Hogwarts: The Strongest Annie Magus In History

Chapter 253: I'm Not The Savior!

"I found it in the acromantula's lair. After thinking about it, Charlotte decided to tell Dumbledore everything she knew.

"The acromantula plans to cooperate with the vampire and use this little guy to attract Shelob." Before Charlotte could finish speaking, Dumbledore turned his head and asked with some surprise: "A son of Ugoliant?"

"Yes, but now it is estimated that he has no heirs." Charlotte touched her nose and said, "I burned it to death."

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment: "Oh, that's good, I didn't expect such a dangerous existence to be hidden in the Forbidden Forest."

Dumbledore blinked, and then said: "It seems that things are going to get more complicated.

Charlotte looked up at Dumbledore, and Dumbledore said with a smile: "However, we have the great Mr. Charlotte here, so don't worry."

Charlotte shrugged: "I'm not a savior, Dumbledore. If you're looking for a savior, I think Harry is more suitable."

Dumbledore took a sip of hot cocoa and said, "Harry has the courage of a Gryffindor, but for some things, courage alone is not enough. If we talk about the savior, Miss Granger might be more appropriate."

"Fate always pushes us into the whirlpool." Dumbledore said something confusing, and then he looked at the horned monster.

"The Horned Snork is a creature of light and darkness. Its appearance heralds the coming of darkness."

"But it also heralds the coming of the light?" Charlotte looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore nodded: "I may be away from Hogwarts for a while, and during this time, I will make you McGonagall's assistant.

Dumbledore looked at Charlotte, his wise eyes fixed on Charlotte: "Can you protect Hogwarts for me for a while?"

Charlotte looked at Dumbledore.

For such a long time, he had a strong sense of belonging to Hogwarts, and the classmates and teachers here made him feel extraordinarily happy and happy.

It wasn't his style to let Grindelwald or Voldemort do something to Hogwarts.


"Oh, this little guy, I'll leave it to you." Dumbledore said with a smile, a little more relaxed on his face, and then he took out a bottle from the back drawer and handed it to Charlotte.

"It's Fawkes's tears, and I read to it one night a tragic story, oh, by that great Muggle writer, whose Romeo is so sad," said Dumbledore, wiping the corner of my eye.

It was only then that Charlotte noticed that the corners of Dumbledore's eyes were a little red. I am afraid that when reading these to Fox, Old Deng was not less moved.

Charlotte took the bottle, the tears of the phoenix can cure all poisons, but it may not be able to save the horned snoring beast.

Charlotte took the Horned Snork back to the Forbidden Forest, and went to Snape's potion office to get some potions on the way. Snape's office has a lot of potion materials, even some rare materials.

Charlotte unceremoniously took a lot, and then took the cauldron to the Forbidden Forest.

He knew a lot of healing prescriptions, but he didn't know which one would be effective for the Snoring Beast. For such a magical little animal, he still didn't want it to die like this.

Charlotte stopped by to catch the blood of the crooked beast, and then began to squat in front of Hagrid's small house to brew the medicine.

Hagrid seemed very unhappy these days because of Aragog's betrayal of their pact, he squatted next to Charlotte to help Lo stir the cauldron.

Charlotte added a bit of acromantula venom into it, and Hagrid said sadly: "Oh, it was so cute when it was a child, I can't believe it, it has such thoughts

""Acromantus likes to eat human flesh is natural, Hagrid, you have to be careful." "

Hagrid is always like this, he always believes that those dangerous magical animals also need warm love, such as the acromant that loves to eat human flesh.

In the original book, Aragog almost treats Harry, Ron and Fang as snacks for his heirs.

This time, it wouldn't be out of the question to make Hagrid sad.

"I know, but it used to be so gentle. I used to go to its cave to find it. It was always gentle with me, and its children. They never hurt me. I patrolled the forbidden forest. They always take me to many interesting places.

The more Hagrid said, the more sad he became, but it was okay, although (Wang Le) was sad, but Hagrid's way of stirring the cauldron was still very standard.

Charlotte stopped Hagrid, and dug out two spoonfuls of what looked like pitch from the pot.

"Hagrid, don't be sad, I need some mandella. I remember that Professor Prout already has a batch of mature mandella. Can you get some from her for me?"

Hagrid stood up, wiped his tears and said, "Oh, of course, I will go to save the poor little guy."

Hagrid walked towards the greenhouse, Charlotte put the pitch-like medicine on the horned snoring beast, the horned snoring beast screamed a few times, the flowing blood washed the asphalt down and piled up at its feet, it looked like It's like a musty sewer. .

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