
The wand tapped against the Black Book of the Dead.

The induced magic resonated with countless analysis spells in the Black Book of the Dead.

Groups of translucent magic nodes jumped out from the Black Book of the Dead, and for a moment, the whole room looked like the Milky Way in the night sky, filled with stars.

Like those constellation maps in previous lives, lines connect the magic nodes together to form a vast scroll.

"It's, it's hard to do——" Aurelius also scratched his head a little when looking at the magic nodes that were as numerous as stars.

Too many, too dense and too complicated!

Although the analysis spell can extract what you want individually and manifest it into an illusion.

But the specific analysis and disassembly work still has to be done by yourself.

The number of priest magic recorded in the Black Experience of the Undead is large and complex. There are obviously only a few pages of metal plates, but through the combination of various reading methods such as horizontal and vertical intervals, a large amount of priest magic can be formed.

Although this can greatly increase the amount of information for those who know how to use it, for Aurelius who dismantles the Black Book of the Dead, this will only increase the workload.

22 He must identify which node connections belong to one magic and which nodes belong to another magic.

That's not all. It's obvious that some of these nodes are shared. What's even more annoying is that the same node has one role in one magic and another role in another magic.

Just sorting out these complex nodes will consume a lot of time and energy.

There are many spells in the Black Book of the Dead, but the really useful ones are soul-related spells. If you don't sort them out, you won't be able to find them at all.

"The key is this. There is also a Sun Golden Sutra over there!" The huge workload is visible to the naked eye.

But what can be done?

Just ask for it as soon as possible.

In order to reduce the time spent on grooming as much as possible, Aurelius called Nagini and Afaf for help.

Their research can't help, but it can save Aurelius from spending energy and time in other places other than research.

Three people formed a simple assembly line.

Aurelius clicks on each node, and the originally one-color nodes and lines become colorful.

In fact, these are all illusions, or virtual projections, just for convenience of research, not magic itself.

Changing the color or something like that is just a matter between Aurelius Kon.

Then Nagini used magic to cut it apart and disassemble it into models of different spells.

Finally, it was handed over to Afaf, who did not understand magic, to help record it. She didn't need to know anything, Aurelius just lacked someone who could provide magic power to the shorthand quill. As a blood-cursed orc, Afaf is actually born with magic power. He has to learn how to cast spells, but there is no problem in being a power bank.

Splitting nodes is not a big workload for Aurelius, he is very fast [more time will be spent taking over the single spell model recorded by Alphanu.

He wants to classify these spell models with unknown purposes and filter out the soul spells he needs.

As for the rest, they will also be preserved. After all, they are ancient spells that have been lost for three thousand years, and they are all of great research value.

After three days of sleepless nights, Aurelius compiled a total of twenty priest spells.

Among them, there are three related to the soul.

This is sufficient for preliminary research.

Nagini and Afaf continued their previous work, and Aurelius turned around to study the three priest spells.

Priest spells are not the same as priest rituals.

Although rituals are a very important part of the supernatural power system of priests, priests do not know anything except rituals.

The three soul-like spells were named Skeleton Resurrection and Bone Soul by Aurelius.

There are three types of spells. If you look at these spells alone, the priests are like a group of necromancers.

The three spells are very representative, Skeleton Resurrection, which can awaken the bones of the dead, a typical summoning system.

Aging is a curse, but it can be cast as quickly as a curse. Its function is to shock the soul, causing a short-term incompatibility between the body and the soul, thus affecting its combat effectiveness.

Finally, the soul of the bones is the most vicious and cruel. It pulls out a soul that cannot be reincarnated from the River Styx. The long-term torture makes the soul become ferocious and violent, and will pursue the target at all costs.

As mentioned earlier, so far, no wizard has been able to bring back souls from the world of the dead.

But the priest can bring the soul back to the real world from the River Styx. To do this, the price paid is extremely high.

However, it was not the priest who bore the price, but the soul that was fished out. Once the contract ends and the soul attacks the target, the soul that has lost the power of the contract will be liquidated immediately. The price is to be completely wiped out and disappear from the Yin and Yang realms.

It was not someone who told Aurelius this. Aurelius learned it through the analysis of the spell model. People can lie, but the spell model cannot.

"It's so inhumane!" Nagini commented.

"After all, it is a spell that was created three thousand years ago, or a spell developed by the dominant priests. It is difficult to expect them to respect human rights, not to mention... Whether the soul has human rights is another matter." Aurelius said lightly. 163 smiled, he did not want to comment on these ethical and moral matters. This was not something he, as a wizard scholar, should care about.

"Moreover, I have reason to suspect that the priest who invented this spell may not have known that this spell has such a vicious principle." Aurelius rarely excused the ancients.

To be fair, Aurelius was able to understand this only because he could directly observe and study spell models, which neither ancient wizards nor priests could do.

The emergence of ancient magic and spells is actually the same as Shen Nong's taste of herbs. It is purely an exhaustive method.

The inventor only knows that doing this can summon the soul to attack the target, and he will not suffer any loss, that's all.

In any case, the ancients have passed away, and Aurelius knows that this spell is so insidious. Of course, he does not hesitate to use it, but he can still study it.

Take the essence and discard the dross.

At least, Aurelius found a way to bring the deceased back from the world of the dead from the Soul of Bones. If he could solve the problem of the violent and evil fall of the soul and find other equivalent methods to smooth out the annihilation of the soul, this would be a god. Skilled.

As for the Bone Soul's help in breaking the blood curse, Aurelius already knew it.

That’s lock-in!.

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