Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

49. Siren (Three In One)

(PS: This chapter is difficult to open, so I will post it directly)


At dinner time, Aurelius was about to go to eat, but was stopped by Skander.

"What?" Aurelius walked over, and Skander held his shoulders and whispered: "Hey, young man, I know that you are full of blood at your age, but some women cannot be touched."

"?" Aurelius replied with a question mark face.

Skander looked at his expression, smiled, and gave him a shoulder bump, "That girl is very upright, but she is also very dangerous."

"You mean... the blood-cursed orcs?"

Skander nodded: "She is almost finished..."

"What's the meaning?"

"She came to the circus when she was nine years old. I watched her grow up. No one knows her situation better than me." Skander patted Aurelius on the shoulder and motioned for him to sit down.

"When she was young - about eleven or twelve years old, she would only turn into a snake when she was frightened. But do you know that now she will unknowingly turn into a snake whenever she falls asleep?"

"I really don't know this, but why are you telling me this? Well... I don't have that intention. I have been collecting materials. Didn't I tell you?"


Aurelius smiled and said: "I plan to spend three years traveling, and then I will write a travel diary about my experiences in the past three years. Blood-cursed orcs are rare, I am just collecting materials."

Skander said unexpectedly: "You mean...you don't plan to work for a long time?"

He was a little disappointed, he still wanted to keep Aurelius! That Zowu is very close to him, and the trainer who trains a Zowu is unique.

"I haven't thought about what I want to do in the future. Finding future career plans is also one of the purposes of traveling." Aurelius shrugged.

This relieved Skander.

He laughed loudly and patted Aurelius on the shoulder: "Listen up, boy, you and I are the same kind of people. We both hate following the rules, eating in the same place and waiting to die - believe me, there is nothing worse than the circus. You can experience a different scenery. You will only get bored of the endless running and traveling.”

After saying that, Skander laughed and left.

Aurelius frowned slightly and said to himself in an inaudible voice: "Should I buy a thick and dark book first?"

Aurelius lay in bed for several years in his previous life. He hated that kind of life. As Skander said, that kind of life was "following the rules", "living in the same place" and "eating and waiting to die".

This is one of the reasons why Aurelius has been keen on causing trouble after time travel. Of course, the pressure of survival is the main reason. However, the depressed mood in the previous life rebounded due to pressure, and whether he admitted it or not, he was more or less affected by Obscurus. This influence was emotional, and then fed back to the change in personality.

Aurelius did not expect that in less than a month and without such frequent contact, Skander could see Aurelius' hidden character.

He is pretending! He's undercover!

Being able to be discovered in this way is enough to show that his acting skills are insufficient and that he reveals some of his personality traits in daily life. Skander, who travels around and meets countless people, can easily see it.

This is a given.

How old is Aurelius? He is only a young man in his twenties who has been lying in the ward for so many years. In terms of social experience, he is no different from those freshly graduated college students.

Otherwise, how could he appear innocent in front of Grindelwald so easily?

With the prophet of plot, Aurelius deceived Grindelwald several times. Makes him feel a little elated.

If you think about it carefully, Grindelwald is really not difficult to deceive, he is so arrogant! Except for Dumbledore, no one took notice of him. If you underestimate your enemy, you will suffer serious consequences. Dumbledore also had a deep understanding of the character of his old lover, so he tried to lure Newt Scamander, who seemed inconspicuous in society but was actually a talent, to New York.

Obviously, in terms of looking at people, Grindelwald is far inferior to an inconspicuous 'little character' like Skander.

"Young..." Aurelius thought to himself.

This is not a shortcoming, especially not at Aurelius's age.

With a physical age of nineteen, it would be inappropriate to really look like an old monster.

But now that he is aware of it, he needs to learn from experience. The thing he wants to do is huge, and he must equip himself with the corresponding abilities and characteristics.

In order to be a general, you must first treat your heart. Mount Tai collapses in front but remains unchanged; elk thrives on the left but does not blink; then you can control your interests and wait for the enemy.

He needs to learn to be a leader. Whether he can lead well is one thing. He can at least learn how to look like a leader first.

The magic ship has been floating on the sea for a week, and its destination is coming!

"The fog is coming——"

? Are you Magnia?

"Guys! Move! Siren City is coming!" Skander clapped his hands.

Aurelius also stood on the plywood, watching the heavy fog ahead with interest. These are not ordinary mist, they should be a kind of magic mist.

