Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

87.The Head In The Middle


The sea breeze carried the salty and wet breath and rolled up Newt's already sharp hair.

He walked toward the cliff with his head lowered, carrying the suitcase he never left.

On the snow-white cliff, an ugly figure is holding a wooden stick in hand, seemingly waiting there early.

A shabby black robe was blown around by the sea breeze, and a rusty iron bucket was thrown carelessly in front of him.

"You are late. We will set off in one minute. The man in black robe grinned: "Five thousand Galleons. "

Newt said anxiously: "No, we agreed on thirty galleons."

The man in black grinned his mouth wide, revealing his yellow teeth, and gave a weird laugh: "Thirty to go to France, and the other twenty is to make me never mention that I saw Newt Scamander illegally leave the country - the price of fame. , brother.”

Newt smiled bitterly, he was blackmailed——

He doesn't have any good ideas. He is a knifeman and I am a fish, so let's cut him!

Grabbing a handful of Galleons, Newt handed it to him.

After checking the weight, the man in black robe was satisfied and stuffed the galleons into his belt, "Ten seconds - nine, eight, seven..."

The iron bucket on the ground suddenly vibrated, like the drum of a drum washing machine spinning rapidly.

"three two--"

Newt took a deep breath, stepped in, and his whole body was sucked away.

The next moment, Newt appeared on the streets of Paris from the White Cliffs of Dover, England.

After shaking his body, Newt recovered from his dizziness.

The taste of door keys is not very pleasant, especially the inferior door keys made by these smugglers.

After calming down, Newt hurried towards the hiding place.

This was his first time in Paris, but he had done his homework.

He is not traveling, but there may be conflicts or even dangers, so of course he must be well prepared.

Writing down a rough map is also one of the important preparations.

Like Tina, the two really have a good connection.

The poor Muggle policeman had been cast two confusion spells in one day, and he would be confused for the next few days.

"Africa Hotel...Africa Hotel—" Newt muttered, searching for the hidden place.

This is where Aurelius and Nagini lived.

"Found it!" Newt's eyes lit up and he walked over quickly.

"Hello, sir, what can I do for you?" The hotel waiter, dressed in Muggle professional attire, greeted him politely.

"Hello, I, I'm looking for Mr. Aurelius Dumbledore who lives here." Newt said.

The waiter was a little strange and muttered: "Strange, why is everyone looking for Mr. Dumbledore today?"

"What? Many people came to see Mr. Dumbledore today?" Newt's heart sank. Who would come to see Aurelius? Grindelwald? Or Grimson?

"Yes, it's already the third wave including you." The waiter nodded.

"What about others?"

"Hmm... I don't know, but he is not in the room now." The waiter glanced at the magic display behind the counter, which had information on whether there was anyone in each room.

"He went out with his wife very early and never came back."

Newt walked out with blank eyes, he was a little at a loss.

He feels like he screwed up!

Originally, he thought that he was entrusted by Dumbledore to help him protect his nephew this time.

He needed to prepare well, so he chose to come to Paris this afternoon.

The purpose is to prepare more information about the French Ministry of Magic.

Why are you so late?

I learned from the waiter that Aurelius also left after the first visitor left, and his wife also left with him.

What the hell! Aurelius is not even twenty years old, how can he get a wife?

He must have been coerced!

And the second group of visitors, thankfully, didn't seem to be Grimson, but a beautiful lady with a strong American accent.


Newt immediately thought of Tina, but he immediately shook his head and threw the thought away: "How is it possible? How could Tina come to Paris?"

At this moment, Newt's eyes that were flying around met a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Titina?!" Newt was stunned. Even though he hadn't seen her for more than half a year, he would never forget Tina's eyes. Even if she just covered her face with a scarf, he could still recognize her!

You have to trust a magizoologist's ability to observe physical characteristics.

"...Tina! Why are you here?" Newt stepped forward quickly and grabbed Tina who was about to turn around and leave.

Tina's hands froze and she sat down reluctantly.

"I'm on a mission, Mr. Scamander." Tina's tone was cold and rather unkind.

"Mr. Scamander?" Newt didn't understand.

Tina stood up and turned around to leave, but Newt chased her again: "Tina, Tina"

This one is stupid!

Haven't you obviously thought about how to apologize to her many times before? Why can't you say a word?!

Newt wanted to slap himself twice, but he couldn't.

As soon as he saw the person he thought about day and night, Newt immediately forgot about Aurelius. He only had Tina in his eyes at the moment.

"Mr. Scamander, please don't pester me, okay? I'm on a mission! I know your attitude towards Aurors!" Tina didn't look back, and her leather jacket was slapped by her beautiful back. Snap.

Newt's heart dropped and he quickly explained: "I know my words in that letter may have been a bit extreme..."

"How do you say that? A group of hypocrites who insist on delusion?" Tina snorted coldly.

Newt Khan was about to get down, and he groveled: "I'm sorry, but I can't appreciate those people who are murderous when they encounter something they don't understand or are afraid of."

"I'm an Auror, but I don't know how to do it!" Tina said angrily.

"I know, because you're the one in the middle—"

It’s done, it’s done!

Newt’s limited edition wonderful metaphor appears!

Newt's magical brain circuit made Tina stop and stare at him with a look of confusion and confusion:


(PS: It’s so hot, why the hell didn’t I have an air conditioner in the morning!).

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