Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

72. What Is It Like To Call Dumbledore The Riddler In Front Of Him?

"Hmm--it tastes really good. It's a rare experience. I like it very much." Dumbledore put down the cup and seemed to like the coke.

"My old friend talked to me, and he was surprised that we didn't send him an invitation - he thought you were my son. Sorry, many people don't know that you have a younger brother." Dumbledore talked about it.

"Wait a minute, Albus, I hope to hear something new from you. I'm looking forward to our meeting this time with great anticipation. It's not just an old-fashioned acquaintance, okay?

Dumbledore looked at him and said with some emotion: "You are really different from what I imagined. I never thought that apart from Aberforth and I, there would be relatives of the Dumbledore family alive until I heard that the Dumbledore family visited Europe."

"Can you explain it to me?" Dumbledore asked.

Aurelius was happy: "This is a bit unexpected, I thought you should explain it to me.

"That's what I planned before I came here, but I found that you seem to know more than me." Dumbledore smiled.

"Maybe." Dumbledore said: "I have never met you. In fact, I have only heard your name once."

Aurelius held up his forehead: "I really don't like you. I really do. Of course, it's also the first time I've met you."

"?" Dumbledore gave him a confused look.

Riddler, Albus, can you just tell me what you have to say? I thought you would be more honest when you came. Whether I admit it or not, you are always a family member in this body of mine. "Aurelius the little bear couldn't sleep.

Dumbledore was startled. No one had said this to him before. He suddenly laughed and shook his head: "Ha——Sorry, Aurelius, I never thought that I would be like this in other people's eyes." An image - The Riddler? Very fitting."

"Well, I don't know if this problem of mine can be corrected, but I'll try my best. Then we can exchange knowledge and solve each other's doubts ||." Dumbledore shook his head and smiled, and he stretched out a finger: "The first question, How do you know all this? We didn't know anything about your existence until I learned about it from my friends."

"Merman, the Siren's mermaid told me, and as a price, I will use Dumbledore's surname to introduce them to senior officials from the Ministry of Magic of various countries." Aurelius lied without blinking.

Dumbledore looked into his eyes, frowning.

Crazy emotions are infecting him——

"I forgot to remind you, don't use Legilimency on me, it won't be too pleasant." Aurelius knew from the look on his face that it was no wonder that this old bee was using Legilimency.

This obviously won't lead to anything.

Legilimency is very concealable and is one of the easiest magics to cast silently. As early as in New York, when it was certain that the Obscurus could resist Legilimency, Aurelius habitually kept his brain in the form of the Obscurus. .

"You..." Dumbledore stared at him with a serious expression that seemed a bit incredulous.


Aurelius's hands transformed into black mist, and then returned to their original shape.

He had no intention of keeping it a secret in front of Dumbledore, and had different coping strategies for different people.

He would hide it from Grindelwald because the old boy had evil intentions, but he would not do this to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore is a contradictory person. When he was young, he was indifferent to his family and devoted himself to pursuing the true meaning of magic, just like Grindelwald.

But with the death of his father, his mother, his sister's death and his brother's hatred, he suddenly came to his senses.

From then on, woolen socks became his symbol, and his family became what he longed for most but couldn't get.

"Does it look familiar?" Aurelius asked him with a smile: "Like my aunt-"

"The Obscurial..." Dumbledore stared at him: "So it's you!"

"Don't say that, it makes me look like a villain. To be precise, I seem to be the victim." Aurelius shrugged.

Dumbledore exhaled slowly, "You are right, you...are the biggest victim."

"Son, I'm sorry--I didn't know anything about your existence."

"You say this as if you are my father." Aurelius rolled his eyes.

Dumbledore shook his head: "If, if I could care about him a little more, maybe he would confide in me, and I would come to look for you. Maybe, maybe I could find you and your mother in time without... ...stuck in that shipwreck.

"Shipwreck?" Aurelius raised his eyebrows.

"you do not know?"

"Should I know?"

Dumbledore was confused. He suspected that Aurelius knew, but he couldn't ask unless Aurelius told him.

Because objectively, Aurelius was only a few months old when the shipwreck occurred, and he should not have known.

There seemed to be a heavy atmosphere in the room.

"I haven't told him about you yet." At the end of the exchange, Dumbledore put on his coat and gloves, holding the hat in his hand, and turned to say.

They all knew who Dumbledore was talking about.

Aberforth Dumbledore, the physical father of Aurelius's body.

"Then don't tell him." Aurelius said decisively.

Dumbledore was startled. He seemed a little sad: "My child, don't you want to go home?"

Aurelius shook his head: "Home? Do I have this concept?"

"Home is where your family is." These are Dumbledore's true words.

He longed for his former home, but he couldn't go back to the people.

His father died in Azkaban, his mother was killed by his sister's obscurity, and her sister died in a dispute (by Noha), and the only remaining brother also hated him because of his sister's death.

He still has his family alive, but he is like a wandering ghost with no home.

This is the secret that people trust in Dumbledore's heart and can never let go.

He hopes to get Aurelius back, he hopes to make a home, like a home.

"Maybe, but are you family? You and he and I only have a common ancestor by blood, and I have known you for less than half an hour." Aurelius said quietly, "Albus, I think I am a member of Dumbledore, I live in the Kingdom of Magnesium, and everything I am familiar with is in the Kingdom of Magnesia——"

Dumbledore took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay, I respect your choice, Aurelius, but please forgive me, I can't promise you to keep things secret from Aberforth. I will convey all this to him. Have a right and deserve to know.”


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