Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

60. Blood-Cursed Orcs? ! (Fifth Update)

Aurelius showed no expression.

On the other hand, Nagini was a little surprised. She never thought that Aurelius, a man with the same tragic past as her, would be born into a prominent wizard family.

She did not doubt that Aurelius had deceived her, but she did want to know what happened.

"Of course my Siren can't go to England to find news about you. As you said, your existence is a secret, maybe even a secret that no one in the world knows. Tina smiled mysteriously: "But we are Siren. Sirens, sirens have been based in the endless deep sea tens of millions of years ago, and it is not without support. "

Aurelius uttered a few words: "Prophecy?"

"That's right, it makes no sense that human wizards have prophets, but mermaids don't. In fact, among all human-like creatures, human wizards have the worst predictions.

Tina smiled.

This is true. According to legend, humans do not have the ability to predict the future.

On the contrary, many humanoid races such as centaurs have prophetic abilities.

In order to obtain this magical ability, some wizards sacrificed their color and artificially created some hybrids, and some of these hybrids were selected to be closer to human wizards.

Some of them inherited this ability to predict, and from then on their bloodline became the bloodline of prophets - prophecy is also an extremely precious bloodline.

But this kind of forcibly obtained prophecy ability is not the original version after all. The prophecy ability is very limited, and as the bloodline is diluted from generation to generation, tribesmen with unstable pre-attack ability or even no prophecy ability gradually appear.

If it continues to develop, prophets may become to wizards what wizards are to Muggles, becoming a legend that can only be reproduced through occasional atavism.

This is also predictable.

Just like now, there are at least three prophets in existence, Grindelwald, Nicolas Flamel, and Cassandra Trelawney, the great-great-grandfather of the future Hogwarts Divination Professor Sybill Trelawny. Lawney.

But decades later, the new generation of prophets only had Sybill, who was sometimes ineffective.

"Horses watch the sky because they run on the earth and can see the sky by looking up. Sirens do not have such conditions. Sirens look at water." Tina's words made her look like a magic stick. "Water has a source. , the water has run out, and along the long river of destiny, we trace its origins, and along the long river of time, we see its destination."

"And you, Aurelius Dumbledore, although you have great power, you are still in your destiny and within time. This is why I know. I can know anything I want to know. The difference between things is only whether I want to know and when I want to know, not whether I can."

Aurelius glanced at Nagini, she seemed to be frightened.

But he didn't. He played with the tea cup in his hand and stared at the tea leaves floating in the cup: "Ms. Sebastian, do you know if I will hit you next moment? You can think now, I will Reserve the next moment until your divination is over.”

"This..." Tina was stunned. How could she know that Aurelius was so unconventional?

If she was as omniscient and omnipotent as she said, why would she come to Aurelius?

Aurelius believed in the prophecy but never cared about it. If it is true, it will come sooner or later. What the prophecy shows is the inevitable consequences of knowing the prophecy and making the prophecy and finally making the decision. Since it is inevitable, then there is no need to do anything and he does not know what to do, so why should he care?

If the prediction is false, there is no reason to care.

Prediction is like a mathematical problem. It has a question and a result, but the process is just a "brief".

Whether you use algebra or geometry, the final result will not change in any way.

The world is an infallible calculator, its results are always correct.

If your solution to the problem is correct, then the result is the correct correct result.

If your solution to the problem is wrong, then the result is the correct wrong result.

Don't think that any prophet can understand everything in detail. This thing is like a circle that exists in theory. It only exists in theory. No one can draw an absolute circle.

"Mr. Dumbledore doesn't believe in merman divination?"

"I believe it, why don't I believe it? Divinations and prophecies all exist, so why should I not believe it? But I don't believe you are omniscient and omnipotent. Let's be honest, what is your purpose in using this reason to lure me here?" Aurelius Si pushed away the teacup and leaned on the backrest and looked at Tina indifferently.

If her next words don't arouse his interest, then he will turn around and leave immediately.

Tina heard the meaning of this ultimatum. She hesitated for a while, and the crystal ball in the cabinet behind her flickered.

Tina seemed to be relieved, and she spoke: "You are looking for the blood-cursed orc."

This is not a question, but an affirmation.

"Hmm, yes, but so what?"

Tina looked at him, her heart skipped a beat, and she raised her hands high. The scene that happened next finally made Aurelius uneasy.

Two bone spurs protruded from Tina's arms, two wide fish fins pierced her clothes, and a piece of crystal blue fish scales shone like gems and pierced out from under the skin, avoiding the possibility of Tina's death. Na was exposed.

In fact, it’s okay to be naked. By the time Tina straightens up, she will no longer be human!

It was a beautiful unknown fish.

The spindle-shaped body is full of beauty, and the wide 4.1-inch face resembles a sperm whale.

But is this whale covered in scales in the river?

When encountering this unreasonable creature, there is only one explanation - this is not an ordinary animal, but a magical animal!

Only with the participation of magic can such contradictory creatures that are inconsistent with the natural laws of life evolve.

"Mr. Dumbledore, would you like to continue listening to what I have to say?" the strange whale spoke. Between the opening and closing of its big mouth, the cruel teeth showed that this guy must not be a vegetarian.

"This is really magical. It's the first time I know that blood-cursed orcs can also take the form of magical animals." Aurelius smiled, straightened up, and said more solemnly: "Yes, Ms. Sebastian, We can now have a good chat.

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