Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

98. "Tyko Dodonas' Prediction" (2-In-1)

Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Today is a practical class, which is the most popular class for every little wizard.

These little monkeys can never restrain their restless hearts, dueling and confronting each other, using magic wands to perform magic, and trying mysterious and wonderful spells.

These are far more interesting than boring theories.

Even Dumbledore, who had a brilliant tongue and could make theory classes interesting, could not change the nature of children.

What was going on was a mock duel.

A chubby student confronted Dumbledore with a wand, and the other students formed a circle around them.

Compared to the students who looked nervous and eager to try, Dumbledore was much more at ease.

"What were the three biggest mistakes you made last time?" Dumbledore asked.

"Um————" the boy thought for a moment, "I got an unexpected shock."

"anything else?"

"Hiss--I didn't dodge before breaking the spell!"

“Very good, last one!”

The boy thought hard, he really couldn't remember.

Other students couldn't help but snicker: "Haha, he can't remember.

Just when the boy was really wondering if he had missed something, the wand in Dumbledore's hand suddenly glowed with fluorescence.

A gentle but irresistible force grabbed him directly, flew him backwards, and sat down on the sofa behind him.

"..." The boy looked at his naughty professor helplessly. He still didn't understand. He was being fooled!

"The most important one is that you haven't learned the first two thoroughly!" Dumbledore couldn't help laughing, and the other students also laughed.

837 A class was unfolding perfectly, but some people broke in.

"This is a school! You have no right -" A young and beautiful teacher did not stop the intruding Auror [she was interrupted rudely by Travers before she could even say anything.

"I am the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. I have the right to go wherever I want, as long as I want." This seemed to be a response to the lady just now, but his eyes were focused on Dumbledore. .

Facing a group of students, Travers couldn't refuse and said: "Get out!"

The students frowned and stared at them, but did not move.

After just this brief encounter, they didn't like this intruder.

Children are all obedient. Travers's authority was in the wrong place.

This is a school. Apart from professors and principals, what they fear most is inviting parents.

As for the Director of the Legal Enforcement Department...Who is this? I don’t recognize him!

Travers was embarrassed to find that none of the students moved, especially when he saw these students subconsciously looking at Dumbledore.

"Okay, kids, please follow Professor McGonagall out." Dumbledore's words were much more effective.

The children followed the female professor and filed out. The boy who was Dumbledore's rival angrily warned Travers: "He is our best teacher."

"Thanks, Mike Ragan."

Before Professor McGonagall left, he couldn't help but glance at Dumbledore worriedly.

Give me a look of relief.

Now, Dumbledore and a group of Aurors were the only ones left in the classroom.

Dumbledore watched several Aurors disperse in the classroom, seemingly forming a double-team, which made him understand that the intruder was not malicious.

These Aurors seemed to want to fight him.

Dumbledore didn't take this to heart at all. In other words, Dumbledore had cultivated his character for many years and had a good temper - at least on the surface, he had a good temper.

If it had been Aurelius or Grindelwald, he would have laughed at them.

People, I don’t know why they have a kind of self-confidence. People with higher status are often more likely to be self-confident.

What on earth allowed them to produce a wizard who could compete with the likes of Dumbledore through heaps of numbers?

If these Aurors were just like Dumbledore, the Swiss encirclement and suppression operation more than a year ago would not have failed, and Grindelwald would not be able to cause such a big disturbance.

The Ministry of Magic throughout Europe is helpless against Grindelwald. Why would Travers think that Dumbledore, the only one who can compete with Grindelwald, would be easy to deal with?

It is a very simple truth, but politicians like Travers always turn a blind eye.

"Newt Scamander is in Paris." Travers looked like he was in control, as if he knew everything.

Dumbledore, an old Riddler who knew the secrets of Tai Chi, said lightly: "Really?"

"Stop pretending. I know clearly that you ordered him to go." Travers pressed forward step by step.

