Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

138. The Map Of Yan State Is Not Long

"I am not fighting for hatred. I believe that Muggles are not a minority group, but a different group. It is not worthless, but has a different kind of value. It cannot be disposed of freely, but should be treated specially." Grindelwald paused. For a moment, "The blooming of magic will only be in a very small number of souls. It will only be allowed to things of a higher level. Oh! What kind of world we will create for all mankind! What we hope for is freedom, truth, and even more. like."

Grindelwald once again accepted people's applause and cheers, which lasted for about a minute.

Grindelwald finally said what he really wanted to say.

But his words were full of loopholes in the eyes of Aurelius!

He made one of the most common mistakes made by Westerners - classification!

"Humans are human beings, wizards are human beings, and Muggles are human beings. The ability to create a race of wizards and Muggles is a kind of division that deliberately turns human internal conflicts into racial conflicts." Aurelius sighed.

"You don't agree?" Nagini asked.

"Of course I don't agree. Wizards are not a race and should not be a race." Aurelius said softly: "Wizards are a member of human beings and a profession, the same profession as chefs, drivers, and housekeepers. !”

"But-" Nagini hesitated.

"800 Do you think he is right? Because Muggles can never become wizards?" Aurelius saw her confusion.

Nagini nodded.

"Then let me ask you, can a blind person be a driver? Can a person with congenital taste loss be a gourmet? Can a person who is tone-deaf be a singer?" Aurelius asked a series of questions.

Nagini shook her head repeatedly: "Of course that's not possible."

"So, Muggles can't be wizards, what's the problem?" Aurelius smiled: "Spellcasting ability is just one of the various talents of human beings, but it is rare. The profession of wizard only has stricter requirements on spellcasting ability. , just like a blind person who has lost his vision cannot be a driver, a large number of humans cannot become wizards because they have lost their ability to cast spells. Do you think it makes sense?"

"Well - that seems to be the case." Nagini had to admit that she seemed to be convinced by Aurelius.

"Look, wizards are only a profession for people with the ability to cast spells. Why do we artificially establish wizards and Muggles as two races? Do we treat blind people, color blind people, and people who can't sing well as other races?"

"How is it possible to do this?"

"Yes, how could you do this?" Aurelius shook his head and gave his evaluation: "It's a stupid move!"

A faint move is a faint move, but it doesn't mean that Aurelius can't understand it.

Everything happens for a reason, and everything has its own underlying reason.

There is nothing new in the world. Our ancestors understood it thousands of years ago - the bustling world is all for profit, and the bustle in the world is for profit!

The word "profit" speaks volumes about human nature.

What is profit? Is it money? Is it power? Is it sex? They are all, but they are not comprehensive.

The so-called profit means that subjective desires are satisfied, and the satisfaction of objective needs is called ""

Why would these wizards want to separate Muggles and wizards into two different races?

In other words, what are the benefits of doing this?

All aspects.

Some wizards try to enslave Muggles. If Muggles are excluded from wizards, then there will be no social pressure or psychological burden to enslave Muggles. Not only we understand the truth of "Those who are not of my race must have different minds". In this matter After dividing Muggles and wizards, this sentence can be used as an excuse and is beneficial.

Secondly, there are a huge number of Muggles, occupying most of the world's resources, so it is natural to want to exclude dissidents.

Thirdly, wizards and Muggles have not been in contact for a long time due to the history of hostility in the Middle Ages, resulting in different cultures and estrangement. Wizards cannot understand the behavior of Muggles, and Muggles cannot understand the behavior of wizards, so conflicts naturally arise. No one is willing to admit that they are wrong. Creating racial divisions can avoid admitting mistakes, which is also a benefit (ccfd).

at last

"It's time for everyone to take a look at the future I predicted. If we don't stand up and resist and regain our rightful position, that will be the consequences." Grindelwald said.

Vita Rozier, the black rose of France, attended the meeting in full dress, holding a skull-shaped hookah in hand and presented it to Grindelwald. It was a tool for Grindelwald to share his vision with everyone.

Grindelwald took a long breath, put the snuff bottle pipe into his mouth, and took a deep breath. He had never tried such a large range, but he had to do it today. The long inhale made him The veins on his forehead were bulging, his eyes were wide-eyed, and he didn't vomit until he was about to suffocate.

Along with the billowing smoke, Grindelwald's predictions rose in the smoke.

In the thick smoke, the soldiers charged with steel helmets and guns in hand. Every step of their sonorous and powerful leather boots seemed to step on the hearts of the wizards present.


Huge explosions came one after another!

The ruthless steel behemoth crushed everything, causing a group of spectators to scream.

Among the ruins, fighter planes flying across the sky were spitting flames and destroying everything.

Countless displaced people are walking on the paths in the mountains...

In the end, the dazzling white light engulfed everything, and when everyone came to their senses, a terrifying mushroom cloud made everyone lose the courage to speak out.

"Fear -" Aurelius squinted his eyes and looked at the mushroom cloud in that scene. People don't know it yet, but he knows that it is the ultimate weapon of mankind, the most terrifying weapon ever created by mankind!

The source of fear is a terrifying power that wizards, even legendary wizards, cannot match, making every wizard tremble.

They are afraid that one day such great power will be possessed by the wizard's ministers.

That’s the last reason – to eliminate fear.

All eyes returned to Grindelwald.

"Then, what is that?!" Nagini was so frightened that she couldn't help but reach out and grab Aurelius' sleeve.

"Grindelwald's prophecy." Aurelius said calmly.

There is nothing surprising. These are all things he has known for a long time. What is there to be surprised about?

"Then, is that true?" Nagini trembled.

"What do you think?" Aurelius asked, but he did not expect Nagini's response, but said to himself: "This is why we have to do something.

"That's what we're fighting against! That's the enemy - their arrogance, their greed for power, their barbarism and unreasonableness. How long will it take before they turn their weapons on Tian?"

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