Lupine negotiated with Sirius.

The two turned around, looked at Charlotte and Harry, and Sirius said, "We'll call the Knight Bus to take you back to Grimmauld Place."

Sirius lowered his head and reached out to touch the heads of the two: "Be careful on the way back, Lupin and I will be back soon, don't worry about us."

The surrounding air became even colder and damper, Sirius looked up at the sky, frowning slightly.

This feeling is getting worse and worse.

Charlotte and Harry had to get out of here quickly.

Charlotte looked up, scanning her surroundings.

He also felt an unusual breath.

"I can stay." He said: "We stay here and can be your helpers.

According to his strength, he could completely protect Harry, Sirius and Lupine, and going back to Laike's house would be the worst policy.

Sirius smiled, reaching out to stroke Charlotte's head.

As far as he was concerned, it was just Charlotte worrying about him and Lupine.

What a kind boy, Sirius smiled and said to Charlotte: "Don't worry, Lupine and I will come back as soon as possible, you don't need to think too much, just go back, the Knight Bus will be here soon."

Just as he was talking, Lupine took out his wand, and with a deafening sound, the Knight Bus appeared in front of them with its tail swung.

Appearing in front of the four of them was Yiliang's three-storey bus painted in bright purple paint. It looked no different from an ordinary bus on the outside, except that it was much taller than an ordinary bus.

The dim light was exposed from the bus window, and the light looked very dim as always.

Features of the wizarding world.

Since Sirius refused, Charlotte didn't force it, he boarded the Knights bus with Harry, Sirius paid twenty-six Sikels for him, and then bid farewell to the two.

Harry had never been on a knight bus, he hadn't even heard of a knight bus, after all Sirius wouldn't have said such things to Harry on purpose.

For him, these are the little things every day.

After bidding farewell to Sirius, Harry and Charlotte boarded the Cavaliers bus. The human head hanging on the 16th head of the bus looked towards the two of them, and made a sharp and strange voice: "Good evening, little masters."

Harry timidly replied: "Oh, good evening, uh, Mr. Head."

The conductor Stan Sampak hung one hand on the handle above the car, looked at the two, and said, "Sit down, gentlemen, we're about to start the train."

Charlotte looked towards the carriage, it was night now, there were several rows of candles on the carriage, and there were six rows of copper canopy beds inside, but there were only two snoring wizards lying on the two beds.

Charlotte sat down on a bunk bed with Harry.

Since they paid thirteen Sickles, they could get a cup of hot chocolate, and Stan Thornpark cut two cups of hot chocolate in front of them.

"Thank you." The two thanked each other and brought over the hot chocolate.

As the Knight bus was about to leave, Charlotte put the hot chocolate on the tray aside and said, "Better put your hot chocolate aside."

"Okay." Harry also put the hot chocolate aside, and looked at the entire compartment along the way.

"Let's go!" Stan yelled at the driver in the purple uniform with thick glasses who had been sleeping since Charlotte and Harry got into the car.

"Ah, oh, it's time to start!" The driver pushed his thick eyes like a dream, and then rang the bell on the car.

Following three siren-like sounds, the Knight Bus swung its rear and rushed forward in a single ride.

The car started, Harry immediately reached out and grabbed the brass pillar of the canopy bed, he said in surprise: "Oh, my God, wouldn't the speed of this bus hit people?

Stan had been very interested in the two from the beginning, and had been standing by. Hearing this, he said: "Of course not, wizards' cars can't be seen by Muggles."

As he said that, the car in front of him jumped over an old woman crossing the road like a rabbit.

The canopy bed Harry and Charlotte were sitting on jumped up, and the hot chocolate on the side tray fell straight to the floor.

"Oh!" Harry closed his eyes in shock.

"What a pleasure," Stan said, obviously quite used to this happening.

Harry was still in shock, but the Knight Bus had already started speeding down the road.

