Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma

The 226th chapter war tree man, fire shield bodyguard, black magic mark reappears!

Silent night.

In the tent, everyone was asleep at this time, and in Alvin's bedroom, Qiu hugged the quilt tightly and watched Alvin vigilantly.

"I'm already willing to admit defeat, why are you still looking at me like that? 99

Touching his nose awkwardly, Alvin was in a dilemma at this time.

An esoteric philosophical question is bothering him, is it to be a beast? Or is it better than a beast?

Looking at the charming young lady and the burning flame in his heart, Alvin's mind became hot.

"Hehe, Qiu, I regret it!"

Just when Alvin was about to incarnate the villain and become the Big Big Wolf, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Alvin! Come on, get up, there's an emergency!"

Harry's voice interrupted his movements, and he spoke very quickly, as if something important really happened outside.

In an instant, all the atmosphere was destroyed, Qiu also, who had closed his eyes tightly, responded to "197" and pushed Alvin away.

"Hoo! Don't be angry, don't be angry!"

To suppress the anger in his heart, Alvin and Qiu quickly packed up and walked out of the tent.

There were several fires burning in the grass in the distance, and Alvin saw the crowd running out one after another, as if escaping from something.

In that direction came wild laughter and drunken scolding, and a group of wizards with wands in their hands shot fire everywhere.

"Alvin, what should we do?"

Now that Mr. Weasley is not here, Alvin is their backbone.

It was the exclamations from outside that caught the attention of Mr. Weasley, and Cedric's father sent Mr. Weasley and several other adult Weasleys to maintain order.

Alvin narrowed his eyes, those people were gradually approaching their tent, and the rest of them could see their whole picture clearly.

Hooded and masked, a group of wizards, the camp's administrator and his family were controlled to float above their heads.

They gave out squeamish laughter and kept toying with a few Muggles, a little girl fainted by them, but then they woke her up again

"How to do?"

Alvin's tone was cold and stern, "You all go in, I will take care of this group of scum."

Hearing Alvin's words, everyone nodded and walked into the tent.

Everyone was very reassured about Alvin's strength, and knew that they might cause trouble here, but before Qiu Lin left, let Alvin pay attention and not kill him.

And this group of masked wizards also saw the luxurious camp of Alvin, and controlled the Muggles with a strange smile and walked over.


Swinging his wand, Alvin directly awakened several big trees, became his treant warrior, and attacked the masked wizard.

His actions also angered the group of scumbags, and one of them launched a firework into the sky, as if calling for a distant companion.

One after another incantation hit the war tree people, only shattering a few pieces of wood, and it had no effect on their actions.


The screams recalled that a masked man did not dodge the attack of the big tree and was slapped into the soil, apparently seriously injured.

"Break to pieces!

A dark wizard who came from other places saw this scene and fired a curse in a fury. Alvin used his wand to pull the smashing curse and hit a masked man directly, and he was immediately blown into flesh and blood. fly.

Seeing that Alvin's strength is amazing, the masked man divided a few people to use the magic spell to create a potential war, and the others attacked Alvin.

More and more dark wizards appeared around, and a dozen people surrounded Alvin.

Perhaps because of the existence of the Ministry of Magic, they did not dare to use the Unforgivable Curse, but the curse and curse were indeed thrown out without money.

It's a pity that even the silver shield summoned by Alvin was not broken.

"Fire Shield!

A circle of silver flames appeared on the ground around his Alvin, and then quickly formed a towering column of fire.

At the same time, in the jungle not far from them, a green firework rose into the air, and a huge skull and a huge python were entangled together, forming a black demon mark.

The Auror of the Ministry of Magic in the distance changed his face when he saw the Dark Mark, and quickened his pace.

Due to the fighting around them, these people didn't dare to Apparate, and could only rely on some speed-gaining magic to hurry.

When they arrived, they saw Alvin standing in front of the tent, and more than a dozen dark wizards lay neatly on the ground, all of which were burnt by flames.

There were even a few people who had a burnt smell, making the Aurors sick for a while.

They nervously aimed at Alvin with their wands. Although these masked people are definitely not good people, Alvin is so cruel, it is definitely not a good thing.

"Put the wand down! Or we'll take action!"

The Auror's tone was very bad, and Alvin frowned slightly. He had just dealt with these dark wizards, and these people came to make trouble again.

Just when Alvin was about to clean up these Aurors, several figures ran over.

"Stop! Don't point your wand at Mr. Gaunt!"

Seeing this scene, Fudge shouted profusely.

After hearing the instructions of the Minister of Magic, these Aurors retracted their wands, but still looked at Alvin vigilantly,

"Mr. Gaunt, what's the matter?"

Walking quickly to Alvin, Fudge asked what happened...

"It's nothing, this group of Death Eaters caught three Muggles and teased them at will, and they were going to attack me and my friends. They have been subdued by me, don't thank me. 35

The fact is of course not as simple as what Alvin said. After he subdued these dark wizards, he threw them into the fire shield one by one.

Ignoring Alvin's cold joke, the word "Death Eater" somewhat frightened Fudge.

He stammered and explained, "Mr. Gunter, you may be mistaken, these people are only drunk to commit these crimes, and have nothing to do with the Death Eaters."

"What about the Dark Mark on that day?

Alvin's words made Fudge speechless, and some wizards came in the distance. Crouch was followed by several Aurors. After he arrived, he stared at the group of people on the ground.

Fudge is still trying to convince Alvin to change his rhetoric, and he doesn't want such a thing.

Unfortunately, Alvin was indifferent to his words.

He waved his wand and removed all these wizard disguises, "Mr. Crouch, do you all know these people?

Looking at the familiar faces, Crouch nodded silently, "I know, I know everyone."

"Well then, I'll prosecute these Death Eaters as first class Merlin recipients and members of the Wizengamot. Are you charged with attacking innocent Muggles or injuring underage wizards. 99

Hearing what Alvin said, Fudger's 1.0 was desperate.

Crouch nodded. He was a complete hawk. During Voldemort's rampage, it was Crouch who argued that Aurors could use the Unforgivable Curse against Death Eaters.

Unfortunately, the fact that his son was a Death Eater took a toll on his reputation, and he lost his chance to ascend to the throne of Minister of Magic.

After dispatching a few subordinates to control these undead Death Eaters one by one, Crouch looked at the few who had been burned to death, and a flash of pleasure flashed in his eyes.

Qiu and the others in the house heard the voices outside and came out knowing that the matter had been resolved.

"Crouch! So you're here, and I think there's something you should know."

Cedric's father, Mr. Diggory, carried a comatose house-elf and walked towards Crouch with a very serious look.

With the light of the campfire, Crouch saw the appearance of the house-elf in Mr. Diggory's hand, and his expression immediately became very wonderful.

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