"Why are you standing there? Let's go!" Carlos patted Aurelius on the waist.


"Go back to the cabin, this fog is not that easy to wear." Carlos smiled.

Aurelius was puzzled, but as the saying goes: listen to others and eat until you are full.

Everyone else was preparing to return to the cabin. There must be some problem with the fog that Aurelius didn't know about.

"La la la - ah ah - ah -"

Skander closed the hatch, and soon, bursts of melodious singing came into his ears.

Aurelius immediately understood the reason—Sirens!

Siren is another name for mermaid.

Described in Newt's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, this is a magical creature that is half human and half animal. They possess intelligence and civilization. They are actually a kind of subhuman, but the mermaids in most areas refuse to be 'human'.

Mermaid populations can be found in oceans and some lakes around the world.

But this also resulted in the formation of various subspecies.

Generally speaking, the colder the living environment, the uglier the mermaid looks - based on human aesthetics.

The Caribbean Sea is a tropical sea, and the mermaids here are more in line with the appearance of Muggle legends-a beautiful woman with an upper body and a fish tail on the lower body.

These mermaids live in the coral reefs near Siren Island. The first person to discover this place was a Greek wizard, so the name Siren was adopted.

Wizards do not have a classification system such as order, order, family, genus and species, but various species do have kinship relationships. A squid is a cross between a manticore and a fire crab, but the three look very different.

Nine out of ten people can't tell the difference between a griffon and a hippogriff, but they are indeed two magical animals.

In this case, the family, genera and species of the order Phylum are not applicable.

The same goes for various merfolk.

For example, the sirens of Siren Island, the Asian mermaids, and the mermaids in the Black Lake are all classified as "mermaids", but in fact there are too many differences.

Siren people have sweet songs but vicious hearts.

Their song was very beautiful in the water, just as Aurelius heard it now. But if the sirens were pulled ashore, their screams would pierce the ears - literally 'pierce' them.

At the same time, the singing of sirens can also be regarded as the magic of mermaids. They can use their singing to seduce people's hearts, control them unknowingly, approach them, obey them, and are willing to do anything for them. It's a bit like a soul-stealing curse, but more like a love potion.

Love of music is the hobby of most mermaids, but only the siren's singing has such an effect.

Sirens used their songs to lure sailors into the sea. Legend has it that the Siren would tempt sailors to crash the ship into a reef, and the people on board would become the Siren's food.

But this is not right. The sirens' diet did not include humans.

There is only one reason why the sirens attack humans - humans set foot on the siren's territory.

In other words, in the eyes of the sirens, they kill people to protect their country.

But as the times continued to develop, humans spread their footsteps to the entire world with larger and harder ships. Incidents of sirens attacking humans have become increasingly rare.

On the one hand, there are fewer and fewer Sirens. There are only some sporadic Siren villages and a few large gathering places in the world. On the other hand, it can be said that the Sirens were defeated and they chose to cede territory close to sea level.

"These songs are really nice -" Carlos squinted and shook his head in enjoyment. He glanced at Aurelius and said with relief: "Don't worry, the ship has isolated the magic. We can enjoy the beauty of the songs, but not Bewitched."

"I'm not worried about this. I want to ask - why did the sirens attack us?"

"Oh, this is not an attack, it's a routine inspection."

Aurelius was puzzled.

He had read Newt's masterpiece and had a certain understanding of mermaids, but the book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" recorded seventy-two magical animals. There was no scientific classification, and each animal could only be roughly recorded. At least Newt wouldn't be able to record the details of dozens of merfolk in a book.

"The Siren Island and the surrounding Siren Agreement, the wizard creates fog to protect the sirens, and the sirens sing in the foggy sea every day. Only those who know how to avoid and have magic ships can pass through to avoid the intoxication caused by the large number of caravans. Attention melon.”

"It has attracted the attention of Muggles..." Aurelius couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Siren Island is located in eastern Florida near Cape Canaveral.

And this place is the Bermuda Triangle, known as the "Devil's Triangle"!

Of course, at this point in time, the legend of the Devil's Triangle is only spread among sailors. After twenty or thirty years, when a large number of aircraft disappear here, the name of the Devil's Triangle will be resounding throughout the world.

Countless explorers have risked their lives to get a glimpse of the truth.

Around noon, the sirens singing in my ears gradually faded away.

A city standing among the waves slowly emerged at the end of the skyline.

"It's so majestic!" Aurelius couldn't help but admired.