From time to time, I squeezed between two cars, and sometimes when I encountered a place with a lot of cars, this bus even drove past the wall.

Vehicles, lampposts, and trash cans were left far behind by the Knight Bus.

Charlotte looked at the scene in front of her and found it very interesting.

This bus seems to be shrouded in a kind of magical magic, so it can change its shape at will, such as squeezing through the cracks of the wall into pieces of paper, and it will not hurt the people sitting inside.

Charlotte finds it amusing, and Harry finds it amusing and extraordinarily frightening.

On a flat road, Harry clutched his little heart and asked, "My God, are you a little dangerous?"

Stan laughs back, "Of course not, we haven't had an accident for about a week.

When Stan finished speaking, the head hanging in front shouted in a Caribbean accent: "Here we are! We are here! It's Grimmauld Place!"

Charlotte and Harry walked down, and Stan waved to them at the door: "Welcome to come again next time!"

Then, the Knight Bus closed the door with a bang, and once again disappeared into the dark night with its tail swinging.

Still in shock, Harry patted his chest and said, "Oh, I won't take this car next time."

Charlotte laughs: "You get used to it, the Knight Bus is very useful a lot of the time.

As the two talked, Harry took Charlotte to Bo Laike's house.

Although Sirius kept talking to reassure the two of them, Harry was always worried that Sirius would be on the way, he sighed and said, "Charlotte, will Sirius and Lupine really be okay?"

Sirius didn't tell Charlotte what happened.

Although he vaguely guessed that it might have something to do with those prisoners, it could not be ruled out that it was Grindelwald.

"Don't worry, they are very close to the Ministry of Magic. With the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic there, they will be fine." Chong Luo said.

Hearing what Charlotte said, Harry was slightly relieved.

He walked towards the side, took out his wand, waved the wand and a house appeared before him, Harry walked towards the house, Charlotte walked behind him.

Looking at the house in front of him, he always felt that something was wrong.

In any case, tonight has been uneven, they should be more careful.

Chapter 177: Prisoner of Azkaban!

Just after Charlotte and Harry went back to Laike's house.

Sirius trembled suddenly, and he looked up to the sky, with horror in his eyes.


As long as one has stayed in Azkaban, it is impossible to forget this feeling.

This kind of coldness that lost all emotion and became a walking dead.


"It's a dementor!!" Sirius looked at Lupin. Although he no longer looked like he had just been released from prison, the horror of the dementor still made him tremble all over.

"Sirius!" Lupine reached out to hold Sirius' hand, and Sirius' pupils trembled, but he calmed down quickly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, go to the Ministry of Magic."

While the two were talking, the dementors hovering above their heads suddenly spread towards the surroundings, and the masters walking on the street stopped one after another.

"what happened?"

"Oh my god! It's a dementor!!"

"Dementor!! Run!"

Countless snowflakes fell, and the sky seemed to be covered with a layer of black veil. Countless dementors flew down from the sky. They made sharp shouts and flew towards the wizards around them, and cast dementors on them. kiss.

The wizards around are fleeing, but there are still many wizards who are caught up by the dementors!

Lupine and Sirius looked at each other, and ran towards the wizards who were unable to cast their guardian spells.

"Call God to protect you!"

The white light quickly dispelled the dementors.

But after a while, those dementors immediately surrounded them again, and countless dementors floated down from the sky layer by layer, rushing towards the wizard, Sirius and Luo Ping.

On the Ministry of Magic building, someone seemed to have discovered countless dementors. The lights of the building flickered on quickly, and dozens of wizards poured out from the Ministry of Magic building [casting a protective spell on the dementors.

Gadvin Robards rushed out of the Ministry of Magic building with the Aurors, cast a guardian spell, and walked towards Sirius and Lupine.

"How is this going?!"

"Why did the dementors attack the Ministry of Magic!!"

Lupine looked at Robards, and simply said: "We don't know, be careful around, I think we may encounter other people besides Dementors!"

