Under Hermione's pestering, Ethan talked about some small tricks for casting magic, such as the gestures of waving the wand when chanting spells, how to control the output of magic power, etc.

Neville would talk about some things in the wizarding world from time to time. Ethan and Hermione also had some things they wanted to ask Neville, a local resident of the wizarding world.

Although Cassandra on the side did not say a word, she was still holding a book and reading it, but from the fact that the pages of the book had not been turned for a long time, it can be seen that her attention was not on the book at the moment.

The atmosphere in the car was getting better. At lunch time, everyone took out their lunch boxes and bought some food from the salesperson. Everyone was not short of money, and even Hermione still had some gold galleons.

Time passed in the idle chat of several people until it got dark.

It was such a short distance, and after sitting in the car for a whole day, Ethan couldn't chat anymore. Looking at the scenery outside the window, he was a little sleepy.

"There seems to be a quarrel next door."

After a shrill scream ,

"Well, the fight has started now, do you want to go and have a look?"

Ethan instantly perked up.

It's human nature to watch the fun!

"It's better not to go, so as not to cause trouble."

"What's the trouble?"

Ethan said as he walked out of the workshop. If he didn't even watch the excitement, what's the point of living like this?

Cassandra followed Ethan out of the carriage door without saying a word. Hermione followed after a little hesitation.

"I… I won’t go over there."

Neville sat there motionless. His years of experience told him not to watch the excitement, otherwise he might become the excitement.

When he came to the door of the rear carriage, he saw five people inside, and there was a tense atmosphere.

The scream came from a child who looked ugly but quite strong.

At this moment, a mouse was hanging on his finger, and its sharp teeth were deeply engaged in his flesh. The child was screaming and waving his hands constantly, trying to shake the mouse off.

Except for the unlucky guy who was bitten by the mouse, the attention of the others was attracted by Ethan’s arrival.

"Who are you? Get out of here!"

A boy with platinum hair and a pale face as if he had kidney deficiency yelled at Ethan and others who came in from outside. He originally came here to make friends, but ended up being humiliated and now he's suffered a loss. He doesn't want others to see it.

His father is the school director, so what's wrong with him being a little arrogant?

Until he saw Cassandra who came in after Ethan, Draco immediately changed his words:"Wore, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the other two."

At the pure-blood banquet, the two had met before, more than once. But it was inevitable that the arrogant Draco would have a quarrel with the arrogant Cassandra.

When they didn't know magic, Draco was beaten up, because girls grow up fast. At the pure-blood party in August this year, Draco wanted to use the magic he had just learned to get back on his feet, but he was beaten up even more miserably.

What's more, although Cassandra's family was not one of the twenty-eight families, it was also a noble pure-blood, no worse than his own.

His father was a school director, and his father was a senior official in the Ministry of Magic. He couldn't suppress the other party in terms of family background, and he couldn't beat her, which led to his lack of confidence when facing Cassandra.

"Draco Malfoy, no matter where you are, you always cause trouble!"

Cassandra looked at Malfoy with disdain.

He always showed off with his two followers, but they were just a waste plus two wastes, making up three wastes.


Draco was speechless. He had really made a fool of himself.

"Ethan, you are also coming to Hogwarts to study!"

Unlike Draco who was ashamed and angry, Harry seemed quite happy when he saw Ethan.

Although the relationship between the two could not be said to be very good, they were classmates for two years. Moreover, during the two years when he was a classmate of Ethan, Daley did not dare to come to the classroom to bully him.

In this strange magical world, it is really great to meet an acquaintance.

"Well, I am also a freshman at Hogwarts this year. Who is next to you?"

"This is Ron Weasley, a friend I just met, from a wizarding family.

Harry introduced his new friend cheerfully.

"Enough! A Mudblood from a Muggle family, Crabbe, teach him a lesson."

Draco was rejected by Harry when he was making friends, just laughed at by Cassandra, and now ignored by Muggle wizards. He completely exploded.

Harry was the savior of the wizarding world and a celebrity. Cassandra couldn't afford to offend him. Even the stupid red-haired guy was a member of the Weasley family and had the support of Dumbledore. Although she looked down on them, she couldn't control them. But what did this Mudblood have?

He had nothing!



""Quickly imprison!"

Everything happened too fast. Draco only saw Crabbe being punched in the chin and fell to the ground as soon as he stepped forward. Then the mudblood pulled out Crabbe's wand and pointed it at himself and Goyle.

Ridiculous, can you use someone else's wand?

But Draco suddenly found that he couldn't laugh anymore. Not only that, his whole body couldn't move.

"You should be thankful that this is the train to Hogwarts, and you are also a freshman at Hogwarts!"

Ethan came to Malfoy, patted his face, lowered his head and whispered in his ear.

Then, he looked in Harry's direction and said,"They were looking for trouble with you just now, right? Now the three of them are handed over to you, do with them as you please, they can't move."

"Leave it to me, I will treat them well, and what kind of magic did you just use? It's so cool!"

Ron kicked Draco and said excitedly. Since his father's generation, he has been with Ma.���The Ford family was not on good terms, and now Draco was lucky to be in his hands.

And that magic just now, if I could learn it, it would be great. Compared to that, what my two brothers taught me was just a bunch of nonsense, and it made me look bad in front of Harry.

"The Imprisonment Spell is in the textbook. Haven't you read it?"

Hearing this, Harry and Ron looked at each other and shook their heads. Should textbooks be read during holidays?

The two who got the answer from each other quickly put the question behind them and started to beat the Malfoy trio.

Under Harry's guidance, Ron knew where to hit the most painful part without being discovered. This was all blood experience!

"The train will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train and we will take you to school."

The announcement of the upcoming station began to echo on the train.

It's almost the station!

Ethan waved the wand in his hand, contacted the binding spell of the three Malfoys, and then put the wand in Crabbe's pocket intimately. After all, the wand is innocent.

The liberated Malfoy trio dared not say a word, and trotted out from the side in shame.

After a few more pleasantries, Ethan led the people to withdraw, after all, they had to go back to the carriage to change wizard robes.

On the way back to the carriage, Hermione kept complaining that she shouldn't have come, and got into trouble before entering Hogwarts.

Cassandra looked at Ethan's back without saying a word, and was still thinking about how to solve it if she put herself in Ethan's position just now.

Hammering those three wastes is not difficult, but it won't be that fast.

Although I know the binding spell, can I release it so efficiently in the first time with someone else's wand?

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