Maybe it’s the humid environment, as the construction reefs are full of moisture, causing the entire city to have a darker tone.

The towering buildings rising crookedly into the sky are very wizard-like.

The houses built one after another look like a forest of strange rocks in the sea from a distance, and suspended wooden bridges connect the entire city.

Getting closer.

There are more ships around.

Skander even saw old acquaintances communicating in the sky by shooting words from their wands.

Strange marine magical animals chased the blue waves. The huge octopus arms easily penetrated the sea surface. The shark that ruled the world outside was not even as big as its eyeballs. It was smashed hard and all kinds of meat and bones were caught, entangled and swallowed by the arms and legs.

Teams of sirens riding giant manta rays leaped out of the water holding weapons made of shells and conches. The handsome men and beautiful women were no weaker than Nagini.

Only their cold eyes and conspicuous colorful fish tails told those LSPs that this was not a Victoria's Secret scene.

They are the guards of the sirens and are also used as mercenary coast guards.

They will escort every ship that comes to Siren, but don't think it's free. The tax collector at the city gate will make you accept the forced sale.

The gate to Siren City appears.

It was a huge arched building with a base covered with oysters. Drifting marine kelp-like plants protruded from the water, standing upright and swaying in the wind around the gate. Two huge siren statues guarded one on the left and one on the right. The gate to Siren City.

Aurelius couldn't believe that there was such a majestic wizarding complex in this world!

A wizard who wants to hide in a ditch and become a rat cannot create wonders.

At least Aurelius could not imagine such wizarding cities and sea wonders appearing in Harry Potter.

"Only ancient wizards who have no scruples would think of building such a city, right?" Aurelius sighed.

"Welcome - welcome to the Siren, boy!" Skander laughed, the wand in his hand glowing brightly, driving the ship to speed up.

The majestic gate is close at hand, and many ships are queuing here.

Aurelius was confused: There is sea water everywhere here, why do we have to go through the door?

His doubts were soon clarified.

After Skander sent away the annoying tax collector, the entire ship seemed to have caught the ocean current and boarded the highway, traveling quickly and flexibly through every waterway in Siren City.

Siren City is a bit like Venice. Vehicles are useless here, and a magic ship is the best means of transportation.

Although these waterways are not wide, and some are even very narrow, Aurelius can touch the surrounding reef walls by raising his hand.

But it doesn't feel crowded.

The prosperity of Siren City is only for the wizards.

The total number of wizards in the world is only one million, and the residents of Siren City are only a few thousand. In addition, there are no more than ten thousand people making a living here.

In Aurelius' previous life, any larger village had more than ten thousand people.

How many ships can there be?

Looking at the Siren from a distance, it was a spectacle, which aroused Aurelius' imagination.

But when he really approached this sea city, he felt a strong sense of dilapidation and decay.

People with sallow faces, thin muscles, and malicious eyes squatted on the small docks where the wooden boards were broken and moldy.

Most of them are shirtless and have a lot of scars on their bodies. In their hands or beside them, they have a strange semicircular tool, like a sickle.

Behind the handle, there is usually a coil of rope.

"This is the Siren's lower city. Suppress your curiosity and don't run around here." Skander warned Aurelius, "The people here are all truly vicious people. They have drug addicts. There are murderers and wanted pirates. These people will do anything for money. Any stranger who walks in here will become their prey. They will kill you and take everything from you, including your naked body. If you are devoured by the ghouls here, your bones will be stewed in soup and sold!"


Damn it? So cruel?

"Um, I have a question: What is a ghoul? A ghoul?"

"No, it's people..." Carlos interrupted.

"They are not human beings!" Skander corrected: "They are cultists who sacrifice their souls to the devil of the deep sea. They believe in a legendary deep sea devil called Krakent and feed the beauties of the deep sea with their own flesh and blood. These half-human, half-ghost These guys are terrible, they want to eat human corpses constantly - they think this will make them grow flesh and blood faster, it’s really disgusting!”

"These people are crazy. Most of them don't have much money. They hang out in the lower city. Only here is a steady stream of corpses for them, and these scum of the lower city are willing to have someone help them dispose of the corpses. In this way, the ghoul has become a part of the lower city. .”

Aurelius frowned. The situation in Siren City was indeed a bit beyond his imagination.

It’s not an exaggeration to call such a place a hell on earth. I can’t believe that Siren City is the safest and most orderly one among the nine cities in the Caribbean!

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