Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

27. Black Fog Fills The Sky

Grindelwald returned to Second Salem in a hurry.

Facing Credence, who could use the Fire Curse to its peak in the future, Grindelwald's eagerness for Obscurus was weakened a lot.

He went to Obscurus just to deal with Dumbledore, who he couldn't take action against, and Credence in the prophecy already had the possibility of targeting Dumbledore.

The difference is nothing more than that one has immediate combat ability and the other needs to be cultivated.

"Credence!" When Grindelwald appeared in Second Salem, Aurelius had already left.

Grindelwald faced only a group of Muggle children.

"Where are Kevin and Credence?" Grindelwald asked Chastity, the oldest.

Chastity was very nervous. She knew that Grindelwald was not a kind person. Her throat was so dry that she could not even speak, so she could only shake her head.

Grindelwald squinted his eyes, sensing that something was wrong.

He pulled Chastiti over and forced her eyes to look at him.


Chastity, a Muggle girl's brain is almost defenseless against Grindelwald!

Memories of the past flashed back one by one in just a few seconds.

Grindelwald is angry!

He didn't see a child named Kevin at all in this Muggle girl's mind!

Credence had lied to him!

And he, the great Grindelwald! I actually got fooled!

What a shame!

Especially when faced with Credence's last words to Chastiti, he was even more furious. The contempt and sarcasm in his bones almost gave Grindelwald the idea of ​​razing New York to the ground.

"Hehehehe-hahahahahaha! K, Lei, Deng, Si! Okay, you did a good job!" Grindelwald smiled very charmingly.

He scanned the children here one by one.

Credence lied to him, the Obscurial was not a child named Kevin at all, and the child named Kevin did not exist.

Then, the Obscurial One must still be here!

He had lost his patience, and he roughly planned to look through the memories of every child here - he didn't know that the Obscurus would have no memory when the Obscurus went berserk.

Even Aurelius himself surmised this based on the plot and his two rampages.


Grindelwald cursed!

This is so rare!

This super wizard who has almost turned spell casting into an instinctive thing actually needs to recite a spell?

This means that the Legilimency Grindelwald wants to use is unprecedented. He has to read the memories of multiple orphans at the same time!

But just when he was halfway through the incantation, there was a scream from the sky, and the black fog filled the entire New York, as if New York was pulled to London in an instant!

"The Obscurial One!" Grindelwald was stunned.

He had seen the familiar black fog as early as the summer of 1899, and it was only then that he noticed this unprecedented fighting force - Obscurus.

But - is the Obscurus so terrifying? !

Heavy fog filling all of New York? !

Looking at the black mist that gradually formed like a hurricane, Grindelwald couldn't help but take a breath.

He looked back at the cowering orphans and disappeared in a flash.

No need to look for it, Obscurus is in the sky.

"Can I ask, why should I wear this?" Jacob knocked on the helmet that seemed to be made of vines.

"Because your skull can easily crack under a strong impact!" Newt hurried forward and took the time to look back and say.

Jacob almost suffered a cardiac arrest: What the hell? Skull... cracked? !


A frightened Shire horse ran wildly on the street. As a draft horse native to England and the largest horse in the world, it looked like a monster up close!

Now, the largest horse in the world was as panicked as a rabbit, and even hit two pedestrians while running wildly.

So what frightens Sharma so much?


The giant unicorn broke open the houses on the roadside. Its huge horn almost grew to the length of its entire body, like a hill, and it was covered in thick hard leather plate armor like a rhinoceros.


Jacob was stunned.

"Oops! It happens to be the horned beast's estrus these days - she needs a companion." Newt quickly took out a small bottle of liquid, opened the cap, and dabbed a little on each wrist.

"What is this?" Tina asked.

"The musk of the Poison Horn, a secretion that can drive female Poison Horns crazy. Keep an eye on it for me." After Newt finished speaking, he handed the box to Tina and rushed over alone.



"What is he doing?!" Tina frowned, grinning, with an incomprehensible expression.

Jacob shook his head. Wizards like Tina don't understand, and he, a No-Maj, doesn't even understand.

"Is...a courtship dance?" Queenie was a little unsure. Although Newt was silly and silly, he was introverted. Newt was undoubtedly an elite wizard. He didn't want to, and Queenie wasn't so easy to spy on him. brain.

"Ah, is this... useful?" Although Tina wanted to believe in Newt's professionalism and elegance, this... was too hard to believe.

The poison horn is a magical animal native to Africa. It is classified as XXXX in the classification level of the Ministry of Magic, which is the same level as birds and snakes.

But here’s the problem, there are only five levels in the Ministry of Magic, which is not enough to evaluate all magical animals.

At the same level, the Poison Horned Beast is almost immune to most spells thanks to its hill-like body shape and armored skin as hard as iron.

The huge horn is extremely hard and can pierce most objects, including walls, shields and human bodies. In addition to vigorously poking, the horn of the poison horn is like a huge needle, which will inject a deadly venom after puncture - this is also the origin of the name of the poison horn.

This venom will produce an explosion, which is very powerful.

Although the poison horned beast is a herbivorous animal like the invisible beast, the poison horned beast has a very violent character, especially during the estrus period. In order to compete for mates, many male poison horned beasts are killed by their own kind and exploded into meat paste.

Let's put it this way, in terms of danger, many XXXXX-level magical animals are incomparable to male poison horns in estrus.

This is a terrible monster.

Of all the magical animals that have wreaked havoc in New York City, this horned beast has caused the most damage.

Newt was nervous, but he was also grateful.

Fortunately, the one that ran out was a female poisonous horned beast. If it had been a male...

"Come on, baby...come in!" Newt saw the box Tina opened and kept moving slowly. He wanted to lure the poison horn back to the box before the Auror chased after him.

Although the Poison Horned Beast is big, it is not bulky. Except for apparation, almost no one can catch up with it. But speed is limited, and he doesn't have much time.

He had noticed that there were white scratches on the Poison Horned Beast's body - this was evidence of being attacked by a spell. In fact, most spells could only have this effect.



The sky is full of black fog!

The scream awakened the poison horned beast!

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