Three days later, the school auditorium.

Today is the year-end banquet, and all the little wizards are in the auditorium, enjoying the last dinner of the semester.

The entire auditorium is dominated by Ravenclaw's signature blue, with eagle emblems scattered around the auditorium.

The little wizards of Ravenclaw are as happy as the New Year. This year's Ravenclaw finally won the House Cup and also won the Quidditch Championship.

Just yesterday, Ravenclaw managed to limit Harry with Elwin's brilliant play. Autumn successfully caught the Golden Snitch.

Throughout the game, whenever Harry made a move, Alvin always hit a Bludger with precision, hindering Harry's movements.

After the game, Harry and the twins looked at Alvin with resentment, and choked Alvin with disgust.

It wasn't until Alwin agreed to visit the Burrow for the summer that the twin brothers let Alvin go.

At this time, Alvin sat next to Qiu, and the two of them talked about their plans for the summer vacation.

"Mom and Dad invited you to my house in a letter. Autumn stared at Alwyn, as if she was ready to cry at any moment if Alwyn didn't agree.

"No problem, but I'm not sure when I'm going to leave London for the summer. "Alvin has a little scalp tingling, and this is the first time he has seen his parents in two lives. He was also a little nervous.

"What did your parents like?" asked Alwyn tentatively.

Autumn was also a little amused to see Alwin's nervous appearance, but he was more happy in his heart, isn't this exactly how Alvin cares about his performance?

"Don't be nervous, Elwin, they're all good talkers, and you're so good, they're going to like you. "

Hearing this, Alwyn was slightly relieved, but he remembered Hermione again.

After the last incident, the relationship between Alvin and Hermione was clear.

Since she went to see Autumn's parents, would Hermione also go to her side once?

I couldn't help but sigh, it seems that scumbags are not so easy to be.

Just then, Dumbledore walked in, and the noise of the Great Hall gradually subsided

"Another year has passed!" said Dumbledore, gleefully, "and before you leave the school, I must trouble you to listen to an old man's cliché. "

"Now, as far as I know, we are going to have a ceremony to win the Academy Cup, and the specific scores of each house are as follows:"

"4th place, Gryffindor, 312 points".

"Third place, Hufflepuff, 352 points".

"2nd place, Slytherin, 451 points".

"1st place, Ravenclaw, 502 points".

The Ravenclaw table erupted in thunderous cheers and applause, and even the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor students cheered them on.

Slytherin have won the House Cup for six years in a row, and this time Ravenclaw won the trophy.

With the exception of the Slytherin accident, the other three houses all had some complaints about them to a greater or lesser extent.

Alvin saw Snape slicing the steak with his knife and fork, and he could hear the cacophony of rubbing.

Snape glared at him fiercely when he saw Alwyn looking at him. Alwyn was not annoyed, but gave him a bright smile back, causing Snape to lose his temper.

"This Alvin is simply a piece of hob meat!".

Snape thought viciously.

"However, several recent events must also be taken into account. "

Dumbledore looked at the Gryffindor table, which made the smiles of the young wizards of Ravenclaw lighten a little.

Alvin didn't panic at all, if the old bee dared to let Gryffindor surpass Ravenclaw, he would dare to blow up the school right now.

As if sensing Alvin's gaze, Dumbledore tilted his head to meet him and smiled.

"Mr. Ron Weasley, he bravely stood with his buddies in the face of danger, and for that, Gryffindor added 50 points!".

"Miss Hermione Granger, with her profound knowledge, keen observation, and calm reasoning, earned Gryffindor 50 points!".

"Mr. Harry Potter, he has shown senseless courage and extraordinary courage in the face of crisis, I want to add 60 points to Gryffindor!".

The cheers of the Gryffindors almost knocked the enchanted ceiling up, and they were so happy that they didn't overtake Ravenclaw, but they had crushed their sworn enemy, Slytherin!

Dumbledore raised his hand, and the Gryffindors fell silent.


Speaking of which, the little wizards of Ravenclaw were already a little panicked, in case Dumbledore was coming up with some excuse to add a few points to Gryffindor, wouldn't this be the same score as them?

"Mr. Alvin Gaunt, I have to admit that he is the most magically gifted young wizard I have ever seen, and he has defeated great enemies and protected important Hogwarts property. "

"For this... I'm going to give Ravenclaw 200 points, and Ravenclaw has managed to break the record and become the highest house score of all time!".


The Ravenclaw side went completely crazy, and most of the girls' Ravenclaws erupted in cheers that were not inferior to the Gryffindors just now.

A large group of little witches pounced on Alwyn like crazy, hugging and kissing him. Qiu next to her didn't care at all now, and she happily threw herself into Alwin's arms.

It wasn't until Dumbledore called a halt that the group of little witches gradually calmed down. Alvin managed to crawl out of the witch pile.

His robes were almost ripped off, and his face was covered in lip prints. Harry, who was looking at the next table, was envious.

Eventually, in this joyous atmosphere, the feast ended, and the young wizards of Ravenclaw supported Alvin back to his dormitory like guards.

Eventually, Alvin almost crawled into the hallway of his dormitory.

This group of women, no, still witches, is terrible!


Thank you for your support, if everything goes well, it will be on the shelves tomorrow, the little author is ready to break out more than 15,000 in two days, readers don't dislike too little, some of the plots of my summer vacation have to think more, I hope you can understand!

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