Because of one name - Credence, the whole world is undercurrent.

Countries don't know who Credence is or what kind of magic he has.

But they only need to know that Grindelwald is looking for him at all costs, so they must stop him at all costs.

Aurelius, who had been in seclusion for several days, did not know that the world had become chaotic because of him. He was gathering energy to start building his last rune.

The manifestation of the soul at this time has greatly changed.

The rhombus-shaped black crystal has an obsidian-like luster.

The interior is hollow, with a black and red phoenix hovering inside.

As the runes trembled, the Phoenix's loud and crisp cry showed its infinite joy.

Blasting, the construction is completed!

"It's done!" Aurelius laughed.

Building runes is an extremely important part of the summoner system!

And because of its irreversible characteristics, building runes must be done carefully.

Very smooth!

This is to be expected.

Building runes is important and you are afraid of being disturbed, but if you take confidentiality measures so that no one knows that you are building runes, then the risk will be greatly reduced.

The manifestation of the soul gradually dissolved, and Aurelius only felt refreshed.

"Aurelius! Are you done?" Nagini saw Aurelius pushing the door open, and she came forward in surprise.

"Thank you 677, my dear, thank you for your protection." Aurelius smiled, "I feel great, like never before.

"Meow! Meow!"

The huge furry head came up and kept touching Aurelius's shoulder with its head.

"And me and me!" Zuowu was dissatisfied that Aurelius only talked to Nagini as soon as he came out, eager to show off his achievements.

"Of course, and you, thank you, big guy." Aurelius rubbed his big cat head.

It was extremely difficult for a big man who couldn't stay any longer to stay with Nagini in this small guest room.

"Aurelius, there is something I want to tell you." Nagini said with a solemn expression.

"Oh? Judging from your expression, this doesn't seem to be a good thing?" Aurelius stopped scratching my chin and straightened up.

"That mermaid princess hasn't written for ten days." Nagini said, "This is very wrong. Our lobbying in France is not going well. She writes to ask questions almost every three days. She even proposed more than a month ago. Give up lobbying France for the time being and hope we can go to other Ministry of Magic."

Nagini took out all the previous letters with Tina Sebastian: "I read all the letters and compared them back and forth. Her patience was wearing away, and the emotions reflected in the letters were getting more and more irritable, but , after you went into seclusion, she suddenly lost news."

Aurelius squinted his eyes, there was indeed something wrong with this and it was very unreasonable.

But it did not exceed Aurelius's expectations. He said: "It seems that she can no longer control it -"

"You mean...she has already started a plan to take back the Siren?"

"Eighty percent - and I would almost say she failed."

Nagini nodded: "It makes sense. If she successfully recaptures the Siren and controls the Siren, she will definitely send a letter, and she will urgently need support from other Ministry of Magic, but she does not.

"It's just that-" Nagini was a little confused: "She doesn't have any allies! Why is she waiting?"

"Nagini, sometimes, things sometimes go very wrong. We can foresee some things happening, and we can even calculate them accurately through some means, but human will cannot be calculated accurately." Aurelius Si said with emotion.

"Is this what 'man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation'?" Nagini said a strange Chinese accent. This is what Aurelius said before, and the attentive Nagi Temple remembered it.

"That's right," Aurelius nodded, "Actually, I had this question before. Tina Sebastian is only a mermaid hybrid. Why would those sirens be loyal to her? She is neither the maker of the contract" , let alone a controller, they are both intelligent creatures, so why can she control the sirens?"


"You should have noticed that she is not very clever in terms of wisdom or methods. Her only reliance before was that she only knew the mermaid language through the sirens. Of course, profit can be made from the information gap, but this is dozens or even tens of thousands. Hundreds of years. I don’t think the Ministry of Magic of various countries who want to seize the sirens would be so confident that a person who will definitely have hatred towards them will assume such an important position."

"It's a bit strange. Maybe she was the only one a few decades ago, but now that decades have passed, the people in the Siren Council have no other preparations?" Nagini followed Aurelius's thoughts and quickly Problem found.

"So - our partner is not that honest. Of course, neither are we, so it's even." Aurelius smiled and sat leisurely on the sofa, stroking the cat with his left hand and stroking the cat with his right hand. He took the tea cup from Nagini.

"Then what do you think she is hiding?" Nagini asked curiously.

Aurelius shook his head: "I'm not a god, nor am I a roundworm in her belly. How can I know what she kept and what she thought?"

"Then...we just pretend we don't know?" Nagini pointed at the pile of letters and asked.

"Isn't it good? We have more time to study and solve your blood curse problem." Aurelius looked at her with a smile.

"Aurelius, isn't it a bit...

"Not trustworthy? Haha, don't think about it, Nagini, our transaction is just to help them meet with the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic. Everything else has nothing to do with us. It's because she didn't write to tell us the next target. It's none of our business. ?This is her problem and has nothing to do with us. Is it a transaction and we still have to rush to save her?" Aurelius laughed.

Nagini was right when she thought about it. They had been working hard to help Sebastian complete the deal, and no matter what, they couldn't blame them for being dishonest.

This is Europe, the West, where the spirit of contract is strongest. The transaction here is just a transaction, there is no friendship at all.

As long as the contract does not stipulate it, it is not their obligation to perform as partners.

"Then shall we continue to live in Paris, or shall we leave?"

"Well... let's stay in Paris for the time being, but we can't stay in the hotel anymore. The expenses for three months are not small. The funds Sebastian gave us for activities are running out, right?"

"There's about a third left."

"Buy a house and we will settle in Paris temporarily. I also want to visit a legendary wizard to study the lack of original information on the blood curse. Maybe he will know."

"Legendary wizard? Who is it?"

"Nicholas Flamel"

(PS: It’s late today. It’s too hot at home and I can’t write, so I went to the Internet cafe.)

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