Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

133. Crow Family (Part 1)

Grindelwald is gathering his followers!

Every wizard who witnessed the Paris Vision knew it well!

Grindelwald's appeal is not a secret. The most terrifying dark wizard in history is making waves in Europe in order to dominate the wizarding world, overthrow the "International Federation of Wizards Secrecy" that has protected the wizarding community for hundreds of years, and establish a master-controlled A new world led by a wizard with extraordinary power.

For many years, the Wiccan Party has caused chaos and even terrorist actions around the world, with only one purpose: to expose the wizarding world to all Muggles!

By forcing wizards to go to war with Muggles, Grindelwald, who firmly believes that wizards will win, has achieved his goal.

But as his actions were thwarted by the Ministry of Magic of various countries time and time again, he ran out of patience.

Grindelwald kept no secrets about tonight's gathering, which is not a good sign.

This is an ultimatum!

The French Ministry of Magic, British and French Auror leaders gathered here.

"Where's Dumbledore! Is he going to make a move?!" Travers roared.

"Dumbledore refused to take action. He couldn't fight Grindelwald. These were his exact words." An Auror lowered his head and said.

"What the hell!" Travers threw the pen to the ground.

"110 We have no time." French Minister of Magic Derichs leaned on his chair and shook his silk gently.

Travers said viciously: "Even if I burn the tomb of Père Lachaise to the ground, I will kill Grindelwald and his gang in one fell swoop!"


I don’t know how many of the people present laughed in their hearts, but you still want to catch them all?

If you can do it, you don’t have to wait until today!

"How is the situation at the scene? Are the Aurors in place?"

"Watch your attitude, Mr. Travers, this is the French Ministry of Magic." Derichs was somewhat dissatisfied with Travers' tone and said firmly: "There are more than 10,000 wizards gathered there tonight, all from all over the world. Wizarding families everywhere, what do you want to do? Let me tell you, Travers, even if Grindelwald is let go, I will never agree to your crazy plan! What you are doing is massacre! You will only destroy the whole world. The wizard pushes Grindelwald!"

." Travers was silent for a while, but then he raised his head and spoke the coldest words: "If...Grindelwald is dead, who can they push to?"





Derichs slapped the table hard and jumped up (ccff), staring at Travers: "You madman! Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course...the plan is almost-"

"Kick him out! Send him back! Damn it! Why are we cooperating with a lunatic?!" Derichs spat angrily. After hearing this, several Aurors came up to restrain Travers and pulled him out.

Several British Aurors were at a loss and didn't know what to do.

What a farce!

The enemy is currently facing internal strife.

"Theseus, what should we do?" Several Aurors looked at the silent Theseus.

As the director of the Auror Office, Theseus now became the backbone of these Aurors.

In fact, according to the original plan, Theseus should now appear at the tomb of Père Lachaise, but Travers banned him on the grounds that he was suspected of treason. It is impossible to remove him from his position, but he can still be placed under house arrest.

Theseus is not stupid, this is a mess now, how can he get involved?

"Don't ask me, I'm suspended."

Theseus was immediately defeated.

As the director of the Auror Office, no matter what Hughes did, he could not escape the fate of taking the blame.

Anyway, the blame is set, so it’s better to let it go!

Theseus's failure is now a good thing for the chaotic Ministry of Magic.

Travers was expelled, and now the sound of angry roars echoed in the corridor outside.

As guests, when the British Aurors are leaderless, they can only do as they please.

This actually made the originally chaotic command system a lot more coordinated. At least, they had a clear commander.

"Where's Yosef! Where did this guy go?" Minister Derichs asked.

Several French Aurors looked at each other, but no one made a sound.

Not only did the British Aurors lose their leader, they also lost their leader. Since two days ago, Yusef Kama has lost news.

The boss of my family has always been mysterious, coming and going without a trace, but he was not here on this occasion today, which is really a bit inappropriate.

Where is Yusef Khama?

Tomb of Père Lachaise!

The awakened Yosef is taken to the Lestrange family cemetery by Rita.

"You don't know at all, you don't know anything." Rita helped Yousef to the ground and leaned against the stone cabinet.

"I don't know? What don't I know? I have been investigating the Lestrange family for more than ten years. I know everything that the Lestrange family doesn't know. Leta... "My little sister-" Yousef was stubborn, and Rita didn't want to have such a verbal dispute with him at all, so she waved her magic wand: "Flying family tree!"

A heavy box hidden in the corner of the mausoleum suddenly crashed towards her from the dust. There was a series of clicking sounds, the gears whirred, the code was cracked, and the box bounced open and spread out into a metal plate.

Her fingers gently groped on it, and Rita's eyes welled up with tears, and they fell down.

This is the deepest pain in her heart!

It is the most terrifying memory in her life!

But she had to lift it herself...

"Several gentlemen will be arriving soon to eliminate all irrelevant personnel except Father Lachaise." Abernethy conveyed the order on behalf of Grindelwald.

A large number of Wu Cui Party members left in batches from the entrances and exits around the venue in an orderly manner. The quality of Jinshan Shaman was seen by them, and they did not want to make their leader feel embarrassed.

"follow me!"

Sitting in the crowd, Queenie, who was a little uneasy, suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Abernethy?" Queenie recognized this MACCA employee who had had some intentions towards her at a glance.

The noisy environment around her affected Queenie's Legilimency. She had never trained her Legilimency, which resulted in her always passively acquiring other people's memories.

When facing a large crowd, if she still uses Legilimency, it will only burst her brain. Out of physical self-protection, Queenie stopped reading memories once she faced too many people.

Abernethy also saw Queenie. His eyes were a little complicated. He did not communicate with Queenie, but pretended not to see her and led the people out.

To this day, Abernathy's defection remains a secret in the MAC, although he and Grindelwald have never concealed it. Rudolph placed the blame on Abernethy's defection from the Magic Congress, but Chairman Picquery of the Magic Congress obviously couldn't recognize him, so it became a matter of course that Abernathy was deliberately obscured and hidden.

Queenie obviously didn't know about these upper-level rivalries.

Queenie bit her lip, her big eyes full of doubts, stood up and followed quietly...

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