Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

121. Distinguished Guests Arrive

"Mr. Solo, you are welcome to come. Your arrival makes Mr. Grindelwald very happy.

In front of the gate of Père Lachaise's tomb, a group of oriental faces attended in costumes.

Each of them is tall and burly, and like the leader Suo Chuoluo, they wear flower feathers on their heads and long patchwork gowns.

There are beads hanging around his neck, and he is dressed like an official of the Later Jin Dynasty.

If it were a few decades ago, they would all be dressed like this.

Looking at wizards, or possessors of extraordinary powers, all over the world, there is a big gap between them and the world of ordinary people.

There are also many blood feuds between wizards and Muggles.

But there are always exceptions.

These people are exceptions, and were the exceptions.

It can be seen from the name, Suochuoluo, that was one of the most prominent surnames in the past. Suo Chuoluo once served the imperial court.

Even if it is dead now, Suo is always running for its resurrection.

This is true for him, and so is his followers22.

This is the price.

Raising troops for thousands of days and using them for a short period of time, receiving worship from the imperial court for hundreds of years, and enjoying all the glory, wealth, resources and power, they have been firmly tied to the imperial court.

When one is prosperous, both are prosperous; when one is lost, both are harmed.

But as the old saying goes: a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Even if they lost the support of the imperial court, Suo Chuoluo and his followers still had huge power and combat power.

There are more than twenty followers, all of them are powerful and powerful.

They are obviously supposed to be long-range mages, but they all look like Shaolin monks.

Even the loose robes on his body couldn't hide his powerful muscular outline.

This is very unusual!

Wizards rarely fight in close contact. In this case, the smaller the body and the more agile the body, the better.

In the future there will be a strange little man who will win the World Duel Championship.

In a group of wizards who increasingly pursue agility and precision in battle, this group of people is so strange.

The tall figure can be said to be natural, but the burly and majestic body cannot be explained.

No matter how you look at it, it should be a huge disadvantage, but each of them exudes an extremely dangerous and sturdy aura.

Abernethy felt that he was not facing twenty wizards at all, but more than twenty dragons!

"As it should be, where is Mr. Grindelwald?" Solo said calmly.

Not everyone is qualified to leave their name in his eyes. This tall, thin old man has a bad temper.

"Mr. Grindelwald asked me to lead you there." Abernethy led the way obediently.

But by some mistake, Abernathy deliberately avoided the direction of Newt and others, and instead took a detour to the venue.

"Hmph! Is this the way the Wu Cui Party treats guests?" Approaching the venue, a big man behind Suo Chuoluo pointed to the door with a worried look on his face: "Let the most distinguished guest of the Wu Cui Party go through the back door?"

"Tyko——" Suo Chuoluo stopped him.

"Uncle! It's not that Tyco doesn't understand etiquette, it's actually that these foreigners go too far! We are just guests from afar, not to mention that we come with good intentions. Even ordinary passers-by shouldn't be treated like this!" The man was extremely angry. , Queyun said the etiquette, Suo Chuoluo bowed before he became angry and said unfairly.

"Mr. Sochoro, and this gentleman, please calm down." Abernathy quickly opened his mouth to explain. If he didn't explain this, he would be like mud soaked in his crotch, which is either shit or shit.

"There are tens of thousands of attendees at the meeting outside, mixed with dragons and snakes, and there are probably a large number of Aurors from the Ministry of Magic among them. I am worried that someone will offend sir and affect the friendship between the Wu Cui Party and Jinshan..."

"Okay, no need to explain, just go in." Suo Chuoluo waved his hand. Although he cared about etiquette, he would not ask someone who did not understand Zhou etiquette to entertain according to the standard plan.

This is a special event. Today's gathering is of great significance. Under this general premise, Suo Chuoluo doesn't care about the minor details.

"Thank you for your forgiveness—"

VIP room.

Aurelius was playing a game of "finding trouble", looking for those incompatible targets among tens of thousands of people.

This is a very interesting interactive game during the period before the official opening of the rally.

"Eh?" Aurelius narrowed his eyes, here comes Sochuro!

It's normal for Suo Chuoluo to come to the gathering, there's nothing surprising about it.

But Aurelius didn't expect that Sochuro was still a big boss!

More than 20 big men stood neatly on both sides, as if they were all carved from the same mold. Visually, the height could not exceed the upper and lower line.

The fierce and savage aura that filled his body made it difficult for Aurelius not to pay attention.

"Are these all Jinshan shamans?" Aurelius' eyes revealed a hint of interest.

He had no extraordinary power in his previous life, and he was reincarnated as a foreigner in this life. This was the first time he really saw the supernatural power of the East.

Although he is just a shaman, he is far from a thousand-year-old sect like Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism.

In this world [Eastern countries are relatively mysterious.

Aurelius also heard the introduction to the shaman from Nicoléme.

Shaman, in fact, can be understood as ‘witch’. It is not a wizard, but a shaman who was regarded as the leader of totem worship by ancient humans.

Witches should be said to be the earliest supernatural beings on earth.

It has appeared as early as when humans were naked, wearing hair and drinking blood.

At that time, 120 human beings were just one of the many living beings in nature and had no time to fight among themselves.

Witches with supernatural powers possess knowledge and inheritance. They are wise men and can deal with all supernatural threats. The tribal leader is a warrior, using spears and shields to defend the survival of the tribe.

Most of the supernatural powers in the world come from the original witches, but Nicoléme said that shamans may be the closest force to the original form of witches.

The original is not necessarily the best, but the original has been tempered for countless years, and what remains is the essence.

Shamans are so mysterious that no one knows what they are capable of.

Historically, shamans in the Middle East and even Eastern Europe have left a great reputation.

On the contrary, as for Jinshan Shaman, Nicoléme also had limited knowledge.

It is impossible to predict what these Jinshan Shamans are capable of.

"No wonder Grindelwald wants to form an alliance with Sotralo. He is not just a thug, he is also a prince!" Aurelius sighed with emotion.

"But you are equal to them." Nagini smiled.

Aurelius was also happy: "I'd like to lend you some good advice."

Boom, boom, boom!

"Come in!"

"Mr. Dumbledore, the meeting is about to begin. Mr. Grindelwald invites you and Mr. Soprano to

"okay, I get it.",

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