The movement in the carriage was finally noticed by Grindelwald.

You can call him cold or crazy, but that doesn't understand his ideals and persistence.

When faced with Credence, the Squib, Grindelwald could use it up and throw it away, but for the wizards who truly followed him, Grindelwald did not hesitate to show his kindness.

As the prison van crossed the surface of the fast-flowing Hudson River, Grindelwald waved his hand and touched the surface of the river.

The entire prison car seemed to have become a whirlpool, and the cold river water filled the interior of the car in an instant.

The eight Thestrals felt great pressure, but under the control of Grindelwald, they were reluctant to drag the water in the carriage into the air again.

The sudden flow of water finally gave Abernethy a chance to resist. The surging water broke away from the hold of Auror and Rudolph, and the panicked sheep-eating beast struggled in the water like them.

But Abernethy still opened his mouth and took the pendant into his mouth regardless.

The Aurors behind him kept chasing him, and Grindelwald, who didn't want to be cruel, was unhappy.

Dark clouds are coming over the city!

The magic wand was raised high, and terrible thunder and lightning fell from the sky, just like the arrival of divine power!

There was an unlucky guy who accidentally hit lightning. He lost consciousness in an instant and fell from the sky. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

The terrifying electric arc made the Aurors use their weapons, but to no avail.

The Aurors are still chasing, and the lightning won't stop!

One Auror after another was shot down.

Science tells us that the strike of lightning is not just one point. Five to three thousand meters is still not a safe range!

After dealing with the pursuers behind him, Grindelwald finally had his hands free.

He grabbed the corner of the prison van with one hand and turned over to the side door of the prison van.

With a wave of the wand, the door of the prison van was dismantled. The raging river found its outlet and rushed out of the prison van with the two Aurors.

"You have joined a noble cause, my friend." Grindelwald took the pendant from Abernethy's mouth and put it in his breast pocket.

Abernethy felt his new tongue in a daze, which was a long, forked tongue that looked more like a lizard or a snake.

His tongue, which was pulled out by torture, grew back!

Is this something magic can do?

Regeneration of severed limbs is still a problem in the wizarding world, otherwise Mad-Eye would not have a prosthetic leg or a magic eye, and Professor Kettleburn would not have to be half a human being.

But it seems that this does not pose a problem to some powerful wizards.

Grindelwald is obviously one of them.

Turning his head, Grindelwald looked at Rudolph who was still biting by the sheep-eating beast.

He stretched out his hand to take down the sheep-eating beast. The sheep-eating beast, which was pretending to be a tiger, kept baring its teeth and claws at Rudolph. The blood on its mouth and claws seemed to make this behavior very convincing.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" But it didn't last long before the sheep-eating beast was soothed by Grindelwald's gentle voice: "Yes, I know, I know, I understand, Antonio...

The little sheep-eating beast named Antonio felt aggrieved and kept rubbing Grindelwald's neck and cheek with its bloody mouth, as if looking for comfort and a hug.

Listening to the owner's comfort, Antonio became even more aggrieved. He kept whimpering, maybe this annoyed Grindelwald. [His gentle face was filled with disgust: "You are too noisy."

Let go

The unprepared Antonio was instantly sucked away by the huge wind pressure...

Grindelwald was indifferent, like a superior king, pulling up the sluggish Rudolph.

He knew that all his subordinates might be dead, and then he might be next.

He was scared, terrified, but he didn't have a wand! He held Grindelwald's hand and refused to let go.

But he didn't expect that Grindelwald would drag him out of the car like this, and the huge wind and rain seemed to drag them down at any time.

In panic, Rudolph discovered that the arm he was holding was holding the wand he had just lost!

Grindelwald let go, and the wand fell freely in the storm.

Rudolf was so frightened that he kept repeating: "No, no! No! No!"

Grindelwald had heard many such wailings. He waved his arm expressionlessly and Rudolf's hand slipped——


Grindelwald couldn't help but tilted his head. The old guy's shouting made him upset!

On his deathbed, Rudolf found his only light!

That magic wand!

Rudolf desperately stretched out his hand to grab the wand, but... the close distance seemed as far away as the ends of the earth for ten moments.

Seeing that he was about to be photographed on the river, he despaired and even began to think about his life.

Unexpectedly, he took a magic wand and slipped it into Rudolph's hand, shooting a shock-absorbing spell to save him from being patted into a patty.

…Please give me flowers…

Or science tells us: If you fall into water above a certain height, the consequences will not be much better than if you fall on the cement floor.

Grindelwald saved him?


Grindelwald has never been a murderer. What people fear about him is his power to incite people's hearts and his paranoid evil dreams.

Even in order to preserve the spark of war between wizards and Muggles, they would not kill him if they could.

Rudolph saved his life in the turbulent drinking water. He looked at the retreating carriage with lingering fear. He seemed to be frightened.

He didn't even dare to apparate away immediately. Instead, he soaked in the river until the carriage was no longer visible.


"The most dangerous dark wizard in history! Grindelwald escapes from prison!"

"The Stupid Magic Kingdom of Magnesia Let the Devil Go"

"Shocked! That man is back!"

"The influence is really terrifying. In one day, everyone knew about it. Even the French newspapers were talking about Grindelwald's escape from prison." Aurelius put down the newspaper and took the letter from Nagini. Tea, pointed at the news above.

"I've heard about him. In the circus, some people admire him, but some are afraid of him." Nagini looked at the news, frowned and asked, "I heard that when we went to New York, he just He caused a disaster in New York and was arrested for it. Is he really that terrible?"

Aurelius smiled and shook his head: "He is not bad, but his character is average."

"Oh? Have you seen him?"

"Not only have we met, but we have also been together for more than half a year." Aurelius said with a smile: "He does not like the theory of blood, but he advocates classification. No matter who he is, as long as he has the ability to cast spells, he is willing to accept them, even if they are In people's eyes, inferior people are aliens. And if you don't have the ability to cast spells, that's what he despises, regardless of whether he comes from a high noble or not."

"He advocates that wizards are the masters of this world and that wizards should rule Muggles. This conforms to the wishes of many people who are dissatisfied with the Statute of Secrecy. This is also the reason why he has countless followers."

Nagini thought for a while and nodded: "It's very tempting, but I can see that you don't really agree with me?".

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