"Hey! Aurelius! Haha, my magical boy! Come on, man!" Skander grinned and waved at Aurelius from a distance, motioning for him to come over.

Aurelius and Carlos passed.

He noticed that the tables here seemed to be different.

The table where Skander was sitting had the fewest people, just two people, and the most exquisite food.

Aurelius looked at the man, and there seemed to be a shadow of a wand on his waist.

There is no doubt that this is a wizard.

Aurelius did not recognize him, nor had he seen him during the performance.

"This is Hank, my nephew. He just graduated from Durmstrang last year. Aurelius, you are similar in age, so you should get along well." Skander introduced to Aurelius.

Looking at this gloomy long-haired young man, Aurelius nodded and stretched out his hand: "Hello, I am Aurelius."

The young man just raised his eyelids, replied "Hello" expressionlessly and said nothing more.


"Haha, Hank is a bit of a germaphobe. He is not used to shaking hands with others." Skander quickly laughed.

After looking at Hank's greasy long hair, Aurelius thought he believed it.

He didn't care too much, and he didn't think that everyone had to like him.

Besides, it’s not necessarily because Hank behaves like this because he’s annoying, what kind of weirdo is there in The Wizard?

Frequently arouses various emotions, even if he is not crazy, he is a little neurotic.

"Hurry and sit down and eat together. Mog's craftsmanship is very good. He travels all over the country. He can't compare with those noble masters, but the taste is really good. Try it." Skander introduced to Aurelius enthusiastically.

The food on this table was quite rich, including French, German, Hungarian, and Italian dishes. Aurelius even saw the famous Xianggang snack Shaowei.

I tasted it and it tasted really good.

There were seven or eight people sitting at the next table.

They are all squibs, including Aurelius's subordinate Egg.

After drinking and eating, Skander wiped his mouth with a hand towel: "Today we set off south. In a week, we will have a two-month tour in the Caribbean. Prepare for the show."

"No problem, boss." Several people said in unison.

"Well, also, let me remind you, especially the newbies among you, that the Caribbean is not a back garden. There are pirates, ghosts, and all kinds of monsters in the sea. I don't want you to run around and be caught by me at the dock. I saw you on the flagpole." Skander warned, especially to Aurelius: "This is your first time traveling far away. To be honest, the Caribbean is not a good place for a first trip, but we need to explore the Caribbean. The tour lasts about two months, and we won’t arrive at our destination, Madrid, until around July.”

"Okay, I'm fine." Aurelius nodded.

Skander said yesterday that he was going to Madrid this time, but he didn't expect that he would be on the road for two months.

"Okay, guys! Let's set sail after eating and drinking!" Skander shouted, the tip of the wand in his hand flashed, and the entire wooden ship seemed to come alive. The three sails raised on their own. The waves outside were turbulent, and the ship The inside is as stable as the earth.

Some holes were opened around the hull, and a faint smoke spewed out, covering the entire hull.

This is a necessary precautionary measure. It is no different now than before. In the past few hundred years, only wizards could set foot on the turbulent sea, but now all the steel ships sailing on the sea are Muggles.

Brushing Zuowu's long hair, he could see the underwater fish through the open transparent window, which made the big cat so greedy that he kept scratching it with his two claws, which made Aurelius laugh. Laughed.

Strictly speaking, this is not a rush trip, but a budget trip.

If you go straight to Madrid, you don’t have to go through the Caribbean at all.

But the Mystery Circus is a business group, and they will not miss any opportunity to make money.

The Caribbean has been a place of chaos since ancient times, especially since the beginning of the Age of Discovery, where dragons and snakes were mixed.

Criminals, the military, Muggles, wizards, and countless strange people and rare animals.

In recent hundreds of years, the Caribbean has also been a relatively densely populated wizarding area.

And it is different from other wizard gathering places in the world.

The Caribbean has the most numerous small islands.

Some islands were discovered, occupied, built and hidden by wizards. Become a paradise for wizards.

And because the situation here is complicated, there is no management system similar to the Ministry of Magic.

But it doesn't mean that this is the source of chaos. The special form has led to the birth of a unique system here.

There are nine wizard islands in the vast Caribbean Sea.

This is also the only nine wizarding cities, and it is the only city in the world that is unique to wizards.

But these cities are not harmonious and beautiful.

Peons, wanted criminals, murderers, dark wizards, smugglers, merchants, and pirates are the basic groups that make up these cities.

Here, power is the main theme. As long as you are strong enough and powerful enough, you can become the master of a city overnight.

When Aurelius heard the news for the first time, his eyes went straight!

He never thought that this world could have such a 'beautiful' place!

This is a paradise for careerists!

No one here asks about your past, and no one cares about your future. Only strength is the truth.

Almost instantly, Aurelius only had two words left in his mind: I want...

There is no need to think too much about this matter.

The Caribbean is a chaotic place, with fighting happening at every turn, and anyone who can survive there is not a mediocre person.

As long as they are integrated together, they will be the best soldiers. It can be said to be a dream place for careerists.

But so far, no one has been able to do it. Or maybe no one wants to do it.

Except for the medieval witch hunts hundreds of years ago, wizards had little sense of crisis. Calm and peaceful days can kill one's will.

Just like millions of years ago, humans moved from Africa to all over the world. The people who went out lost a lot of Africa's rich and rich resources. They had to work hard to survive, from slash-and-burn farming to metal smelting, from tribal conflicts to imperial hegemony.

Looking at Africa again, the abundant materials allow them to eat, drink, sing and dance without worrying about survival. Their lives have remained almost unchanged for millions of years.

Whether they admit it or not, wizards are all following the same path as Uncle Black, intentionally or unintentionally.

The magic of magic also gave rise to abundant products, and people had no worries about eating and drinking, and enjoyed it.

They laughed and watched those Muggles who had gone through hardships step by step using their wisdom and technology to conquer the world. The moment they were exposed, they faced the BOSS with the player's health bar.

Is that dangerous? Is that death?

No! That is out-of-print equipment! That’s an epic prop!

Some wizards are aware of the crisis, such as Grindelwald and Dumbledore.

But like all pioneers of consciousness, they were aware of the danger but had no idea where to go.

Exploring aimlessly and hitting a wall.

They are kindlings and flames. If they are followed by those who come after them, they can start a prairie fire by adding fuel and firewood, but once they are extinguished, it goes without saying.

Just as Aurelius commented on Grindelwald: He admired Grindelwald's ambition and liked Grindelwald's crisis-filled thoughts, but he could not agree with Grindelwald's behavior.

To put it bluntly, for the sake of internal fighting, Grindelwald is still stuck in the "Xuanniao surrendered to the merchants" and "Fengming Qishan" in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties!

The Yin Corpse Qilin Election...it's a shame he could think of it!

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