"Ethan, how did you do that?"

Fred and George looked at Ethan who was rubbing the dog's head, their eyes almost popped out of their heads in surprise.

Just now, the three-headed dog pounced on them, and George and Fred's barrier spells and repel spells did not bring any hindrance to the three-headed dog at all. Just when the two of them were sighing that their lives were over, they found that things were not as they thought. The three-headed dog turned into a licking dog and was ready to lick Ethan with its tongue that was almost the size of a human, but was severely rejected by Ethan.

It was too smelly, and Ethan didn't want to be contaminated by this kind of saliva.

"I have been loved by animals since I was a child, but I didn't expect that after coming to the wizarding world, magical animals would also be like this."

Ethan rubbed the dog's head hard, causing the three-headed dog to purr with joy.

"It's incredible. If we didn't know that this was Hagrid's dog, we would have thought it was raised by you."

"That is, if Hagrid knew that his dog was kidnapped by you, I wonder if he would cry out loud, he really loves this three-headed dog."

Seeing that the three-headed dog was tamed by Ethan, George and Fred stopped shaking and even started joking.

"I can't afford to feed this big guy."

Ethan replied while scratching Fluffy's chin. Just look at its size to know how much it eats. This is Hogwarts, not the Muggle world. If it were the Muggle world, Ethan would have no problem feeding it, but in Hogwarts, Ethan would have no choice, unless he went to the Forbidden Forest to hunt.

The food he got was from Voldemorts and Winged Demons, and their appetites were not big, so a meal would take a long time.

"Did the Sorting Hat say to Ethan that you can still enter Hufflepuff? Maybe you will become the next Newt Scamander, the author of"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" and a legendary wizard?"

The brothers have heard a lot about the legend of Newt Scamander.

Wherever there are precious magical animals, there is his figure. As long as he shows up, there is no magical animal that he can't handle. A suitcase can destroy a city. He is a man who has been banned from entering by the Ministry of Magic of many countries...

Ethan handled the three-headed dog in one go, which really looks like Scamander. Maybe Ethan is better than Scamander in this aspect.

"Hufflepuff, I am quite optimistic about this house, haha……"

Ethan laughed it off, trying to fool around. He had connections with all three schools, except Hufflepuff.

"By the way, what is this?"

George looked around and found a movable door panel where the three-headed dog had been lying before, so he immediately prepared to go over and check it out.


The three-headed dog, which had been lying obediently, suddenly raised its head and roared at George.

Although he felt that Ethan was very kind and wanted to get close to him, Lu Wei still did not forget his mission. It was really too painful for the old man to beat the dog. As long as he dared to show his teeth, he would be beaten. Those two weeks were not a dog's life. He was still a baby who had just become an adult.

By the way, he also set a few rules for himself. The little wizard could not be hurt, but only scared. The big wizard must be bitten on sight and could not be let go. No one could enter the door below. Lu

Wei did not dare to violate these rules.

George, who had just taken two steps, froze in place. When he slowly turned his head and saw that Lu Wei did not pounce on him, he was relieved.

"I won't go in, I'll be back soon!"

George raised his hands and stepped back.

"Fluffy should be following Dumbledore's orders to guard the things down there. If we go down, it might turn hostile."

Ethan looked at the two of them seriously. He hoped that they would stop here.

If the two of them insisted on finding out what was going on here, they might attract Voldemort's attention, which would not be a good thing.

"We are not going down, and we are not curious about what is in it, really!"

Fred said with a wry smile.

They have just learned how dangerous a magical animal of level xxxxx is. Their magic has no effect at all. If they annoy it, they might really be fed to the dogs.

Ethan shook his head helplessly. It was obvious that he was not sincere. He was worthy of being a Gryffindor.

"Ethan, since today's expedition has no results, why don't we withdraw?"

Being with Lu Wei is too stressful, they don't want to stay here at all.

"Well, let’s go!"

"Lu Wei, I'll see you next time!"

After saying hello to Lu Wei, the three of them turned around and left. The moment they closed the door, Ethan clearly heard George and Fred breathe a sigh of relief.

"Ethan, I'm lucky to have you here today, otherwise George and I would be in trouble."

Walking in the long and narrow corridor, Fred recalled the scenes just now, and he really walked through the gates of hell.

If he had listened to Ethan at the beginning and checked the situation before going in, it wouldn't be like this.

"Being brave is not reckless. Don't put yourself in danger."

Ethan looked at Fred and said seriously. The ending of the twins was not good. One lost his ear and the other lost his life. This made many fans feel a little sad.

I hope today's incident can remind them and make them more vigilant in the future.

"We got it. If Fred acts so recklessly again, I will kick his ass hard."

George hugged Fred and said to Ethan with a smile, but he seemed to have forgotten that he was the first one to rush in.

"That's how it should be!"

Ethan said with a smile

"Ethan, this is for you."

Fred pulled out a piece of parchment from his pocket, which was the Marauder's Map.

"This is the guarantee for your night tour."

Ethan did not take it over, but asked curiously.

This thing plays a big role in Hogwarts.

Fred said confidently:"We dare say that few people are more familiar with Hogwarts than us. We know all the secret passages and paths. Even if we don't have it now, Filch can't catch us.

And aren't you going to the eighth floor? You will definitely need it later.

The password was used in the abandoned classroom before. You saw us use"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Having said that, Ethan didn't pretend and directly accepted the Marauder's Map.

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