Dumbledore leaned on the teaching desk and said with a smile: "Well - if you are lucky enough to teach him, you will know that Newt - is not a person who is good at following orders.

Travers smiled coldly and threw a small notebook to Dumbledore, who caught it with one hand.

"Have you read "The Prediction of Tyco Dodonas"?" Travers stopped pestering Newt and talked about the book.

"Well, many years ago." Dumbledore turned the pages of the book casually, closed it and put it aside without caring.

Travers sings the prophecy: "The man is cruelly exiled, the daughter is disappointed and despairing——"

"Yes, I know." Dumbledore seemed to feel uncomfortable standing. He sat on the lectern and put his hands in his pockets, very leisurely.

"Very well, then tell me, what does this prediction (ccfb) say?" Travers asked.

"How do I know?" Dumbledore didn't answer, not to mention whether this poem was a valid prophecy made by the prophet Dodonas. Even if it was, there are various interpretations of the prophecy. You can only guess based on these few vague sentences. Things are undoubtedly inaccurate.

Taking a step back, even if Dumbledore interpreted it correctly, why would he tell Travers?

"Grindelwald, a murderer, a criminal, escaped from England," Travers said to himself: "If he is an exiled man, then who is the daughter?"

Dumbledore's expression changed and he looked at Travers gloomily. He had a premonition of the name Travers was going to say.

"Who died in pain and despair? And what was the starting point of Grindelwald's evil..."

"That's enough! Travers!" Dumbledore could not contain his anger.

Ariana is Dumbledore's Achilles' heel, a taboo he doesn't want to talk about.

"Huh," Travers also knew how to give up when it was good. He didn't dare to overly stimulate Dumbledore, "Grindelwald appeared in New York, Newt went to New York, Grindelwald was in Paris, Newt went to Paris... ...Tell me, Dumbledore, how could it be such a coincidence?"

"What do you want to say?"

"You don't know? You are not in charge of all this?"

"not my business."

"You have built a very small international contact network, and you don't have to worry about it...

"No matter how long you spy on me and my friends, you will never find the slightest violation of your intentions, Travers." Dumbledore laughed, and he was helpless.

Since he put himself in a cage, he must learn the ability to solve problems with something other than force.

This sounds like a redundant step.

But this is his choice, and he knows that he must do this, otherwise it will only bring more terrible consequences.

"Our goal is the same: to defeat Grindelwald."

Dumbledore was serious in his words. They were on the same side, at least in the case of Grindelwald.

However, they are always pursuing dominance, doubting, monitoring, and internal friction with each other.

This will do nothing to crush Grindelwald's conspiracy!

Seeing Travers' disapproving expression, Dumbledore felt helpless:

"However, I warn you that your political suppression and violence will only push his supporters into his arms.


Travers suddenly turned cold. Dumbledore's warning sounded to him as malicious ridicule and sarcasm. At best, he was calling his teammate a pig, and at worst, it was an accusation against him. For a politician, this accusation is even more difficult to accept.

"I'm not interested in your warnings!"

Dumbledore felt helpless about this, this pig teammate——

"I didn't want to mention it at first, because I don't like you." Travers' voice suddenly became low, and he raised his eyes to look at Dumbledore, "But among magicians, you are the only one who can rival him.

Travers seemed to want to show off. He stepped closer and watched Dumbledore's every move: "I want you to fight him!"

..." Dumbledore was speechless. He raised his eyelids, and the deep wrinkles on his forehead were the result of their complicated past.

"I can not."

He refused, but this seemed to be what Travers expected: "Because of this?"

An illusory image appeared in mid-air. It was a pair of young people. Dumbledore's eyes were full of memories. It was "them in the summer of 1899."

Him, and Grindelwald.

This illusion was seen by everyone present, and the Aurors' disbelieving eyes jumped between the illusion and Dumbledore.

Theseus stood up straight as if greatly frightened and looked at Dumbledore in shock.

"You and Grindelwald," Travers said with a confident expression on his face, "were once as close as brothers!".

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