Tomb of Père Lachaise.

A man kneels before a statue, clasping his hands in prayer.

The dark skin cannot be seen clearly in the dim environment.

Behind him, Rita came slowly.

Until you get behind him.


Rita called softly.

Yusef Kama opened his eyes and looked at Rita's strange yet familiar face.

They are similar in three ways, except that Yusef is a pure black race, while Rita's skin is much fairer than him, and her eyebrows are more European.

"My little sister?" Yousef stood up with difficulty. He looked very weak, as if he might die at any time.

Rita nodded silently.

"Is it really you?" Yousef was still asking.

"Leta Lestrange." Leta said her name.

Yousef barely showed a smile on his weak face: "It's really you

"You look bad." Leta approached him.

"Are you here to help me? 22" Yousef looked at her expectantly, but then he smiled bitterly: "I'm so confused, I'm your brother." After all, he is not your brother - how could you want to help? I killed him.

"He is not--"

"What's not? Who's not?"

"Aurelius, or Credence." Lita looked at her brother, whom she had never met, with complicated eyes.

"No? Then who is!? Do you really want to tell me that he is Dumbledore's son?" Yosef laughed angrily, "Lita, you saw that I am already terminally ill.

Unbreakable Vow is killing me. "

"He is too strong! Dozens of Aurors in the UK can do nothing to him. He deserves the love of that devilish man. I am so ill that I can no longer kill him. "You don't need to guard me like this anymore -"

"I don't!" Lita said with a strong voice: "You don't know what happened, you don't know the whole thing!"

"Wow! It's so lively." A majestic beast appeared in the cemetery almost in a flash, with a man and a woman riding on it. The black smart windbreaker and riding boots made him look like a princess who had just saved the princess. knight.

"It's you!" Yosef pulled out his wand and pointed at Aurelius.

"No! Yusef!" Rita shouted hurriedly.

Why is Aurelius here? Of course he is here to keep an appointment.

The gathering was not just about listening to Grindelwald's speech. As an invitee, even if Aurelius didn't care much about the other content, he still came here early out of politeness.

Yousef changed his face crazily, and finally dropped his arms feebly.

Can't beat it, can't beat it at all!

"You should be lucky that you didn't choose to take action." Aurelius said, he was just describing the facts.

"I made an unbreakable vow to kill the one he loved, and now I have found it, but I can't do anything. Yosef fell to the ground helplessly.

"The oath is taking away my life.

"If you are referring to your current situation, I suggest you see a doctor instead of taking it as an oath." Aurelius said speechlessly.

He didn't expect wizards in the magical world to be so superstitious and obsessed.

Since wizards don't know enough about magic itself, most of them are in a state of knowing what it is and not knowing why.

Therefore, no matter what the wizard encounters, he will attribute it to magic.

The key point is that there are many people like this!

Nowadays, there are a large number of people who are crazy and superstitious about prophecies, and in the future there will be even more superstitious people who believe that a baby Harry Potter can kill Voldemort, and they are even pursuing him as the savior.

So did Yusef.

He had obviously been living as a rat in the sewers for a long time and was simply infested by parasites, but he transformed himself, thinking that the oath was devouring his life as a punishment for not completing the oath.

"Are you mocking me? The prophesied warriors charge desperately, but you, the little crow, spread your wings and fly high from the deep sea... It turns out that the true meaning of this prophecy is not that the warriors return to their country with revenge, but The warrior's revenge failed, and the little crow returned there..." Yusef was a little stunned.

Aurelius was a little speechless. There were ten thousand explanations for that kind of specious prophecy, and he had to answer it by himself.

Do you feel so good about yourself?

May I ask who you are? As an ancient prophet who is famous all over the world, why would Dodonas make a prophecy for you, a wizard who is completely unremarkable except for his skin color, that will only be fulfilled after dozens or hundreds of years?

Aurelius completely ignored Yosef Kama and walked inside with Zuowu and Nagini.

Unexpectedly, Rita suddenly stopped him: "Mr. Dumbledore! Are you going to the assembly?"

Aurelius stopped and turned to look at her: "Is there any problem? Miss Lestrange."

"I suggest you not to go. It is very dangerous and irrational."

Aurelius smiled: "Last night, I suffered an unprovoked attack at home. More than thirty elite wizards broke into my house. Until now, I can't go home... What do you think? , is it more dangerous to attend a rally with tens of thousands of people than this?”

"Sincere advice, you don't need to be sarcastic. I was once a student of Professor Dumbledore, and so was my fiancé [This is a reminder for Professor Dumbledore's sake." 99 | Leta said expressionlessly.

Aurelius smiled: "Then I will give you a sincere suggestion. You'd better turn around and go home now and attend the rally. You are much more dangerous than me."

As Grindelwald's ally, Grindelwald will not take action against him. Although allies are meant for backstabbing, it must be done when the ally is weak. Is Aurelius weak now that he is homeless?

Not always.

On the contrary, after experiencing the baptism of a siege, Aurelius gained a lot more combat experience and was now in his best condition so far.

Grindelwald would not take action against him, and those Aurors were not his targets.

So what could be the danger?

Rita is the really dangerous woman. She is now walking step by step towards the abyss that has been waiting for her in ignorance.

"Mr. Dumbledore, Mr. Grindelwald has kept me waiting for a long time." A man wearing a suit and leather shoes, in standard witchcraft attire came out.

He looks very inconspicuous, but he has an extremely eye-catching forked tongue!


"Thank you Mr. Grindelwald for the invitation, please." Aurelius raised his hand.

"Please." Abernathy didn't even look at the other two.

But suddenly, Yusef behind him suddenly spoke:



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