Hogwarts: The Strongest Annie Magus In History

Chapter 334 Melee Magician - Wild

Chapter 334 Melee Magician——Wild

"This guy is..."

Charlotte looked at the somewhat peculiar magician on the stage, and memories flashed through her mind quickly.

"Melee magician—wild!" Charlotte said to herself.

After searching Murphy's memory carefully, Charlotte really found information about this magician. It turns out that this magician is already a celebrity in the Hexagonal Tower, and his special fighter Duan Ye is controversial and even many magicians follow suit.

The vast majority of magicians have a release distance. Whether it is an attacking magician or a defensive magician, generally speaking, there is a distance of at least ten meters or more. Except for a small number of special magicians with restrictions, almost all magicians Teachers are all remote.

This is also to protect the magician, because the body of the magician has always been weak, and even the body of some magicians is not as good as the body of the great knight.

It is also this extreme physical quality that causes the higher the level of magician, the larger the scale and the farther the release distance.

But, there is something different, that is the melee magician!

Melee magicians are often evolved from magicians who have cultivated blood, but due to the harsh combat methods, the number of this type of magicians is extremely rare.

Melee magicians like to compress their mental power on the surface of their bodies, relying on their powerful physical strength combined with the burst of mental power, they are almost invincible at close range.

But once the magician is on guard, it will be difficult for the melee magician to play a role.

After all, a qualified magician will not easily let opponents get close.

Among all magicians, the number of defense magicians can be said to be the largest. This is exactly the good intentions of magicians to make up for their weak bodies.


As the ground trembled, a magician spat out blood and was kicked off the stage.

"The twentieth game, Wild wins! ^々!"

Without too many accidents, the melee magician won the victory.

Charlotte glanced at the other party intentionally. This guy is one of the biggest rivals for the participating magicians. Because of the way of fighting in the arena, don't be too friendly to the melee magicians. After all, the arena is so big, and the melee magicians can lock the opponent as soon as they come up. As magicians, they are at a great disadvantage.

Fortunately, Charlotte is not afraid of this wild magician who is called wild. It is a coincidence that the other party is good at close combat. Charlotte is also good at close combat. I really don't know what it will be like to fight.

This wild magician is only at the sixth level, so it is not too much pressure for Charlotte.

After the melee magician ended the battle, another battle caught Charlotte's attention.

Both sides of this battle are relatively normal, and they are all ordinary magicians. It's just that one of the magicians caused screams as soon as they came on stage. Obviously, this magician already has a certain reputation.

This magician is a disciple of Kong Ling's deputy tower master, and his title is Lie Kong.

Among the magicians, some magicians specialize in the use of space, and Likong is best at this aspect of magicians.

I saw that the magician froze the space on the ring as soon as he entered the stage, and then escaped into the space even though the space was frozen, which made the magician a little dumbfounded.

Space Magician - Escape from Space!

A space magician is a very special kind of magician, who can still activate even when the space is frozen.

Magicians who can activate space magicians have unique talents in space, and this space-breaking magician is one of them.

This kind of magician has a name, it is called a space magician, and because of its special use of space, it is very popular in the star world.

The space in the astral world is extremely unstable, and many magicians cannot manipulate the space at all in the astral world, but space magicians are not subject to this restriction at all. The astral realm is like a more chaotic but also more stable space. In the world of magicians, the ability to control space has weakened a lot in the astral realm.

At this time, the arena has been covered by various mental shocks, and the battle between the two sides has progressed to a fierce stage.

Don't look at the space magician who escaped into the space, but his opponent is not free. For this kind of magician who escaped into space, ordinary magicians also have various methods.

For example, a magician who is pulling, or a magician who destroys space on a large scale, etc.

The most important thing for a magician is a large-scale attack magician, so even if this space magician escapes into the space, Nuo Hao Zhao) will not be able to achieve any special effect for the time being.

However, a cool scene ensued.

When the magician pulled the space magician out of the space abruptly with a traction magician, his body could not move.

Magician——Puppet Manipulation!

Puppet manipulation of this magician is a must for all magicians and is also the most cost-effective magician. First of all, the control is absolutely established, and the control time is too long, so this magician is sought after by a large number of magicians.

But the price this magician paid was that he was also unable to move, so most of the time he used it in team battles, but the space magician used this magician in one-on-one. .

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