Smelling the sour smell in the air, Alvin frowned and ran in the direction of the bathroom.

It wasn't long before Alvin came to the bathroom door and heard the heavy footsteps of the girls in the bathroom.

Without stopping at all, Alvin immediately ran in.

Then I saw the ugly troll.

The creature was twelve feet tall, with dull skin and a small head on top of its massive body, which looked very incongruous. The lower body is a bucket-like thick leg. Bare with a pair of calloused feet,

A little witch is cornered so frightened that she forgets to scream. Who is it if it's not Hermione?

Seeing the troll approaching Hermione step by step, Alvin raised his hand and a flock of birds (10,000 bullets).

Rubble rose from the ground and struck the troll's head in a line.

Alvin didn't dare to use too much magic, mainly for fear of knocking the troll away, which could easily injure Hermione by mistake.

Just the right amount of strength to attract the troll's attention.

The troll sensed someone attacking him from behind him, and turned awkwardly, its stupid head unable to understand what was happening, and for a moment it walked towards Alwyn on his feet.

When the troll was about to get to his side, Alvin petrified it again and fixed the troll in place.

At the same time, he quickly bypassed the troll and made his way to Hermione's side.

Hermione saw Alwyn's arrival and finally couldn't help but let out a low sob.

At this point, Alvin didn't care to comfort the little witch.

The troll's skin has a high magic resistance, so it's estimated that it will be ready to move right away.

Sure enough, when Alvin ran up to Hermione and got her out of the way.

The troll's body began to shake, and it was ready to break free from the petrification spell.

But without any worries, Alvin can do his best.

The wand is pointed at the troll.

"Thunderbolt Explosion!".

Alwyn was not relentless, and a high-level burst spell was shot out.

Pure magic doesn't do much damage to trolls, and dark magic is inconvenient to use.

Trolls can only be injured with the physical damage generated by the Burst Charm.

The troll took a full burst spell and was sent flying by a huge shockwave, directly smashing through the walls of the bathroom and flying out.

The wooden stick in his hand also came out of his hand and flew into the air.

I saw a wooden stick in mid-air. Alvin had a flash of inspiration, and pointed at the wooden stick.

The wooden stick was in the air, and it quickly turned into a sword, and the body of the sword reflected silver light, which was extremely sharp.

"It's overwhelming!".

This is an advanced catapult spell that allows objects to shoot at enemies at breakneck speeds.

The sword is like a magic weapon of the immortal envoy, attacking the troll.

All of this, as tedious as it sounds, only happens in another two seconds.

Before the troll could hit the ground, it was hit in the throat by a sword. He was then nailed to the wall of the hallway.


"My Merlin!" exclaimed from outside, vaguely like Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitsch.

Seeing the trolls nailed to the wall and the professors coming, Alvin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the little witch who was still sobbing, Alwyn walked out of the bathroom with her half-carried in his arms.

Sure enough, Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, and Snape were outside the door, and were about to rush in when they saw Alwyn walk out.

Then Quirrell arrived, and he just glanced at the troll, then crouched on the ground and whimpered.

Snape glanced at Elwin, then turned to check on the troll pinned to the wall.

Professor McGonagall turned pale and pursed her lips.

"What the hell are you doing?".

"Mr. Gaunt, and Ms. Granger, I need an explanation!".

At this time, Professor McGonagall was scared and angry.

Two first-year wizards actually dared to fight trolls.

You must know that although the troll has a bad brain, its highly magically resistant skin is a headache for many adult wizards after graduation.

Professor Flitwick was worried at first, but was relieved to see that the two were intact. I walked over to see how they killed the trolls.

"I'm sorry, Professor, we were dating, but I didn't expect a troll to come in the castle, and I had to fight this big guy as a last resort. "

"Dating?in the girls' bathroom?!".

McGonagall's professor's voice rose three degrees. She couldn't believe that the little wizard was playing so wildly now

"Yes, Professor, there's not a lot of people here. Alvin said without blushing or panting.

Snape gave Alvin a slightly mocking look.

Professor Flitwick looked at Alwyn with a little complication, he knew the relationship between Alvin and Autumn.

Flitwick didn't expect his genius little wizard to be so attentive.

Hermione, who was still held in Alwin's arms, blushed slightly, she knew that Alwyn had said this in order to avoid being punished by Professor McGonagall.

But she was still shy, and her mind was so messy that she couldn't help but think about it.

Then, she thought about the relationship between Alvin and the second-year Ravenclaw senior, and her heart was even more complicated.

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