Hermione's face flushed when she heard Alwin's words.

But she didn't hesitate, took a deep breath, and jumped off.

Alwin's arms took Hermione firmly in his arms, and he subconsciously tossed around.

Then he said something that made Hermione break her defense in an instant.

"Why do you feel a little heavier than last time?".

Hermione listened to the whole person frantically thrashing on Alwin's chest. Even after Hermione was put down by Alwin, she twisted half a circle on his arm.

Harry and Ron on above were relieved to see that they were okay, and jumped off one by one.

And then there's the hearing....



"Elwin, didn't you pick up Hermione, why didn't you pick us both up?"

Harry and Ron rubbed their butts and looked at Alvin with a wryp.

Although the ground is paved with soft plants. But they still have some pain when they jump from that height.

Alvin looked at them as if he were looking at them.

"Can you be the same as Hermione?".


This sentence was like a sharp arrow, hitting the hearts of the two people fiercely.

He looked at Alwin, then at Hermione.

After confirming the eyes, both of them are people who can't be provoked.

Seeing the stupid looks of the two people, Alvin directly ignored them.

How can Lori fall to the ground?

"Fluorescent flicker!".

The crowd unleashed a glitter spell with their wands, lighting up the room.

Hermione saw the plants on the ground and screamed.

"Oh my God, it's the devil's web, they're not safe, we're going to use fire..."

Before he could finish speaking, Alvin snapped his fingers.

"Resist the Ring of Fire!".

With that, a ring of flame appeared from beneath his feet, then rapidly expanded. The devil's net seemed to have touched his grandfather, and he put away all the vines in an instant, so fast that the three little ones were dumbfounded.

"Let's go, don't waste time here. "

Regardless of their consternation, Alvin walked in the direction of the Devil's Net retreating, where there was a wooden door.

Harry looked at Alwin enviously, he also wanted to be as chic and handsome as Elwin.

snap your fingers and shout something.

Unfortunately, he didn't even know what spells Alwyn was using, let alone casting spells without a wand.

In fact, this is not a spell per se, just a fine manipulation of the Fire Charm.

The large number of blue and white cards that Alvin obtained in this gacha had already made his application of some basic spells reach an amazing state.

Just now, Alvin just made up a random name just to be handsome.

Obviously, this wave of loading and batching was a success. Didn't you see that little stars were about to appear in Hermione next to her?

Walking into the wooden house, everyone was dumbfounded when they looked at the winged keys flying in the sky.

Harry looked at the broomstick next to him and his eyes were delighted.

"There's a broom there!

Before he could finish speaking, Alvin pointed his finger to the ground, and a giant hand instantly appeared on the ground. swept towards the sky suddenly, and directly grabbed most of the key in Zhang Xin.

Erwin snapped his fingers again, and his palm immediately turned into a cage, trapping the keys in the cage.

"Go find the one with the injured wing, if someone opened the door just now, then the wings of that key must be different from the others. "

With that, Alvin conjured a chair and made it.

The main thing is that Alwin can't stand it anymore, is the broom next to him serious?

It's like going to an escape room and someone slaps you in the face with a map.

Harry opened his mouth.

Well, I'm still somewhat useful, at least I can still find the key.

Reassuring himself, Harry went up with Ron to find the key.

Hermione, on the other hand, was left behind by Alwin, and the two shared a chaise longe.

Leisurely looking at Harry and Ron, looking for the key.

When the two found a key with sky-blue wings and inserted him into the eye on the stone wall, the stone door was opened after a harsh sound.

As soon as the door was opened, it was ejected and he was caught twice in a row, looking exhausted.

The group walked through the stone gate and into a pitch-black hall.

Suddenly, the room was brightly lit, revealing a shocking scene in this room.

In front of them was a huge chessboard.

Harry, Ron, Hermione's faces were pale.

Because the pieces on the board are so huge, more than twice as tall as they are.

In front of them was a sunspot, and on the opposite side was a white child.

There is nothing on Bai Zi's face, and with this black and white chessboard, it looks particularly gloomy and empty.

There are obviously a few sunspots missing, obviously letting them act as pawns, and if they win the opposite side, they can pass the level.

Alwin's inner soul was burning at this time.

Do you dare to make the design of these levels more obvious!

The previous level was based on Harry's flying skills, and this level was clearly designed for Ron.

Is this the Wizarding World's private service?

Professor McGonagall, why don't you get a flying board and have them play an exciting game of flying chess?

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