Robards asked nervously: "Who! Who is it?!"

"Those prisoners! I think they're coming for Harry, and I've already sent him back." Sirius said on the sidelines, his forehead was sweating, and the white light on his hands gradually faded.

There are too many dementors, even if the guardian spell is useful, but it can't stop these dementors from appearing in front of them as if they don't need money.

"Prisoner?" Robards was a little panicked as he walked towards the side, obviously planning to deploy.

"Let's go to the Ministry of Magic building first." Lupine stretched out his hand to support Sirius, so many dementors made Sirius recall the fear from Azkaban, if he hadn't been determined, he would probably have been unable to use it Cursed.

The Ministry of Magic building could barely withstand the dementors, and many dementors screamed at the wizards inside at the windows and gates. The wizards on the street had all withdrawn to the Ministry of Magic building.

The Aurors were casting spells on the dementors, and in addition to being careful not to let the prisoners break into the Ministry of Magic building.

Crazy-eyed Moody walked over from one side, hearing the crazy screams, he said irritably: "Listen to these voices, I wonder if the dementors have eaten glass, why are their voices so disgusting? "

As he spoke, Mad-Eyes Moody looked at Lupine: "You said those prisoners are outside?"

When suddenly asked, Sirius and Lupin were a little uncertain, they just saw a wizard who was suspected to be Bella outside.

After finishing this matter, Mad Eye Moody frowned: "I think you may have made a mistake, I took the Aurors out just now to see, except for the damned Dementor, there is no one just sick .”

"Except, of course, for those poor wizards who are surrounded for food."

Mad-Eyes Moody didn't seem to have any sympathy for those wizards who were surrounded to give Dementor Kiss. ​​He glanced at the two, especially Sirius, with some wicked smiles.

Lupine turned slightly pale: "Moody, what do you mean? You mean there are no prisoners outside?!"

Moody shrugged, pointed to his eyes and said, "Of course, Lupine, you know, there's no way out

To my eyes, there are no prisoners outside.

As soon as these words came out, even Sirius turned pale.

He suddenly figured everything out.

Bella tricked them out!

She is now at Bo Laike's house!!

"Come on! Harry!" Sirius ran out suddenly, but was stopped by Lupine, the sharp voice of the dementor was still in his ears.

"There are dementors outside, where are you going?"

"We have to save them! They're just students at Hogwarts, Bella's a Death Eater, and they're going to die! Lupin!"

Sirius looked abnormally excited, and even Lupine's face was abnormally anxious.

He looked at Moody with crazy eyes on the side: "Moody, how do we get out? Is it possible to stay here forever? Sooner or later, the dementors will break through, and we will all die


Moody also stopped laughing, and his face became serious.

"We can only defend, and you know, dementors can't be killed, but you mean, those prisoners went to Bo Laike's house? And where is Harry?"

Lupine pulled Sirius and said, "Yes, we sent them back on the Knight Bus."


Sirius said weakly: "It's Harry and his friend, my benefactor, Charlotte Elvis."

Sirius was in the mood that he might kill Harry and Charlotte.

In his opinion, if he hadn't proposed to come out, if he hadn't felt that he could protect the two children, such a thing would not have happened.

If only Harry and Charlotte died at Braike's house because of him.

He will feel guilty for the rest of his life, which is worse than killing him.

Even if he stayed in Azkaban for more than ten years, there was no moment when he was in more pain than he is now.

Lupine reached out and patted Sirius on the back "to calm him down.

But Sirius was so guilty that he could hardly straighten his back, a big man, standing where he was, almost cried.

And Moody stood in front of the two, hearing the familiar name, he said in surprise: "Charlotte?"

Seeing Lupine nodding, Moody's eyes lit up, and he laughed loudly: "Oh, then don't worry, I think we should worry more about ourselves, Harry is safe

Probably the safest man in the world. ".

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