Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma

Chapter 282 You are all my wings!

With the opening of the gate, the little wizards filed in excitedly.

The auditorium is now more beautiful than ever.

The walls were covered with gleaming silver frost, the ceiling was a splendid night sky, and hundreds of garlands hung.

The four academy tables were gone, replaced by hundreds of small lantern-lit tables, each of which could hold a dozen people.

A long red carpet leads from the entrance to the innermost guest of honor, with some wedding scene feel.

"All warriors come to the main stage! Your place is up front!"

Professor McGonagall's voice echoed in the auditorium, and Alvin took Fleur to the red carpet, and the other warriors followed behind them.

For a while, the warriors on the red carpet became the focus of the entire auditorium.

Alvin and Furong themselves are talented and beautiful, plus Alvin's starlight paved the way before, which made them attract countless attention and suppressed the limelight of others.

But Cassandra is also very noticeable, because she has no dance partner by her side, and many people are secretly curious.

Coming to the exclusive seat of the warriors, Alvin is on the left with Fleur, and on the right is Kassan 243 Della.

Several other warriors silently compared the difference in appearance between themselves and them, and quietly chose another table.

Even Harry felt that he might as well not bother Alvin to pick up girls.

Looking at Cassandra in a light green dress, Alvin admitted that he had just made a mistake in Ron's judgment.

It's not that this color can't work, it's that people can't do it!

If Ron is a toad in a green dress, then Cassandra is a seductive witch.

Alvin's unbridled eyes made Cassandra twist unnaturally, as if the other's gaze could give her a substantial touch.

Fortunately, Alvin quickly recovered not only, otherwise she would be even more uncomfortable.

"Miss Walley, this dress suits you very well."

His compliment made Cassandra happy, but she still pretended to say casually on the surface: "You have won the prize, and I just chose one randomly."

"And don't call me Miss Worley, just call me Cassandra. 35

Alvin climbed up the pole, "That line, Cassan (bdba) Della, just call me Alvin from now on."

Fleur on the side pinched him quietly and warned Alvin to be honest, which made him grin in pain.

At this time, there were bursts of exclamations from the entrance of the auditorium.

It turned out that Hermione and the others had arrived.

Several girls in gorgeous dresses walked in arm in arm, and they were so amazed that they made countless girls feel ashamed.

Only Fleur and Cassandra next to Alvin can compare to the entire venue.

A few of them sat at a round table in the corner. Although it was remote, it always attracted the boys to look at it secretly, and their female companions gritted their teeth in anger.

But everyone knows the relationship between the girls and Alvin, and no one who doesn't have long eyes dares to come over.

Alvin opened his palms, and a small phoenix guardian appeared, flew to Qiu's side, and said something to her quietly.

Then Qiu looked towards Alvin, smiled and shook his head.

"What did you say to Qiu?"

Fleur was a little curious, and Cassandra on the side also looked at him.

"I just asked them if they wanted to sit over, and the surroundings were empty anyway."

He just felt that it was a little unfair for them to sit there.

But since she didn't want to come over, it would be fine if he brought Furong over after the opening.

Furong also understood this truth and did not say anything more.

Dumbledore and several referees came to the guest of honor, with a smile on his face, Crouch made a rare appearance, he walked with Bagman in a purple robe, glanced at Alvin and then withdrew his eyes. .

Recently, Barty Jr. has completely let go of his guard against Crouch, thinking that his Imperius Curse is extremely reliable.

As a result, Crouch brought a lot of information to Alvin, including the last conversation at Crabbe Manor, which he knew very well.

If Alvin wanted to, he could have taken Voldemort out right now, but he wouldn't.

With no waiters around, Dumbledore picked up a menu and said clearly.


The steak appeared immediately, and others suddenly realized that they followed suit, picking up the menu and choosing the food they wanted.

Harry was a little fidgety, and Percy came too, eyes squinting this way when he saw that his partner was Ginny.

He suddenly understood what Alvin meant when he said earnestly to him that he must be honest with Ginny and not have any other fuss.

f*ck, he just added six uncles out of thin air!

Even if George and Fred support him, he still has five hurdles to overcome.

Thinking of this, he unconsciously looked at Alvin's table, his eyes almost didn't come out to him.

Looking at the chocolate pudding on the hibiscus plate, Alvin's mouth widened, "Ah".

Fleur put the pudding into Alvin's mouth amusingly, and carefully wiped the corner of his lips for him.

Cassandra on the side was eating the fried fish on the plate with a blank expression. At this moment, she felt that she was so superfluous.

"Miss Walley can give it a try if she wants, and I'm sure Alvin won't refuse."

Fleur provocatively said to her, she knew that Alvin would dance with Cassandra today, but Fleur absolutely did not believe Cassandra's words.

This woman is greedy for Alvin's body!

Cassandra was almost mad at this sentence, looking at the smug Fleur, her brain became hot, and she actually forked a piece of fish and sent it to Alvin's mouth.

To make matters worse, Alvin subconsciously bit off the fish.


Furong couldn't believe that this woman was so brave.

It's just that she doesn't know that Cassandra now regrets that she was too impulsive, how could she do such an outrageous behavior.

But now that's the point, wouldn't it be worse if she backed off now?

One does not do the other endlessly, Cassandra directly looked at Fleur with a standard expression of disdain.

The fact that the two of them were about to fight gave Alvin a headache, and he wanted to shout out a word.

Stop arguing, you are all my wings!

But in the end, he still didn't have the courage, he could only appease a few words of Furong, and tell a few cold jokes to confuse the matter.

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