"We think you shouldn't be sorted into Ravenclaw, but into Gryffindor."

"Really, I've never seen that little wizard go out for a night stroll right after school, even we dared to do so only after a month!"

The twins talked one after another, and when they saw Ethan's name appearing in the hall, they could hardly believe their eyes.

A little eagle from Ravenclaw actually went out for a night stroll right after school started?

They even suspected that there was something wrong with the Sorting Hat. This behavior was definitely a typical Gryffindor, too bold.

Since getting the Marauder's Map, according to observation, Gryffindor has the largest number of night strollers, not counting his two brothers and Lee Jordan who was occasionally pulled out, the other students are not quiet either. The next largest group is Slytherin students, whose traces can be found from time to time, and Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, with a few exceptions, are almost non-existent.

"Actually, the Sorting Hat also said that I have the spirit of Gryffindor, but after thinking about it, I chose Ravenclaw."

"Well, you are a fool and cannot be judged by common sense, but we still think you should come to Gryffindor."

George said undeniably. It would be a waste of talent for a little wizard who likes night outings and beats up Slytherin not to come to Gryffindor.

"You can't say that. There are so many pretty little witches in Ravenclaw. You should admit that!"

Ethan gave the two of them a look that could only be understood.


"Damn it, why didn't I think of this before? I should have let George go to Ravenclaw. His intelligence can prove that I am smart."

Fred slapped his forehead. Some of my classmates are already in love, but the object is also Gryffindor. Some have confessed to the little witches in Ravenclaw, but they were rejected with the reason of"you are too stupid."

"Why not you?"

Fred looked at George. Although it was important for him to find a girlfriend in the future, Gryffindor was still the best college in his heart.

"I am your brother, you should listen to me."

Fred patted George on the shoulder and said solemnly

"You were just born a little earlier than me!"

"Okay, you two are both born Gryffindors, you can't go to Ravenclaw!"

Ethan interrupted the two of them. Now is not the time to watch them play tricks.

"You are right, we are born Gryffindors!"

The two brothers said at the same time, the argument just now was just a joke.

"Just now you said that the Disillusionment Charm is useless. Filch should not have this map!"

Ethan still didn't quite understand. The Disillusionment Charm was related to his plan to travel at night.

Although shadow stealth is also useful, Ethan also has the ability to not be seen and not be discovered casting spells, but coming out of the shadows will inevitably be seen by portraits and the like. You know, they are all alive. If Dumbledore is told, it will be troublesome.

Normal night travel is fine, as long as you are not caught on the spot, Dumbledore will just laugh it off. But using a magic that he has never seen, and it is a young wizard who has just entered school, this is a big problem.

No one will believe you if you say you invented it!

Even Snape invented the spell several years after entering school.

That's why Ethan used the Disillusionment Charm to travel at night.

"Last year, one of our Gryffindors was caught using the Disillusionment Charm. He said he was discovered by a cat. Mrs. Norris has catkin blood, so her intuition is very sharp."

George explained.

"I see!"

Ethan knew that Kneazles were very sensitive.

In the original book, Hermione's cat Crookshanks also had Kneazle blood. He could sense that Scabbers, who was considered a mouse by normal people, was not a good thing, but he didn't expect that he could rely on intuition to sense the Disillusionment Spell.

"Filch has gone to the first floor. We can go out now!"

Fred looked at the Marauder's Map and confirmed Filch's location.

"What an amazing alchemical work! The person who made this is a genius!"

Ethan couldn't help but sigh.

Although it is just a Marauder's Map, it uses a lot of spells and alchemical knowledge.

It is true that each generation in the wizarding world is inferior to the previous one.

When Snape was a student, he invented several spells, including the powerful black magic of the God of Swords.

Except for Lupin, the werewolf, all the four members of the Marauder Group are illegal Animagus, and they completed it during school.

Having Animagus means that they have a very high understanding of Transfiguration.

Being able to make a Marauder's Map can also prove their ability in spells and alchemy.

Look at the young wizards nowadays. Who can complete the Animagus or invent spells during school? They know how to eliminate your weapons every day.

I don't know if it has something to do with Dumbledore confiscating many books in the restricted area of the Hogwarts Library.

"This is indeed an amazing alchemical prop. I really want to meet them. Fred and I are also learning alchemy. In the future, we will definitely make better and more popular alchemical props than this one."

Fred also nodded in agreement:"Yes, our ideal is to open a Weasleys Wizard Wheezes and fill our joke shop with our invented products."

"Do you know Zonko's Joke Shop and Hopping Magic Joke Shop? They are the most popular shops in Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley respectively, and our ideal is to open a joke shop that surpasses them."

George said with longing in his eyes. The two brothers had this idea since they first entered Zonko's Joke Shop.

They have been saving money to prepare for opening a shop in the future, but there are too many brothers in the family, resulting in little pocket money, and they have not saved much money so far.

"I believe you can open the best joke goods store."

Ethan would not belittle other people's dreams.

Moreover, the Weasley brothers did achieve this in the future. Although they were funded by Harry, the core of the store was still the goods.

Their Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was really popular, and even the Ministry of Magic would purchase goods later.

The talents of the two brothers were beyond doubt. The production of these joke goods involved potions, alchemy, and spells. It was not easy to integrate them. If the two of them put their thoughts into their strength, they would not have such a tragic ending.

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