"Okay, guys, we're here. Carlos, take the people and set up the place quickly. It's getting late. We will have the first show tonight."

The wooden boat the circus was riding in docked, and a magic chain flew over from the dock and automatically wrapped around the ship's bolts.

A door slowly appeared on the side of the ship, and a passage stretched out on the side of the road.

Carlos and a few squibs started moving, and they began to move things down from the ship, which were all kinds of juggling props.

"Aurelius, keep an eye on the animal enclosure. This is the performance list. Bring your people back to the performance backstage on time." After finishing speaking, Skander felt a little worried: "This is your first time to participate in a performance. Go Get familiar with the backend and don’t make mistakes.”

Aurelius took the parchment, glanced at it, made a gesture, and left to the cabin with his direct subordinate, Egg.

The circus boat is full of magic. It is not only the circus's vehicle, but also their mobile hotel and mobile theater.

However, the performance venue on the ship is smaller. It is Skander's early work and can accommodate a small audience.

The circus rarely uses it for performances now - Skander has a newer magic tent.

But there was no square in Siren City for them to set up, so they had to use the theater on the ship again.

There are five floors on the ship. The top floor is Skander's own residence and the control room of the entire ship.

The second level is the residence of the three wizards, which leads directly to the outside deck.

The third floor is other people's dormitories.

The fifth floor is the warehouse and animal pen.

The fourth floor in the middle, which few people go to, is the theater used for performances.

"Boss, the front is the theater, and this is the backstage." Egger said flatteringly.

This squib has become submissive these days. The more indifferent Aurelius is, the more scared he is, the more frightened he is, the more flattering he is, the more flattering he is, the less he wants to make Aurelius angry, and the more meticulous he is in completing his work.

It's purely to scare yourself.

But Aurelius was happy to see it work.

I walked around the theater and took note of some key points, including entry and exit, dressing rooms, and the most important magical animal waiting area.

He doesn't have to perform, all he has to do is bring animals here who are going to perform.

This job is still very easy.

After looking at the performance list that Skander gave him, today is considered a preview. There are only nine performances in total, three juggling, three alien performances, and three magical animal performances.

Today we’re going to have Kappa, Charmander, and Marten.

They are not difficult magical animals.

The kappa poured the water and was just a fool. He would do whatever he asked. If it wasn't a bit ugly, this would definitely be the circus's favorite magical animal.

Charmanders have the same violent temper as fire dragons. Fortunately, they don't have the power of fire dragons and can be easily handled in a cage.

The real trouble is a marten called Leila, a marten that looks just like a ferret, only much larger. What's really amazing is that the marten can talk.

For most martens, they can only say a few stupid words, but Laila is different.

I don’t know where Skander found this magical little guy. What Laila is going to perform next is actually a talk show? !

"Lila, your performance is tonight, are you ready?" Aurelius came outside Laila's cage.

This cage is almost the same as Nagini's. It contains a bed, a dressing table, and even a large wardrobe filled with custom-made performance clothes.

A marten over 1.5 meters long lay lazily on the bed and slept soundly. It was Laila.

Upon hearing Aurelius' words, Lyra impatiently covered her ears with her paws.


"Don't make any noise! ​​Zhengxiang is here!" Laila's voice was a bit sharp, like a little girl's.

Aurelius was amused and said something sarcastic: "I hope you can still say that when the whip hits you."

"What? A whip?!" Laila trembled, jumped up from the bed, straightened up, put her little paws to her mouth like a human being, and coughed softly: "Laila is the best Actor! Nothing can go wrong.”

"That's good." Aurelius nodded, turned and left.

Laila usually doesn't belong to him, and Iger takes care of her.

He just came for a routine checkup.

The evening's performance was a great success.

Different from the barren and dilapidated lower city, the upper city is full of decent people, most of whom are businessmen. These wizard businessmen from all over the world are generous, and they will not be stingy with a few Kraken coins to watch a show. .

By the time the show ended, it was almost midnight.

The performers were very tired and took a break early. They had to perform here for several days.

Aurelius was relieved. After reading for a while, Aurelius planned to go out for a walk.

Carlos had the same idea.

"This is not the first time I have come to Siren. About ten years ago? I am just like you now. I just joined the group not long ago. I never thought that there is such a city in the world. This is what I heard from my old man. I will never see Dad go to work for the Ministry of Magic, which also solidified my idea."

The sirens at night are even more dreamy.

The lower city has gathered all the sin, dilapidation and twilight of Siren, making the upper city a dream.

The sky is full of stars, and there are flowing clouds and mist under your feet. Sea fish swim in the bubbles, just like flying birds, full of agility.

Colorful magic candles, flames, and fish-man statues singing softly in the ears decorate this dreamy city.

"The Fishman Pier, we came here last time. This is one of the largest piers in the upper city. The most important thing is that it is closest to the commercial center."

"I heard that this place was established by a couple?" Aurelius looked at a signboard with an introduction to the Fishman Pier.

"Yes, a Norse wizard and his siren wife-"

"Those are my grandparents." A hot girl in a fishtail skirt came over holding a red wine glass.

The way she was dressed really didn't look like a wizard, let alone someone living in a wizard city.

"My name is Tina Sebastian." The girl introduced herself.


"Is this a strange name?"

"Oh, I just remembered that I also know a girl named Tina."

"Then she must be beautiful too." The girl smiled sweetly.

"You said this place was built by your grandparents?" Aurelius changed the topic.

"Of course there's something wrong with that."

Carlos couldn't help but ask: "How old are you?"

"How old is it? What do you think?"


"really big!"

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