What needs to be made today is a potion for treating boils, which has nothing to do with the questions Snape raised just now.

Two people work in a group. The required materials and steps are all written on the blackboard.

It is a little different from the steps in the textbook, but the whole process does not feel difficult.

Ethan also flipped through a lot of books on potions during the summer vacation, but the only thing he really made was the energy cube, which was a necessity. Ethan did not try other potions. First of all, the materials are more diverse, time-consuming, and more importantly, they are useless.

Ethan and Michael work in a group with clear division of labor.

Ethan handles the snake fangs and porcupine quills, and Michael is assigned slugs with tentacles and dry nettles.

Add six venomous snake fangs to the mortar and grind them into very fine powder with a pestle. Cut the porcupine quills into segments of about three centimeters. These steps are written on the blackboard. Ethan completed them in an orderly manner, and Michael had no problem.

Professor Snape dragged his black cloak and walked back and forth in the classroom corridor.

He was responsible for the young wizards here. Dangers could still occur during the brewing of potions. One careless mistake could lead to a teaching accident. He still remembered what happened in Flitwick's spells class a few days ago. He didn't want to be the next one.

"Finch-Fletchley, does your brain fit the same mold as the troll? Let go of your hands, the porcupine quills don't need to be ground into powder!"

"Zabini, did you forget to bring your brain to class, or did you forget to bring your eyes? It clearly says that slugs should be steamed, not burned!"


It can be said that wherever Snape went, there was chaos. It was really because of Snape's reputation, plus the low pressure he brought with him, plus the fact that he cursed all the way, that no little wizard was not nervous wherever he went.

In this situation, mistakes were increasing.

"I originally thought that you were not all mediocre, and there would always be one or two who were passable, but I didn't expect that you were all fools."After a round, Snape returned to the stage, his face darkened.

After a pause, he added:"You can be said to be the worst class I have ever taught."

Ethan almost collapsed. It seems that not only teachers in the Muggle world like to say this, but also in the wizarding world.

Now all the materials that need to be processed have been processed and have been boiled, no, boiled.

Most of this process was done by Michael, and Ethan was just assisting on the side. It can be seen that he is quite talented in potions.

On the other side, Snape, who returned to the students to patrol back and forth, had already walked to the position of Cassandra's group.

Looking at the pink smoke, the liquid medicine changed from turbid to azure blue, and his face looked better. He immediately lowered his head, fanned the smell above the liquid medicine with his hand, and sniffed it.

Charming smell of rotten eggs!

"Slytherin, add 20 points!"

Professor Snape announced to everyone the moment he stood up.

Looking at Ethan over there, he could clearly see Cassandra's provocative eyes.

Ethan knew Cassandra's intentions as early as when they met on the Hogwarts Express. She was very proud and wanted to be the first in everything, but she was actually very arrogant.

If Ethan wanted to make this potion to treat boils, the speed would definitely be faster than it is now. It was really not difficult. Although Michael had no problem with the steps, he was too cautious, which slowed him down a little, but it didn't matter, it was almost finished.



Just behind Snape, a teaching accident still happened.

Neville and Seamus were in the same group. Due to errors in the steps, the potion boiled and rolled. The liquid was so hot that it splashed and even the crucible was deformed. It was finally knocked over by the flustered Neville.

The first to be hit were Neville himself and Professor Snape who was standing in the aisle next to him with his back to the potion.

Snape had never expected such a step to happen. Not only did he make a mistake, but he also knocked over the crucible.

The classroom was in chaos. Because the wrongly brewed potion was highly corrosive, the little wizards around had to stand on stools. Neville was covered in red and swollen boils due to being drenched in the potion, and he had already cried out in pain.

Professor Snape's legs were also drenched in the potion, but he couldn't show it at the moment. He endured the pain and used his wand to clean the potion on the ground. Then he roared at Neville:

"Idiot! I think you put the quills in the cauldron without taking it off the fire, didn't you?"

Neville was crying so hard that he couldn't speak. At this moment, even boils appeared on his face.

There was an accident, and the culprit was so miserable that Professor Snape couldn't say anything more or punish him.

He could only let his partner Seamus take him to the school hospital.

In fact, Snape should be thankful that Neville got the steps wrong and brought the disaster forward.

If Seamus came, it would not be a problem. The crucible might explode and everyone in the classroom would suffer.

In the end, Snape poured the fire on Harry's head because he didn't remind Neville. Gryffindor was deducted five points.

Harry, who listened to all this, gritted his teeth but didn't dare to refute, but his prejudice against Snape grew bigger and bigger.

Ethan was not affected, after all, it was still a bit far away.

Move the crucible away from the flame, extinguish the alcohol lamp, add the porcupine quills, and stir clockwise for five times.

As the pink smoke rose, Ethan's side was also completed.

At the same time, Ethan completed another achievement


This liquid that makes people excited and confused is indeed a potion.

Achievement goal: Make a potion (1)

Achievement reward: Random potion formula

The energy cubes I made before weren't potions?

Obviously, a crucible was also used.

And this time, it was a collaboration between two people, not done independently, does it count?

Ethan was quite satisfied with the extracted potion formula, Bafe Brain Refresher.

A potion that can increase brain power. Ethan remembered that the effect in the game was to sort out a wrong option in class.

But in the real world, increasing brain power means increasing thinking ability, learning ability, memory, etc. During the process, whether it is casting speed or the ability to learn new spells, there will be a significant improvement.

Even if the effect is over, what you have learned and understood during this period is still yours.

It can be said to be a very effective potion.

The formula is also extremely simple and cheap, oil and frog brains are enough.

【Thanks to DH Shaowei for the monthly ticket, thank you very much! 】

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