"Ethan Adrian!"

The whole team was empty, and now only Ethan was left.

He walked forward with a nonchalant look on his face, put on the hat directly, sat on the stool, and prepared to start his own sorting.

Although he knew the Unforgivable Curse and had used the Killing Curse to reap lives, he should have been sent to Azkaban.

But the Sorting Hat obviously did not read memories to sort the wizards, but because it gathered the ideas of the four founders at the time, it sorted the wizards into the academy that suited them.

In this process, it is indeed possible to understand some of the little wizards' ideas and their shining points, but that's all.

For this reason, Ethan has undergone special training, that is, the transfer of thinking, which is the most basic ability of brain occlusion.

"You have magic power far beyond your peers, a very high talent for black magic, and some ambitions. You are also greedy enough. You are really a good seedling. Sachara should be very happy to see you. It's just that your ambition is a bit strange, but the rest is in line with it."

"I'm not a pure blood, not even a half-blood, how can I be in Slytherin?"

Ethan asked curiously.

"Of course it is possible, but in the past few hundred years, everyone has misunderstood the concept of Slytherin. The Slytherins of the past were ambitious, shrewd, valued honor, judged the situation, protected themselves, and put victory above all else."

The regretful voice of the Sorting Hat sounded in Ethan's mind. It knew that the wizards had misunderstood, but it could not change it.

Because this impression has been fixed, some wizards with such characteristics are unwilling to go to Slytherin, because it is already a gathering place for ambitious pure-bloods. These people often have nothing but ambition, but they have chosen Slytherin.

Although the Sorting Hat has the power to sort the houses, it cannot act completely on its own. It still has to consider the ideas of some young wizards. This is one of the reasons for the current situation.

"In fact, Azkaban is more suitable for you. I heard Dumbledore say that it is the gathering place of dark wizards and the cradle of dark magic. If you go there, you will definitely achieve great success. It's a pity that Azkaban is not included in Hogwarts."

Some regretful voice sounded in Ethan's mind.

"Azkaban is a prison!"

Ethan was a little helpless

"What's wrong with prison? I once talked with a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts who returned to Hogwarts from Azkaban. He said that everyone there is talented and speaks well. I believe you will like it there too."The

Sorting Hat was a little unconvinced. How could Ethan deny its judgment?

The only pity is that Azkaban is not a school of Hogwarts. I have heard Dumbledore sigh more than once that 'Azkaban has become a refresher course for Hogwarts'

"So which college should I go to? I'll be taking you with me for quite some time."

Ethan didn't want to talk about Azkaban. What if those thoughts that couldn't be revealed were revealed?

"Why are you in such a hurry? Sorting is a big deal and you can't rush it!"

The Sorting Hat said in an unhappy voice.

"OK, go ahead!"

"This is more or less okay. He has courage and adventurous spirit, so Gryffindor is quite suitable. Although the spirit of chivalry is not quite in line with it, there is no such thing as a perfect match these days. It's almost okay."

"Ravenclaw is also good, smart and wise, and very thirsty for knowledge"

"Boy, if you want to go to that college, talk to your hat master!"

The nagging voice of the Sorting Hat sounded in Ethan's mind.

"What about Hufflepuff? I have a good impression of this house."

"Hufflepuff? Integrity, loyalty, hard work, honesty, which one do you qualify for? Wouldn't it be a disaster for them if I let you in? No, absolutely not!"

The Sorting Hat rejected it on the spot. Although it had to take the little wizard's ideas into consideration, it couldn't be too outrageous!


Before Ethan could say anything else, the Sorting Hat announced the result loudly.

And left Ethan a message,"Your ambition can be perfectly realized in Ravenclaw. According to the aesthetics of wizards, that is the college with the most beauties."

Warm applause rang out from the direction of Ravenclaw. Ethan's arrival made them particularly excited.

This is a hat embarrassment, and it lasted for more than ten minutes. And every hat embarrassment is not an ordinary wizard, such as the current Hogwarts Vice Principal Professor McGonagall.

Coming to the long table of Ravenclaw, Ethan greeted the seniors and classmates one by one. Sure enough, there are many girls in Ravenclaw, and there are many beautiful ones. This Sorting Hat has never deceived me!

As Ethan stepped down, the Sorting Ceremony was completely over. Professor McGonagall put away the Sorting Hat and the four-legged stool, and sat down next to Dumbledore.

Now it was the old Dumbledore's turn to go online.

He looked at the students with a smile on his face and opened his arms. It seemed that nothing made him happier than seeing the students gathered together.


"Welcome to Hogwarts to start a new school year! Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words, that is: idiot! Crybaby! Scum! Carry!"

""Thank you, everyone!"

After he sat down again, everyone applauded and cheered.

It was not known whether they were applauding for Dumbledore or for the upcoming dinner.

Today's dinner can be said to be the most sumptuous in Hogwarts in a year, with roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, steaks, boiled and baked potatoes, fried potatoes, potato chips, Yorkshire puddings...

At this moment, even the most picky little wizard can find his favorite food, not to mention that from Ethan's picky eyes, these foods taste really good.

Ethan was almost done eating, and started chatting with the beautiful senior sister next to him:"Senior Sister Clearwater, what does this idiot! Crybaby! Residue! Twist! What does it mean?"

"It should be the view of each college on other colleges. Idiot! It is the wizards of Ravenclaw who think they are the smartest, and the students of other colleges are all idiots.

Crybaby! It is the students of Gryffindor who think they are the most courageous, and the students of other colleges are all cowards and crybaby.

Dregs! The students of Slytherin think that they, the excellent pure-bloods, are the mainstream and superior people in the wizarding world, and the students of other colleges are all scraps and dregs.

Twist! The students of Hufflepuff think they are loyal, upright and united, while the students of other colleges are awkward and disunited."

After thinking for a while, Penelope expressed her understanding.

Penelope Clearwater, born in a Muggle family, is in the fifth grade this year. Thanks to her excellent grades and good management skills, she was just elected as the prefect this summer and is responsible for the reception of new students this year.

In Ethan's eyes, Penelope is a good senior with brown hair, blue eyes, delicate face and enchanting figure. Compared with flat girls like Cassandra and Hermione, Penelope's temptation is much greater.

【In the original book, there is only information that Penelope is one year younger than Percy, but they can be in the same grade. Harry is almost one year younger than Hermione. The twins are in the same grade as Cedric, but the twins are not old enough to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. 】

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