Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

96. Abernathy’S Secret

"Where are you going?"

Abernethy stopped and turned his head. It was Crow who looked down on him and opposed him.

"I don't think I need to tell you where I'm going," Abernathy said coldly.

"Ha! Abernathy, what is it? That makes you dare to talk to me like this?" Crowe said with an angry look on his face: "You saved Grindelwald? You can sit on our heads and shit?"

"A bastard! Know your identity!"

Crowe's finger poked Abernathy's heart, which stung a little.

Compared with the tall and handsome Crowe, Abernethy is short, small, and not outstanding in appearance.

Crowe was condescending and looked down upon this lucky boy.

Since Grindelwald was released from prison, Crowe has noticed that Grindelwald's trust in him has declined.

This is a red flag.

As a wizard at a magic house, everything in Europe should have nothing to do with him, but he appeared next to Grindelwald.

The composition of Grindelwald's followers is very complex. Most of them are ordinary wizards who are bewitched by his idea of ​​"wizards rule the world." Miraculously, there are a large number of Muggle-born wizards among them.

Grindelwald's philosophy is very strange. He does not see pure blood or mixed blood at all. He only sees wizards, squibs and Muggles. He can be kind to every wizard and have a lot of patience, which undoubtedly makes those Muggle wizards who feel discriminated against in the wizarding world fall in love with him.

But there is also a large portion of speculators.

Crowe is one of them.

For this reason, he traveled all the way from the magical world of Japan to Europe to follow Grindelwald.

In addition to different purposes, there are also differences in identity and combat power.

As mentioned earlier, due to historical reasons, pure-blood wizards have more magical knowledge and resources, resulting in the average achievements of pure-blood wizards being higher than those of Muggle wizards and mixed-blood wizards. This is one of the sources of pure blood theory.

Although Grindelwald did not divide wizards into three, six or nine grades, he was a supporter of the theory of strength. This means that most of the people who occupy high positions in the Witch Cult Party are still these pure-blood wizards and pure-blood nobles.

In the past, Grindelwald had always trusted Crow and others, but since escaping from prison, Crow found that Grindelwald was alienating himself. It was very subtle, but Crow noticed it.

He couldn't figure it out, but this Abernathy, a little person Crow looked down upon, suddenly appeared, and Grindelmore loved to take him with him wherever he went.

This was his treatment in the past.

The sense of crisis, coupled with Crowe's disdain for Abernathy, a bastard who didn't even have a surname, all combined to promote his hostility towards Abernathy.

Abernathy looked at Crowe showing off his power, his expression as usual.

Crowe is dissatisfied with this guy's performance. He should be trembling with fear now!

"Crow————" Crow immediately understood why Abernathy, who had always been timid, had no fear at all!

"Sir -" I didn't see Abernethy trembling like chaff, but he tried it himself first.

Grindelwald's figure appeared behind them. He glanced at Crowe coldly: "Abernathy is our companion and our comrade-in-arms. You - shouldn't be like this."

The calm tone made Crowe even more scared.

"Let's all do the work." Grindelwald seemed to have no intention of pursuing the matter, and Crowe couldn't believe it.

But he didn't see the snake letter spit out by Abernethy, and the cold vertical pupils that seemed to be an illusion flashed away.

"Where did you want to go just now?" Abernathy stood behind Grindelwald.

"I want to go find my family." Abernethy deadpanned.

"You have changed a lot." Grindelwald patted his shoulder with satisfaction.

Although Abernathy was persuaded by him and was willing to fight for the "greater good", Grindelwald knew that he was not willing. In other words, from a certain perspective, Abernathy and Crowe were the same. Humanoids, they all want to gain something by working for themselves.

There is nothing wrong with this. The bustle in the world is all for benefit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is all for benefit.

Although Grindelwald did not know this ancient saying from China, the truth is this.

Abernethy has a unique talent, which Grindelwald has just established. He has a sense of smell that is comparable to magic, and Abernethy is indispensable for being able to find Aurelius so quickly.

As soon as he landed in Portugal, Abernathy was sure that Credence had been here, and then discovered Aurelius Dumbledore, the only visitor, and then traced it to France.

You know, Aurelius went to Portugal three months ago!

What kind of Xiaotian-level nose is this?

But this is Abernethy's talent, and it is also the reason why he is valued by Grindelwald.

Grindelwald valued Abernethy's talent, but was also very dissatisfied with his character.

Perhaps because he had stayed at the Magical Society for a long time, Abernethy became one of those old fools who were just messing around.

When things happen, you can delay them as long as you can, fool around as long as you can, bully the subordinates and flatter the superiors, put on airs, use chicken feathers as arrows, look ugly and think beautiful...

But Grindelwald discovered today that Abernethy had changed a lot. He began to learn to dress himself up. His greasy hair became refreshing, and his old-fashioned sloppy clothes were replaced by a clean three-piece windbreaker suit. Only the top hat that he habitually lowered was slightly incongruous.

These are still foreign objects. What really surprised Grindelwald was that he became more comfortable.

He gradually became taciturn and became more serious about his work.

This is good, it makes Grindelwald very satisfied.

Followers become constantly better by following him, which can give Grindelwald an alternative sense of accomplishment.

"Is there any result?" Grindelwald asked with concern.

Abernethy shook his head, his eyes flashing with confusion: "No."

"I have news." Grindelwald said softly.

Abernathy looked at Grindelwald in surprise. He had indeed received Grindelwald's promise to help him find his family, but in fact he himself did not have much hope.

Because someone once promised to help him find his family, but after twenty years of searching, there was still no news.

"We found the shipwreck that year. There were forty-seven survivors. The total crew members were 462 people. There are only 30 people alive today. Your family is among these 462 people. Minister of the Twelve.”

"More than four hundred people? Only forty-seven survived?" Abernathy's voice trembled.

Grindelwald patted him on the shoulder: "To be honest, it is unlikely that your family is still alive.

Abernethy's nostrils were shrinking and dilating. He lowered his head and spoke with an unprecedented firmness: "I...I still have to find them, even if it's a name, a corpse, a tombstone——"

(PS: You can basically see it here. Abernathy’s character background settings are partly based on the settings of the Burning Love series. I thought this setting was very interesting, so I used it.)

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