Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

141.Hundred Ghosts At Night (2/5)

"So that's what ghosts are."

Aurelius was in a good mood, and it was a happy thing to satisfy his curiosity.

To deal with ghosts, whether it is a death curse or other spells, the damage is limited because they are restrained by ghosts.

The Death Curse attacks the soul. Ghosts have no soul at all, only consciousness, so the Death Curse is useless.

As for the damage effects of magic spells such as falling apart and thunderbolt explosion, they can only be regarded as physical attacks, so it is natural that they cannot hurt ghosts.

However, spells that directly affect ghosts are still effective, such as the shooting spell Vadivasi, the flying spell, and even mischievous spells such as grinning hula la and hanging the golden bell upside down.

After secretly studying the two ghosts, Aurelius stopped making trouble and watched the show quietly.

He wanted to see what other methods Jinshan Shaman had. He believed that the shamans would not sit back and watch the ghosts they summoned being destroyed by the barriers they created.

"Please give Mrs. Bai some power!"

The hedgehogs in the northwest were shining brightly. Seeing that the Aurors who were gradually coming back were chasing the hungry ghosts fiercely, they were about to break through the siege, but unexpectedly, the light brought by the hedgehogs was injected into Ghost 22's body, and each one looked slightly tired. The ghost in this state seemed to have taken Shiquan Dabu Pill, becoming a dragon and a tiger, and became two feet tall.

It seems like the hedgehog is a buff.

This is a good thing. As a summoner, the stronger the defender, the higher his combat effectiveness. It is of course a good thing to be able to add BUFF at any time.

"This doesn't seem to be magic, but the inheritance of the shaman himself?"

With the increase, the resistance of the Aurors came to a halt, and the stronger ghosts gave them the power to counterbalance the launch spell.


The white flames rose from the ground, and the dragon formed by the flames raged in the cemetery.

The dragon tore the earth apart and stood in ruins.

"Let's go!"

Several embarrassed figures escaped from the venue, and behind them was the fierce fire that was pursuing them.

The black mist spread by Aurelius retreated in the fierce white fire, and he did not want to test his heart at all.

Grindelwald's fierce fire can't even pass through his own subordinates, let alone Aurelius who is self-aware, and he and Grindelwald are not the same person.

Grindelwald rode on the flames and came with his followers.

"Mr. Sotero, do you like Paris?" Grindelwald looked at the Aurors and Newt who were fighting hard below.

Suo Chuoluo, the white fox guard, said calmly: "Not at all."

"This is a prison. I just left the prison-" Grindelwald said something incomprehensible.

"Then let go of the cage!" Suo Chuoluo said like a qualified compliment, "A hundred ghosts walk at night!"

With a command, the barrier surrounding Père Lachaise's tomb disappeared.

Countless ghosts scattered in joy and joy, and in their eyes, the whole of Paris was an extremely sumptuous buffet!

Aurelius felt that Apparition could only be used.

This barrier does have an anti-Apparition effect.

He slowly appeared and landed on the edge of the cemetery.

Grindelwald saw him, bowed far away, and then disappeared with Vita and other members of the Wiccan Party.

The goal has been achieved, what else is there to do?

In front of them, Newt and his party watched Lindworth disappear, but they had no time to stop him, or in other words, they didn't dare to stop him.

Grindelwald's power is far beyond their comparison.

Just one giant flame dragon caused them to retreat steadily.

Aberforth stood firmly in front, holding up a shield at the top of his wand, and looked at Aurelius.

This was the first time they looked at each other, but in such a scene.

Aurelius saw that Grindelwald had shown mercy.

With the help of McGonagall and Newt, Aberforth can withstand the fire dragon, while Leta, Yusef, Tina and others deal with the charging ghosts.

The purpose was just to entangle them, not to kill them all like those Aurors.

Aurelius didn't know why Grindelwald showed mercy to them, it didn't matter, and he didn't care.

"You shouldn't be here."

Aurelius turned sideways: "You seem to have said you wouldn't come.

Dumbledore, standing outside the barrier with his pocket in his pocket.

"There is my brother, my nephew, and my students here, how can I not come?" Dumbledore sighed softly.

Aurelius looked far away and saw phantom figures coming one after another.

Aurors, and even staff from other departments of the Ministry of Magic.

"They arrived late, Grindelwald has already left." Aurelius said.

"Is it late? Not too late," Dumbledore smiled: "It's never too late."

"Then I'm leaving." Aurelius smiled and waved his hand.

"Really? I don't believe it." Dumbledore said with a smile.


Dumbledore looked in one direction.

Aurelius followed the sound and saw that behind a house, Nagini and Queenie were holding Zuowu's big head, looking worriedly.

"You are very happy. Someone really cares about you." Dumbledore's eyes were soft and he said jokingly: "They are still two beautiful girls."

Aurelius lowered his head, smiled and shook his head.

"You take action and I take action?"

Dumbledore extended his hand in a gesture of invitation.

Aurelius was a little speechless. These two old guys were so shameless and so generous!

Black mist surrounded him, and when he reappeared, his black hair turned into silver, his eyes of different colors, his trademark windbreaker and leather boots - wasn't it Grindelwald who had just left?

"Sometimes, the more you owe, the more you owe." Aurelius sighed, holding his wand and groping gently.

067 "The people of Paris owe you a favor." Dumbledore bowed slightly.

"Come on, what are you doing with a favor that can never be honored?" Aurelius said nonchalantly: "Why don't you say you owe me a favor?"

"If you want, that's fine."

"Okay, how could I refuse the favor of the great Dumbledore?" With a smile, Aurelius' figure phantomed away.

On the streets of Paris, Grindelwald stands in the sky.

With a wave of the magic wand in his hand, a phoenix wrapped in black flames emerged from the sky, its cry announcing its arrival.

The ghosts wreaking havoc in the city are no match for it!

Wherever it passes, the ghost spontaneously combusts without fire, and in pain, the soul is burned to death by the fierce fire.

Fierce fire, its terrifying spread can turn everything into nourishment to strengthen it.

No matter how weird ghosts are, they are still the product of the combination of negative energy and consciousness.

Magic power can be used as nutrients to support Li Huo, and so can the souls of ghosts!

Without the soul body, the consciousness of ghosts is not carried. After all, they are man-made, not natural ghosts.

Pure consciousness cannot exist in the real world and falls apart, of course!

As more and more ghosts burned, the phoenix, which was originally only over two feet long, expanded rapidly.

Until a huge black phoenix soared over Paris...

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