Mrs. Herman's cooking is excellent, and Paul's barbecue skills are also excellent.

Aurelius and Nagini also had their index fingers wide open.

"To be honest, I was a little scared when I first found out." Paul said jokingly.

Aurelius also smiled and said: "I understand, everyone knows Albus Dumbledore, but not everyone knows Aberforth, let alone I am neither Albus nor Aberforth."

People in the wizarding world are not fools, and others would not believe Aurelius if he said he was Dumbledore.

The popularity of bloodline theory in the magical world is not just ignorance, bloodline does have its uses in magic.

For example, the Seer's bloodline, Dumbledore's Phoenix family, and the Blood Curse Orcs all rely heavily on blood inheritance.

This thing exists objectively. There is no need to deny it. What I say is all my own efforts, but there is no need to overly mythologize it.

But in this high-profile case of bloodline theory, many wizards are trying their best to prove their noble bloodline. Various magical creations and spells were invented.

It is not difficult to verify the identity of Aurelius. After he recognizes the name 'Aurelius Dumbledore', his name will appear in the bloodline magic.

The real Dumbledore, no doubt about it.

"Yes," Paul nodded, and then asked: "I wonder if Mr. Dumbledore came to see me for something?"

Do not go to the Three Treasures Hall for any reason. Although wizards do not understand this sentence, the principle is universal.

Aurelius said: "Nagini and I are traveling around the world, and our last stop was the Sirens.

"My visit this time is also entrusted by someone. Siren's friends want to visit you, but they have no way.

Paul laughed: "Visit me? What kind of connections do you need? I am no different from other people's families."

Aurelius did not answer his question.

Maybe Paul didn't feel it himself. The Portuguese Ministry of Magic is already a small Ministry of Magic, but the Minister of Magic is still not accessible to everyone, especially outsiders.

Aurelius believed that every wizard in Portugal had met his minister, and even the minister remembered everyone's name. But this is a Portuguese wizard, one of his own.

Ministry of Magic officials in other areas can easily see Paul, but Tina Sebastian cannot.

Still the same four words: no way!

Portugal just doesn't have pure-blood nobles, but that doesn't mean there aren't pure-bloods. Even if Paul is a Muggle-born wizard, sitting in this seat must follow certain rules.

"Can I know what it is?" Paul asked.

"I don't know. I just introduced them. As for anything else, it has nothing to do with me." Aurelius said nonchalantly.

Paul tasted the meaning and smiled: "Okay, I understand, I will pay attention to it."

Do you understand what? Of course, you understand that Aurelius doesn’t want to get involved at all.

The subtext is nothing more than: You just need to meet someone, and I don't care whether it succeeds or not, and you don't have to look at me or the Dumbledore family.

Aurelius smiled and clinked glasses with Paul.

Okay, this is over.

All that was left was to eat and drink.

We had a great time chatting, Paul is a very talkative person and you feel very comfortable chatting with him.

It's a friendship.

After bidding farewell to Paul, Aurelius and Nagini returned to the Bay Tavern by boat, and borrowed the tavern's messenger to tell Tina of the Sirens.

In the next few days, Aurelius and Nagini were shopping in Portugal.

The second step is to spread the word, he also needs to find a crystal substitute.

As expected, Aurelius received Tina's reply, which was not smooth.

Paul did not agree to her alliance, and even refused her request for support.

"As expected." Aurelius watched as the note in his hand turned into ashes.

The Portuguese magic world has a sparse population, and the Spanish Ministry of Magic is right next door. It’s so stuck, how could it be possible to agree?

Tina wanted Aurelius to lobby in many countries. She wished that Aurelius could sit on the chairmanship of the International Federation of Wizards and speak for the Ministry of Magic around the world.

But this is obviously impossible.

Aurelius also told her frankly that Portugal was his first stop. He would cross the Strait of Gibraltar and go to the Ministry of Magic in several countries along the Mediterranean Sea.

Among them are France, Italy, Greece, Egypt and other magical powers. It also includes the former Ottoman Ministry of Magic in the future Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya.

It can be said that it is very sincere.

But among these ministries of magic, Aurelius felt that the Egyptian Ministry of Magic was the most reliable.

They are relatively more independent and have a special magic system. There are even a large number of Egyptian wizards who deny their identity as wizards and call themselves priests.

If you want to cause trouble and find allies, this is the ideal choice. But Tina Sebastian obviously didn't know enough about Egypt, and the Egyptian magic world did not appear in her lobbying targets at all.

Of course Aurelius wouldn't say either. This was a thankless task, and besides, Aurelius’ knowledge of Egypt only came from writing, and he had never been there.

"Let's go, the next stop is a tough one. To be honest, I don't have the confidence to still get the treatment here." Aurelius and Nagini said.



The Ministry of Magic exists in every country in the world, but there are differences between the same Ministry of Magic.

There is no doubt that the French Ministry of Magic is among the top, or even the only, group in the global wizarding world.

Not only because France owns Beauxbatons, but also because 520, among the most famous super wizards in the world, Nicolas Flamel is French.

For now, the reputations of Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald cannot be compared with Nicolas Flamel.

Although Nicoléme has not appeared for many years, everyone knows that this legendary wizard is still alive in the world.

This is the magic world, where strength is ultimately the most important thing. A super wizard can directly take off a person's status in the magic world.

France has Nicoléme, who is in the spotlight;

There is also Dumbledore in the UK, and the future is promising;

Only the German wizarding community was the most injured. It finally gave birth to a super wizard named Gellert Grindelwald. He was also a rebellious boy who made trouble all day long and wanted to start a war.

How dare the German Ministry of Magic support him? They would even have to expel him. Almost a joke from hell.

However, before Albus Dumbledore reaches his peak, even the British Ministry of Magic, which is the origin of wizards, has to avoid its peak for the time being.

The current French magic world is unique!

(PS: Oh my, I miscalculated the time. I had the impression that there was a gap of half a year between the first two films, but I found out yesterday that there was still a gap of three months between the prison break at the beginning and the French feature film. The original plan was to take Egypt around the Mediterranean. The plot is less than three months long. But the problem is not big, it’s just a matter of time. Anyway, the French Ministry of Magic is the former overlord level in the setting, so let the protagonist stay there for three months.)

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