"time to eat!"

"Thank you, dear," Aurelius replied, "wait a moment, I still have some unfinished work."

"Isn't it already progressing very quickly? It doesn't matter, I still have some time." Nagini gently hugged Aurelius' neck.

It's been more than half a year, and some things happened that should have happened.

It is only natural for a lonely man and a widow to rely on each other.

"I have to, you have transformed more and more frequently in the past six months." Aurelius sighed softly.

"Okay, what's the problem?"

Aurelius pulled over two drawings, which were densely outlined with complex lines.

This is the soul. Painting the invisible soul onto visible paper is such a picture.

"These are my souls and those of others. These are yours." Aurelius showed the two pictures to Nagini.

Obviously, the picture representing Nagini's soul is more messy.

"Your soul is constantly resonating with the soul of the python. One day, your soul will be completely assimilated by the soul of the python." Aurelius was a little worried.

This is not a fusion relationship, Aurelius's previous conjecture was wrong.

At that time, his research on the soul was too shallow, and it was purely unreasonable speculation.

But fortunately, he is the summoner of Obscurus. A mysterious product like Obscurus always has unique talents in strange places.

After thoroughly studying the information borrowed from Nicoléme, Aurelius began to explore the soul.

Being able to draw the soul is a great achievement.

No one can do it, except Aurelius.

After mastering his soul painting skills, Aurelius discovered the problem with Nagini's soul.

There are indeed two souls in her body, a python and herself.

But the two souls did not merge over time.

If he had to describe it, Aurelius felt that the relationship between the two was the quantum entanglement state in the prince's science in his previous life.

Indecision, quantum mechanics?

Okay, let's change to another example - the appearance of a husband and wife.

Some people say that a loving couple will become more and more similar in behavior, habits and even appearance after being together for a long time.

Such are the two souls of Nagini!

The human soul is born strong, so it will be dominant for a long time, and it will have human consciousness even after turning into a python.

But as time goes by, under the influence of the blood curse, the python soul will gradually become the guest, not only expelling the influence of human souls little by little, but also affecting human spiritual wishes in turn.

The final result is: until one day, the human soul is completely assimilated by the python soul, and the python's will dominates the body. Even when the human soul dominates the body, because the python's will is dominant, it will be more willing to actively transform into a python.

Because of this, the human form and snake form should be divided half of the time, but in fact, the blood-cursed orc spends more than two-thirds of its life in the beast form.

It's because when he should still be able to maintain his human form, his consciousness became a beast and he actively chose to move in the form of a beast.

In fact, at this point, all the secrets of the blood-cursed orcs have been cracked by Aurelius.

But...how to cure it?

It's easy to say, as long as the blockers influence each other and assimilate.

But what can be done to prevent assimilation?

The easiest way is to cast a death curse!

The Death Curse is a magic that attacks the soul, and it is also the only magic that can harm the soul.

Now Nagini's situation is actually a bit similar to Harry Potter, that is, there are two souls in one body.

As long as the soul of the python is killed with the death curse, the blood curse will naturally break down.

This requires extremely strong proficiency and control over the Death Curse, but Aurelius, who is naturally talented in black magic, is just a piece of cake.

However, Aurelius was a little reluctant to part with it.

The Blood Curse Orcs are a curse and a source of pain to them.

But from the perspective of a summoner, a defender who can continue to grow with him is a priceless treasure!

Once the contract is completed, the animal soul in the body will no longer be able to assimilate the human soul. Instead, the existence of the blood curse will make the animal soul continue to grow.

This is equivalent to turning a curse that causes pain into an additional gathering storm rune.

It sounds like this method is better, just a contract!

But there is no contract!

The beastly souls of blood-cursed orcs are not obscurans without intelligence. No matter how powerful they are, an obscurus who doesn't know how to resist can be easily contracted, or even a strict slave contract...

But the animal soul in the blood-cursed orcs is full of violence and possesses intelligence. There is no way he would obediently sign a contract to become a guardian.

After all, why would you choose to be a cow and a horse when you can be the master of your own family?

It is more difficult for a blood-cursed orc to contract the beast soul in his body than to contract a hero from Valoran's Summoner!

Therefore, Aurelius' idea is that he must find a magic that can control the soul and be unable to resist, but will not harm the soul.

"Creating a magic is more difficult than I expected, especially creating a magic that targets the soul."

Leaning on the sofa, he watched Nagini wave her magic wand and run into the kitchen to clean up the dishes one by one.

Over the past six months, Nagini's magic level has been increasing day by day.

Nagini, who was not even as good as a graduate in terms of magic level at the beginning, is now as accomplished as Aurelius in several spells that she is good at.

Especially Transfiguration.

Nagini, whose talent in magic can only be said to be acceptable, has natural intuition and talent for transformation.

Nestling on Aurelius's shoulder, Nagini listened to his troubles in his research.

Maybe she has little experience and cannot understand, but she knows how to listen.

He held Nagini's slender waist, held her on his lap and sat sideways, "Check your soul 1.8, I hope it's not worse."

Nagini nodded and remained still.

A wisp of black mist floated from the top of Aurelius's wand, split into seven strands in the air, and entered Nagini's body from the seven orifices.

Aurelius looked intently at Nagini's soul, but did not notice that Nagini was slowly approaching, and the hot breath he exhaled could already be felt by his skin.

It didn't get worse too quickly.

Aurelius's frowning eyebrows gradually relaxed.


It landed on the lips like a dragonfly.

Aurelius came back to his senses and looked at Nagini's delicate face right in front of him, with the gentleness in his eyes like trickling water.

Aurelius's eyes crossed his face, his white neck, and then

The red clouds fill the beauty's cheeks.

My dear, it's late at night.

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