Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

164. Skeleton Resurrection (2/5)

“He must be unpopular to be designed like this.

"Eighty percent are too close to the Pharaoh's daughter." O'Connor joked, but he didn't know that his words came true. As a Muggle, O'Connor made a prophecy that the two were with the wrong person. All wrong.

“Ha—” Evelin couldn’t help laughing, but she continued: “As far as I know, insect bite is the cruelest and most vicious curse in ancient Egypt, and it has never been executed because of fear of the consequences. "

"as a result of?"

"It is said that once a person who has been bitten by insects is resurrected, he will become the most terrifying demon. He will turn the river water into blood, frogs will be everywhere in every corner, lice will overrun people and animals, flies will fill the sky, locusts will go crazy, and plague will be everywhere. Blisters will prevail until hail falls and engulfs the sky, and the firstborn withers away, and the end of the world will come..."

"Wow! That sounds really scary." Jonathan exclaimed.

"Yeah, flies, lice, frogs, locusts, hail, solar eclipses, and what the hell, the withering of the firstborn... Well, it's quite scary." O'Connor rolled his eyes.

"No, no, no, no! You don't understand, these are not as simple as they appear on the surface!" Evelin corrected: "These are the ten plagues of Egypt. They are not as simple as they appear. Just like this fly, it is not buzzing. That kind, but this one!" Evelin shook the scarab corpse in her hand.

"Scarab? Fly? Don't you think these two words are a bit different?" O'Connor didn't believe it.

"You'd better believe what she said, a strange voice sounded from behind:

"The word fly in Hebrew means an animal like a beetle. The symbol of the Egyptian sun god is the scarab."

"Who?!" O'Connor whipped out his gun and turned around.

Aurelius stood beside them with a calm face, and they didn't even notice that there was someone else next to them!

"Is it you?!" O'Connor recalled the memory from a month ago: "Are you the one who wants to go with us?"

"I have a good memory." Aurelius nodded. He didn't care that O'Connor's gun kept pointing at him, and walked straight to the mummy leaning against the wall.

"You are so persistent!" Aurelius couldn't help but said, feeling the resentment brewing in the corpse.

"Who are you?" O'Connor demanded.

"Me? Thanks to you, I am now a cursed person." Aurelius snorted.

Evelin suddenly took a step forward, "Curse? The one who opened the box! It was you who took away the Sun Golden Scripture!"

Aurelius looked at Evelin with some suspicion. This somewhat stubborn girl is actually somewhat smart.

"Can, can you show me?" Evelin said coquettishly.

"Sorry, no." Aurelius refused decisively, joking, do I still want you to resurrect Immorton even though I know the plot clearly?

Immorton's power is erratic, especially when Imogen's story takes place in the context of Harry Potter.

Although Aurelius does not believe in God, is not an Egyptian, and is not interested in many of the Ten Plagues of Egypt, but it is just a meteor shower, and there is nothing wrong with saying that Immorton has city-destroying combat power. And this is just the special effect of Immorton's appearance.

He didn't think Immorton could keep him, because in his eyes, he and Imogen were the same type of people.

They are all good at AOE.

Controlling the yellow sand and water flow looks fierce, but it is far less effective than a life-killing curse.

But after all, he was a strong enemy, and Aurelius didn't want to cause trouble.

"Why? I just want to take a look. I don't want the treasure, I just want the words on it." Evelin was anxious.

"Do you believe in curses?" Aurelius suddenly said.

"Me? I don't believe it." Evelin shook her head.

"Do you know that you are as cursed as I am?" Aurelius asked.

..." Evelin looked at Aurelius strangely, wondering what was she talking about?

Hatuwe Hatuwe Hatuwe.....


The surrounding walls were shaking, and the unknown sound made the trio jittery.


The wall shattered, and a skeletal arm climbed out.

The crooked army of skeletons gathered from all directions and unexpected places.

"Ah!" X3

Bang bang!

O'Connor screamed and fired.

The marksmanship is good, but unfortunately useless.

"Stop!" Aurelius built a barrier to protect the skeleton.

"What a strange thing is this!" shouted Jonathan.

"If you don't dislike them being ugly, they will be the best slaves." Aurelius looked at a dozen skeletons kneeling down at him and bowed to him, and he accepted it calmly.

...asking for flowers 00

Because he was the one who brought their souls back from the underworld.

This is Skeleton Resurrection!

Using the corpse of the deceased as an anchor point, the soul of the deceased is recalled, and the price is the magic power used to cast the spell.

That's right, the most commonly used sacrifice for priests' spells is magic power!

This is the biggest difference between priest spells and wizard spells!

Wizards do not have the concept of running out of mana, because they do not consume mana at all when casting spells. Mana is more like a controllable spell strength attribute. The amount of magic mobilized will only affect the power of the spell. The more magic power there is, the more power the wizard can use to cast spells.

But when it comes to priest spells, magic power becomes a consumable.


In the past month, Aurelius has cracked dozens of priest spells, but without exception, they all revolve around the word "sacrifice".

To put it bluntly, it is a contract and an exchange.

Whether it is magic or ritual, its core is contract and exchange. Different spells, the only difference is the things exchanged and the objects of transaction are different.

The resurrection of skeletons is two transactions. One is to use one's own magic power as a sacrifice in exchange for the God of Death to release these souls and wander around the world as undead souls.

The other is a deal with these skeletons, in exchange for rescuing them from the underworld in exchange for their effectiveness.

But since one's own magic power is too common to be used as a sacrifice, don't expect the God of Death to give you anything good. Once these skeleton soldiers have their bodies shattered and their souls have nothing to rely on, they will all return to meditation.

This is why in the original plot O'Connor and others were able to kill skeletons with guns.

"BOU! How did you do it?" Evelin was shocked.

Aurelius recalled these skeletons obviously not to show off, let alone to prove the existence of the curse.

He waved his hand, and these limping skeletons lifted Immorton's body, and the remaining skeletons formed a bone ladder to transport Imogen outside.

"Hey! We found him, where are you taking him?" Jonathan called from behind. Even if it's just a mummy, it's worth some money, right?

Didn't Evelin say that this was a mummy she had never seen before? Wouldn't it be more valuable?

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