"Confidentiality Act?"

Grindelwald smiled, his smile was very penetrating and desolate: "The law made us become rats in the ditch! The law made us lose the world that should be under our control! Who did the law protect? We , or them?”

"We? Them? No, no!" Abernethy felt that his brain was about to burn!

This is what you know limits what you think.

If Abernathy reads through the history of that period, he should understand.

Are Muggles really as weak as wizards think?

In other words, are wizards really as powerful as they think they are?

Yes, it is true that any spell can kill a fragile Muggle, but what about wizards?

Anyone killed will die.

A wizard who loses his wand is not necessarily much more powerful than a Muggle.

This is the gate of life, and it is also the reason why people who seem to have great power have to give in and hand over the dominance of the world to Muggles.

Muggles, who have defeated wizards in the past, know this very well. With a population that is ten times or a hundred times greater than that of wizards, they can just crush them with the overwhelming power of God.

This is the truth.

But what is very interesting is that both sides in this battle to dominate the world have chosen to conceal the truth.

Times have changed, and hundreds of years later, wizards have become legends and fairy tales among Muggles, and wizards are hypnotized by the magic of magic.

If you think about it carefully, these wizards are quite similar to the arrogant and arrogant cosmic country of a small country in later generations.

Oh, it's different. At least some people among the wizards know the truth, so they desperately maintain the authority of the law of secrecy.

Abernethy is a typical representative of most wizards. They do not know the truth, and the world is in great conflict with their knowledge, and they are full of confusion and confusion.

Grindelwald only knew one thing but not the other. He predicted the future development of Muggles and predicted those terrible weapons that could destroy the world.

He was afraid of Muggles, but he was afraid of future Muggles. He is a wizard, a genius wizard, which also makes him unable to see where most wizards are.

He was right when he said that any first year kid was capable of killing a Muggle. The flames are blazing, and even the levitation spell can kill people.

If a wizard can make all the people an army, how many people will there be?

How many people are capable of ignoring Muggles?

Grindelwald dreams of wizards ruling the world, so he wants to provoke an all-out war between Muggles and wizards.

Grindelwald is afraid of the technological development of Muggles in the future, so he wants to start a war before then.

But he never thought that once a full-scale war broke out, even if the wizard won in the end, how many people would be left?

Even wizards of his own level may not be spared. The reason is simple, because he is still not much stronger than ordinary people without using magic.

There are only two solutions:

1. Using magic to make it invisible to Muggles. What is the difference between this and the current magical world?

2. Wizards can be on full alert 24 hours a day and cast magic spells to resist all Muggle attacks. Even a second may give Muggles an opportunity, but who can maintain magical defense 24 hours a day? is it possible?

As for saying that Muggles cannot detect wizards, it goes without saying that wizards can attack any Muggle at any time and anywhere.

This kind of thing is not difficult to think about, and Aurelius doesn't think the wizards in the Middle Ages never thought of doing this. But they failed, which showed that Muggles had the power to counterattack.

These ordinary wizards have never thought about extenuating circumstances, and no ordinary Muggles think about the lessons of history and how the three wars will be fought every day.

But as a leader, especially a wizard leader who is determined to provoke an all-out war between wizards and Muggles, Grindelwald cannot think about it.

Has he thought about it? I'm afraid not.

Grindelwald's ideas are advanced in the magical world that has not changed for thousands of years, but his advanced ideas come more from his eyes that can only predict.

The change of ideology and the improvement of thinking cannot be achieved by one eye, a few fragments of the future, or a genius wizard.

But in the magical world, Grindelwald's level is sufficient.

The demagoguery he is best at is still sharp and reliable when he is at his most embarrassed.

"They are rotten. They pretend not to see anything. They will just be tinkers who keep patching up this leaky house. They have never thought about tearing down this dilapidated house and rebuilding it. Build a magnificent palace... And when someone - yes, I'm talking about me, I proposed this idea, those tinkerers went crazy, they wanted to destroy me, kill me, gag me, This prevents me from telling the truth and highlighting their stupidity."

"Like the kid who pointed out that the king was naked?" Abernethy whispered softly, his eyes glazed over.

"Yes, Abernathy, now it's up to you. Do you want to praise the king's new clothes against your will and avoid being called 'stupid', or do you want to work with me to expose the truth and expose his ignorance? ?”

The map of Yan Kingdom is a bit long, but it finally comes to an end.

Abernethy's face was gloomy and uncertain. He lowered his head lower and lower, almost close to his heart, as if he wanted to listen to the voice from the bottom of his heart.

"I do, sir. I don't want me, my children, or my descendants to be fools who deceive themselves and others, bowing their heads when the sky collapses and pretending not to see anything to meet their confused death. I, Abernethy, I am willing to work for you!”

"For me? No, no! Abernethy, fight for the wizards, for us, for the future of all our wizards!"


The cell door opened——

Abernathy stood outside the door with an excited look on his face. The decadent life in Magical Congress had annihilated the heart of a passionate young man.

He learned to bully superiors and subordinates, he would look at beautiful women and have wild thoughts, and he passed the time with boring topics that made him a bit chatty...

He lives like a zombie, as if his only purpose in life is to live.

But Grindelwald's ideals and passionate speech sincerely described the life he dreamed of, rekindling his dusty heart.

He was like a wanderer who had been away from home for ten years and finally found his way home.

Without hesitation, he threw himself into the arms of Grindelwald...

(PS: I overestimate myself a bit.)

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