game between Gryffindor and Slytherin is also completed.

Slytherin's 190 points beat Gryffindor's 80 points.

After all four colleges completed their first games, winter arrived quietly.

One morning.

When Cedric got up, he found that his classmates were standing by the window.

It turned out that overnight, the whole world was covered with snow.

Also this morning.

He received a letter from Mr. Slughorn:

"The book is officially on sale, and you will be the shining star this Christmas!"

"Don't rush about the Order of Merlin!"

"I'll do it when your reputation grows a little more. You already have some ideas!"

As expected, it was Mr. Slughorn who had deep connections.

Cedric was very lucky.

Perhaps because it takes time to verify the effect, his fame has not been officially transmitted back to Hogwarts before the holidays.

This allows him to enjoy the pre-Christmas cheer with relative ease.

Because there are still little wizards who need to celebrate the festival at school.

The entire Hogwarts was decorated from the inside out.

The auditorium is decorated beautifully and spectacularly, with twelve towering Christmas trees filling the entire interior with vibrant green.

The Christmas tree is hung with shiny wafers.

They reflected the light from hundreds of candles, illuminating the entire auditorium with a golden glow.

On the hanging branches.

There were all kinds of candies hanging everywhere, and the inventory in the hands of the Weasley twins was unsaleable for a time.

But they had already sold dozens of gold galleons.

Cedric has seen Gryffindor students hurriedly running through the corridors holding their bleeding noses more than once.

It looks like their Nosebleed Nougat is almost a success.

Before the holidays.

Cedric brought his special huge hot pot to Hagrid for a meal.

“It’s really good!”

Hagrid held a huge fork and kept moving the mutton that was already tumbling in the copper pot.

Dip in sesame sauce.

Then put it into your mouth in large gulps.

He enjoyed eating so much that he didn't even notice the sesame paste on his beard.

"You're such a genius, Cedric. Roast suckling pig, roast lamb chops, and this beating copper stove? It opens my eyes every time!"

"This is nothing!"

Cedric took out a magic notebook from his arms.

He recorded this himself.

It mainly contains ten commonly used magic spells, as well as selected content for the third grade of six main courses, and the learning methods are also marked in detail.

This is what he promised Hagrid.

Although this teaching is destined to be extremely long, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Nothing is unconquerable.

"This is my Christmas gift to you. After reading this book, you will be able to pass most of the homework in third grade!"

Cedric handed over the notebook.

He also found out.

No wonder so many wizards like to use notebooks. There are so many things that need to be memorized.

Potions class, Herbology class.

They are two bottomless terrifying monsters that are worthy of even ordinary wizards studying for a lifetime.

Even if you master the graduation content, the amount of information is terrifying.

Even Cedric has slowed down his pace of learning. Otherwise, if he learns new things and forgets old ones, it will be more loss than gain.

"Thank you so much!"

Hagrid treasured the notebook in his arms.

Although Dumbledore fought for it, his wand was not confiscated or broken by the Ministry of Magic.

But if he wants to use the wand openly.

Then you must pass the O.W.L., which is the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination.

Food and notebook.

Hagrid was obviously so happy that he was a little incoherent!

"Thank you very much, Cedric!"

"Except for that one! You are the most powerful wizard I have ever seen!"

"It couldn't be Dumbledore!"

Cedric joked.

But when he saw Hagrid scratching his head and adding a little wizard.

He understood instantly.

It turns out to be the amazing Harry Potter!

It seemed that no matter how good I was, I still couldn't get over the big mountain of Harry Potter in Hagrid's mind!

Cedric really likes Harry.

But he also sees the other party as a challenge.

He was really curious about how far he had to go before he could surpass Harry Potter in people's minds.

It’s not that he insists on comparing.

Who makes two people's goal be Voldemort!

I've taken care of Voldemort, but it's easier for you, Harry!

Cedric had dinner with Hagrid, and then went to the administrator's office to find Filch, carrying another gift.

Just opened the door.

Cedric saw two figures hurriedly leaving.


It was actually the two of them?

It seems that all the rumors are not groundless!

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