"Goldstein, you'd better have a reason." Picquery looked at her coldly.

Tina's face turned pale, and she knew that she couldn't get over it this time.

Not to mention that if the officer is reinstated and continues to be her elite Auror, I'm afraid the entire Magic Congress will no longer have a place for her.

But she spoke anyway, she couldn't turn a blind eye to New York's disaster.

In the magical world of the Magnesium Kingdom, where the Auror profession is overly worshiped, Tina's passion for pursuing her predecessors is still there, and that sense of justice is still there.

"Yes, I do, Mr. Chairman." Tina took a deep breath and took out the box confiscated from Newt: "There are many magical creatures in this box. Unfortunately, they escaped..."

"Magical creatures?!"

"Could it be that the streets of New York..."

"Where did this box come from?"

"Did Grindelwald do it? Just to use magical animals to do the same thing in Magnesia that he did in Europe?"

The participants were talking a lot, and the British representative looked ugly.

Newt is an employee of the British Ministry of Magic, or at least he used to be. No one understands the Hufflepuff's ways better than they do.

The Brazilian representative, the charming female minister, also looked at Newt with a strange expression.

Newt has been to Brazil before, and as the Ministry of Magic values ​​magical animals and magical plants the most, they are very welcoming to any wizard who loves these little guys. Newt, on the other hand, is a master in the field of magical creatures, and their exchanges in Brazil were very pleasant.

Coincidentally, because of their close friendship, they knew that Newt had a magical suitcase...

Grindelwald, who was sitting with him on the stairs, said smoothly: "My Aurors told me that they found a poisonous horned beast running wild in New York's Central Park, and there are other magical animals all over New York... "

These words were very tempting. At least Picquery, who had been sitting in the Magic Congress, believed it. She asked: "Whose box is this?"

Without Tina's need to answer, everyone naturally found Newt and Jacob who were bound.

With a wave of the wand in Picquery's hand, the seal on Newt's mouth was lifted.

"No! Mr. Chairman, the destruction of New York is definitely not caused by magical animals!" Newt shouted out, but faced with the pressure of hundreds of people, Newt, who was already a little afraid of society, instantly lost much of his momentum: "At least not It’s all…”

"Did you arrive in Magnesia yesterday?" Picqueri looked at Newt.

Newt didn't know why and nodded subconsciously.

Picqueri laughed angrily: "Ha! An unregistered wizard let loose magical creatures in New York..."

"No..." Newt opened his mouth. He wanted to defend, but he couldn't.

He did not enter through the Ministry of Magic, but went through Muggle customs. He was smuggling into the country.

Although smuggling into the magical world is not a big deal, it is definitely not something that can be stated openly.

The Magical Congress of Magnesia prohibits magical animals from being raised in any form - this was something he only learned from Tina during the day.

The two faults are added together, and the fault comes first, which makes his argument very unconvincing.

"And you -" Picqueli rushed to Tina: "You didn't think you should come and tell us until someone was killed, until half of New York was destroyed in a terrible way?"

Tina was horrified: "No, Sir, I just found out about it too!"

"Enough!" Picquery rudely interrupted Tina's defense again. Under the influence of preconceptions, Picquery would not believe any letter Tina said.

"Arrest them!"

"No!" Tina's wand was instantly withdrawn, and she and Jacob received the same treatment as Newt - their hands were tied and they were clipped behind their backs.

"No! No! Don't hurt those creatures, please, you don't understand, they won't cause harm to anything!" Newt begged in panic.

Picquery sneered, "It won't cause any harm?!" Almost word for word, she waved her magic wand, and photos of the tragedy on the streets of New York were printed in the air.

Among the ruins, the injured were wailing, and the tragic body parts of the deceased were clearly visible.

These victims would have seemed familiar to Aurelius if he had seen them. These people who were killed were all people who had sinned against Credence in one way or another.

The final highlight is of course Henry Xiao - this young and promising presidential candidate has even been regarded as a future president!

Aurelius didn't even intend to care about this unlucky guy, but with Obscurus, simple hatred turned into a way to kill him.

Newt's eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to have found the only hope. His voice became sharp: "No! This was not done by a magical creature! No magical creature can cause such death!"

"..." After hearing Newt's words, many people hesitated.

To be honest, most of them are politicians, not magical beasts experts. In fact, before Newt became famous, magical beasts were not taken seriously by wizards, and their understanding of magical animals and magical plants was very superficial.

They were a little unsure whether Newt was telling the truth or not.

Of course, politicians don't care about the truth at all, but this time, they are facing the entire wizarding community and Muggle community, and they must know the truth.

Picquery also doesn't understand magical creatures. In fact, there are only two people in the entire Magnesium Country who do, because the Magnesium Country completely prohibits the breeding of magical creatures.

She couldn't help but look at the Brazilian Minister of Magic Veccia Santos.

Brazilian wizards are good at controlling magical creatures, and Santos is no exception. After making eye contact with several wizards from Brazil, she gently shook her head at Picqueri.

"Really?" Picquery was stunned. She was about to blame the British Ministry of Magic.

"What's that? Mr. Scamander."

Newt approached with his hands behind his back, and Picquery also brought the reappearance of Henry's death and several other people in the same death state to Newt.

Newt looked at it for a long time, and he suspected it was Obscurus. He had seen people killed by Obscurus, but... the death conditions of these dead people were different from those killed by Obscurus.

"It's an Obscurus... Although the death situation is different, it matches the characteristics of an Obscurus attacker." Newt nodded heavily.

These dead people are like mummies, but they are not drained of blood. In fact, their blood is still in the body.

This is very similar to the characteristics of the Obscurus' attack. People killed by the Obscurus will also be described as haggard.



"Absolutely impossible!"

This time, the uproar was even greater.

Picquery narrowed his eyes, "Don't go too far, Mr. Scamander! There are no Obscurials in America!"

The country of Magnesia was once a place where obscurities were rampant. The reason is the same old story: the Salem witch hunt.

Due to the large number of hunts and killings of wizards, those young wizards had to suppress their magic power, and even had a desire to survive and aversion to magic power. This led to the frequent occurrence of Obscurials, and then the destruction caused by the Obscurials, which caused No-Majs to hate and hate wizards even more, and the cycle started over and over again, forming a vicious cycle.

But after the implementation of "Rappa Potter's Law", wizards and No-Majs were isolated from the world, and the birth of Obscurus inevitably required the young wizard to suppress his magic power. Is this possible something that would happen to wizard families?

Newt pointed out that the attack may have been carried out by the Obscurial, which was a slap in the face to Chairman Picquery.

It is almost equivalent to accusing the Magical Congress of Magnesia of failing to protect wizard children and failing to enforce the secrecy law, resulting in wizard children living in the No-Maj world. Only in this way can it be possible to give birth to Obscurus.

Good guy, just now he was planning to blame the British Ministry of Magic, but now Newt is going to blame the Magical Council of Magnesia?

Can this be tolerated?

Anyway, she couldn't bear it for Picquery.

"Graves! Seize that box! Take them into custody, all Aurors! Capture all the magical animals in the city, and if necessary - kill them!"


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