Second Salem.

A twisted figure emerged, and the courageous and suave Grindelwald appeared.

He is in a hurry.

He knows very well that the only person who can cause this disaster is Obscurus, but he has not found it yet.

But he was also happy, even excited. A dark force capable of destroying half of New York, this Obscurus was more powerful than he expected. He was impatient and couldn't wait to appear in front of him.

But... that useless squib - Credence never contacted him!

He even had to learn about tonight's attack from the Magic Congress, which was ridiculous! So what's the point of him wanting that squib?

Grindelwald no longer placed his hope on Credence, a useless squib, and wanted to investigate on his own.

If Silence shows up tonight, then Second Salem will definitely find something.

With his wand in hand, Grindelwald stepped into the gates of Second Salem.

Ruins and broken walls.

A huge hole appeared in the roof, and Mary's shriveled body lay on the ground.

There were low sobbing sounds from the frightened children.

Grindelwald leaned down and looked at the descendant of the Purifier, firmly anti-wizards and Muggles.

Of course he didn't know that Grindelwald paid much attention to a character who was like an ant. But her wounds deserved his attention.

"How could it be? It shouldn't be like this..." Grindelwald whispered, full of doubts.

He asked himself that there were few wizards in the world who could compare with his understanding of the Obscurus.

The circumstances of Mary's death were nothing like he knew.

"Tell me, where is Credence?" Grindelwald looked at Chastity who was blocking the children behind him.

The girl was scared, but she mustered up the courage to protect the children who were younger than her.

"No, I don't know. Mom is dead, the house collapsed, and I haven't seen Credence since evening." Chastity said timidly.

Grindelwald licked his hair with both hands, and couldn't help cursing in his heart: You are an unreliable squib!

"Who else is not here?" Grindelwald suppressed his anger and asked Chastiti in the gentlest voice in his life.

Chastiti hesitated for a long time and moved his mouth several times, but no sound came out.

The atmosphere became anxious.

"It's Kevin!" Aurelius's voice broke the weird atmosphere. He broke in, gave Chasti a reassuring look, and said to Grindelwald: "Kevin Bareburn, I saw a puff of black smoke turn into him..."

Upon hearing this, Grindelwald appeared in front of Aurelius almost teleportingly, grabbed his collar and pushed him against the wall, almost gritting his teeth: "Why didn't you inform me?!"

Aurelius lowered his head. He was still afraid of Legilimency. Before he learned Occlumency, or before he verified a conjecture, he might never be able to look directly at Grindelwald: "I lost track. I'm here." I saw him on the street corner. He was very scared when he saw me, and almost instantly turned into black smoke and disappeared. I...I even thought I might have seen it wrong."

"Damn it!" Grindelwald slapped the wall hard, sending down a burst of dust.

He stared at Aurelius fiercely: "Aurelius... you damn squib! I trust you so much, I gave you chance after chance... Do you know what happened? He is in New York City He was wreaking havoc here, and he destroyed most of New York! And you, the only person who has ever seen him, lost the only chance to catch him!"

Aurelius closed his eyes and looked regretful: "I'm sorry, I will definitely help you find him..."

"You have no chance! You squib! I should have noticed it the first time I saw you! Your ancestors have magic, but you have no magic!"

Aurelius leaned against the wall. He was not angry. What was there to be angry about when he already knew something?

He only saw an angry dark wizard and a cold-blooded careerist.

There are many people who are immersed in Depp's white-haired charm, but they can put aside these personal charms belonging to the actor.

This character, Grindelwald, is nothing more than a cold-blooded careerist.

He needed Credence to help him find the Obscurus, and before he could get it, he coldly abandoned this 'squib' who had done so much for him.

But when he realized that the real Obscurial was Credence, he looked as cheerful as if the cold words before were not his.

The capricious behavior of a villain.

Is this really the behavior and means of an ambitious man who wants to subvert the world?

Maybe Grindelwald has the best combat power in the world, or maybe his charisma is enough for him to have thousands of supporters.

But in the eyes of Aurelius, he was still just a careerist with great ambitions and little talent.

In this magical world built by Rowling, magic is not the only thing. Power can do many things, but not everything can be solved by force.

As a wizard, Grindelwald is undoubtedly powerful, but as a leader and an ambitious man who wants to subvert the world and rebuild it, his methods...

Oh, that's all.

Aurelius smiled sarcastically as he watched the furious Grindelwald disappear before his eyes.

"Credence, Kevin, who is Kevin?" Chastiti came over.

Aurelius shrugged: "How do I know who he is? I'm just talking nonsense." He casually tore off Grindelwald's pendant around his neck, and the black mist escaping from his palm corroded it completely, turning it into a piece of waste. iron.

"Mom is dead, what should we do?" Chastiti felt confused about the future.

Mary was not kind to the children. Although she was not as cruel as Aurelius, it was common for them to be starved and forced to stand when something went wrong.

She was like a big mountain weighing on the hearts of these hundreds of children, but when she was dead, the mountain disappeared.

Facing a strange world, these children, who are only sixteen years old at most, are full of confusion and fear of the unknown.

"What should we do?" Aurelius looked at her and smiled: "Don't worry, we can take good care of them."

Chastiti looked at Aurelius, she felt that Aurelius was a bit strange.

Is this still the submissive Aurelius?

But she was smart and didn't speak. Her room was on the second floor.

The quarrel before her mother Mary's death was hidden from her ears. But the little girl is smart, she won't hear it, and she can't hear it.

She was sleeping, sleeping soundly, until she was awakened to find that her home was destroyed and her mother was dead.

She had never seen Credence, not since he distributed the flyers in the evening...

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