Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

154. Good Harvest! Super Bumper Harvest! (5/5)

The long yellow sand——

The Sahara, the largest desert in the world, can be described as a desolate place within desolation.

You can hardly see anything except yellow sand.

Staying in such a place for two days is very torture, but fortunately with the magic, daily life will not be affected.

There is even leisure and elegance in reading books and chatting in the box, drinking tea and playing chess - wizard chess, of course.

Two days passed quickly, and the brightest morning was about to come!

Go to bed early and get up early.

As the sun rises, its brilliance gradually spreads over the earth, and waves slowly appear in the air, like water, and a desolate city stands on the desert.

"That's Hamna Tower?" Afaf asked excitedly. She couldn't believe it. She even rubbed her eyes. Seeing the towering desolate ancient city again, Afaf cheered excitedly: "Then It’s really Hamna Tower!"

"Incredible!" - Nagini exclaimed.

"It's nothing incredible, the priest's magic." Aurelius smiled.

Almost at the same time, the sound of fierce horse hooves and quarrels came from behind.

Aurelius turned his head, and a large group of horses and camels rushed towards Hamna Tower.

"Tsk tsk————"

"Are those Muggles? Do you want to stop them?" Nagini asked softly.

"Otherwise? Are you waiting for them to cause trouble for us?" Aurelius chuckled, raised the wand in his hand, and whispered softly: "Get some sleep 2-


This was probably the most terrifying coma in history. The beam of light blooming from the top of the wand covered Aurelius' entire body, with a diameter of more than one meter.

The sudden change caused a group of riders to rein in their horses and watch.

"what is that?!"

"We didn't have this last time!" O'Connor exclaimed.

"I, I feel a little bad." Nathan was a little timid.

"You coward!" Evelin couldn't help but said when she saw Jonathan's hopeless look.

But it's obvious that this time, Jonathan's vigilance is right!

"A salvo of ten thousand bullets!"

The light beam reaching the sky instantly exploded into countless small stun spells, and the overwhelming stun spells rushed towards the cavalry.


How could it be so easy? How could horses and camels outrun the spell cast by Aurelius with all his strength?

Riders fell asleep one after another, not even letting go of the horses and camels Aurelius beneath them.

The cavalry of hundreds of men was knocked down by Aurelius with one move.

"Muggles are really fragile -" Aurelius shook his head, and even he couldn't help but sigh [He suddenly understood the contempt those wizards had for Muggles.

"Have a good sleep." Aurelius waved his magic wand, and countless yellow sands rose into the sky under the control of Aurelius, forming a natural barrier above the sleeping cavalry.

He didn't want to massacre hundreds of Muggles at once, which would cause a huge commotion.

Even for the safety of these Muggles, Aurelius did not put out four huge human guards.

"Let's go, they will have to sleep for at least half the day." Aurelius took the lead into Hamna Tower, followed by Nagini and Afaf.

On the distant mountain peak, the Pharaoh's guards in black witnessed all this.

"What...what is this? Eddie——"

"Never happened." Eddie, the leader, said gloomily.

"Could it be...could it be that the demon has resurrected?!"

"Let's go! We must tell Terrence!" Eddie gritted his teeth, turned the horse's head, and one of his subordinates quickly handed over a just-written note.

Eddie took the note, rolled it into a roll, and stuffed it into the leg of the Falcon, which was held on his arm. There was a small bamboo tube there.

"Bring the news to Terrence——"

The hunting falcon crows, flaps its wings and flies away in the direction of Cairo!

Didn’t Aurelius know?

No, he knew, but he didn't care.

Without Grindelwald and Dumbledore, he would have less to worry about.

So what if they knew? In just half an hour, he could go through the entire Hamna Tower!

It’s too late!

Entering Hamna Tower, traces of time are everywhere.

The former city of the dead has now been mostly buried by yellow sand.

The majestic statue of Anubis can only reveal its head at this moment.

After climbing over the ruins and coming directly to the statue of Death, Aurelius began to release the Black Garden.

A large amount of black mist passed through the yellow sand and spread in all directions.

A few minutes later, Aurelius found something.

Casting a spell through the black mist, the yellow sand on the surface spread out like flowing water, and soon eroded a large hole that led directly to the ground.


A loud noise came from the ground, and the vibrations could even be felt on the ground.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I just overturned the coffin board of an old man." Aurelius said casually. Compared with the high priest who had been dead for three thousand years, what was slowly floating up from the entrance of the cave was the thing he valued most - —

A book, a book that is completely black but sparkles with metallic luster!

Black Book of the Dead!

"Found it!" Aurelius put down his suitcase and threw the Black Book of the Dead directly into it.

"So easy? We can go back." Nagini said happily.

Of course she was happy. Obtaining the Black Book of the Dead meant that Aurelius was not far away from completely cracking the cursed beast.

And this means that the curse on her will be lifted!

She no longer has to worry about not being able to wake up one day.

"It's not enough, there is one more." Aurelius followed suit and found the golden Sun Book at the feet of the Sun God Ra.

The two divine books that recorded the secrets of ancient Egyptian priests were easily obtained by him.

By the way, another target Aurelius was looking for was also discovered by the black mist.

"Oh my God!" As the door was broken open, Jinshan appeared in front of the three people.

A mountain of gold of genuine value!

All kinds of gold products are piled up like mountains, enough to mine!

You know, this is a mountain of accumulation! The more you go down, the more it will get!

"Wuhu————Get rich!" Aurelius could hardly remain unmoved when faced with so much gold.

With this treasure accumulated by countless generations of pharaohs, he can expect great things!

"How are we going to take it away?"

Nagini's worries were never an issue.

The gold coin column, which has been out of sight for a long time, can finally show its talents!

Countless gold products flew in and disappeared without a trace.

The gold coin column is like a giant beast that can swallow up the world. Countless gold is swallowed, but in the end it can only become a number.

Within a moment, the golden mountain disappeared, leaving only a pile of jewels rolling to the ground.

This is bad, how can you think that jewelry is not money?

(PS: I feel like no one has read it. There are only a few subscriptions for 10,000 words a day. It’s really a bit difficult to maintain. There are no recommendations, no lists, and no updated lists. I don’t know what’s going on. B)

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