Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

168.I Haven’T Exerted Enough Force Yet (1/3)

(PS: First of all, I want to apologize to everyone. I really don’t know why my mind has been empty these past two days. Maybe I just wrote so hard the day before yesterday that I haven’t recovered yet. Let’s give it a third update. It’s dawn again today. Why can’t I do a third update? Finished writing.)

"Aw, you're so big!"

The newborn's first loud howl was ruthlessly interrupted.

A precise and hard hammer smashed Immorton to pieces.

Countless desiccated corpses were twisted and deformed.

But it is a pity that Immorton returned to his original shape in just a few moments.

His empty eyes stared at Aurelius, who was holding the Black Mist Iron Fist. At his feet, lay the old and twitching Lochner!


Without tongue or throat, the hollow skeleton can only make this sound.

Bang bang!

The attack from O'Connor only scraped off a little bit of bone, but it flew back to Immorton's skeleton before it hit the ground.

This immortal body is really a bit outrageous.

With such resilience, don't be a mummy, be a Wolverine!

O'Connor, who was crazy about thermal weapons, was shaken at this moment.

But this was what Aurelius expected.

The increase brought by the Insect Eater Curse.

That's why Aurelius hated the person who invented this curse so much.

Curses bring bad luck to people, but this lousy thing called Insect Bite adds a bunch of BUFFs to Immorton!

The cursed Immorton is tens of thousands of times more difficult to deal with than the living Immorton. Is this a curse?

Michael's blessing isn't as powerful, right?

If you can’t beat me to death, what should you do?

The original work gave him a way to call someone!

Just call Death and take away his soul.

But is this the solution?

Obviously not!

I’ve also seen Aurelius in The Mummy 2!

A group of priests will worship around his mummy, and this guy will come back again.

In the mummy state, this thing can't crush the body, and if it's resurrected, it can't be killed.

"A toad crawls on your feet, but it doesn't bite you." Aurelius said coldly.


Immorton's jaw almost dropped, as if he was scolding him harshly, he rushed towards Aurelius step by step in the air.

He is not stupid, he knows who is the biggest threat.


The fierce fire rekindled and spiraled up through Immorton's feet.

Soon Immorton became a fireman, and the pain brought to him by the fierce fire reminded him of the insect bites he suffered during his lifetime.

No, no, it's more grinding than that!

Because of the amazing resilience in the mummy state.

Lihuo will use all substances as its own fuel and burn endlessly.

And the amazing resilience can always be restored after being burned.

Destruction and recovery seem to have reached a perfect balance, so... what did the aftermath bring?


Pain that goes deep into the bone marrow!

Endless pain!


Immorton rolled on the ground.

He is not a warrior, he does not have an iron-blooded will, and not everyone can endure the pain of being burned without saying a word.

Lochner, who was on his deathbed, couldn't believe it.

This is their master!

The legendary omnipotent master! Is he rolling?

Lochner was at a loss. He didn't know the meaning of everything he did.

Lihuo is a magic spell, a special magic spell.

The magic spell used by the wizard has no consumption, it can be called a perpetual motion machine, and the back fire has no other choice but to be annihilated by the manual controller using square spells.

Captain America said: I can still fight all day long.

Aurelius' fierce fire can burn for tens of thousands of years!


That's it?

The high priest from three thousand years ago, the insect-eating sinner, the legendary devil who destroyed the world...that's it?

Rolling all over the floor?

…please give me flowers…0

You don't even have a tongue or throat and you can't even moan?

You fell down before I even exerted any force?

Where are your spells?

Where are your ten plagues of Egypt?

An immortal bone target?

This is not only a question for Aurelius, but also a question for Lochner, and even more so for Eddie and Terrence.

Well, yes, they are coming.

This group of Pharaoh's guards, who have been inherited for three thousand years, are like the police in the movie, always arriving late.

When thousands of horses galloped into Hamna Tower, a figure struggling in the black flames silenced the tens of thousands of troops.

Terrence saw Aurelius, he recognized Aurelius.


He didn't care about the startled Jonathan, nor did he care about O'Connor, who was looking around with his gun raised. He was surrounded by ten thousand troops. What use could two people and three guns do?

Far less frightening than the name Immorton.

But this legendary demon is wallowing in full force at the moment.

How evil must this young man be to torture the legendary devil to this extent?

"It's you." Aurelius glanced at him and lost interest.

He still preferred to watch Immorton roll.

He was really curious. Is Immorton's resilience so great? Is it really endless?

"Dear strong man, Terrence Bey of the Pharaoh's Guards salutes you." Terrence put his hand on his heart and bowed.

"Forget it, I would like to ask you if there is any way to deal with him?" Aurelius asked.

The method in the plot is unreliable, even with Aurelius's magic.

But this problem must be solved.

Rather than just thinking about it on your own, maybe the Pharaoh's guards like Sichuan will be able to do something about it.

As the saying goes - the person who knows you best is your enemy.

Three thousand years of love and resentment, Aurelius would not believe it if he was not prepared at all. .

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