After ten o'clock in the evening, Ethan showed up at the Room of Requirement on time and got more than ten pieces of parchment from Peter. These were all what he wrote today.

The first two days were mainly about Transfiguration and Alchemy, and now he was writing about spells and potions.

The principle and use of the Fiery Flame was what Peter wrote today.

At this rate, Peter's brain will be drained of everything by tomorrow.

After asking for a room to practice magic, Ethan walked into it.

There were several large targets inside, which were specially used to test magic. Apart from that, there was only a set of tables and chairs for resting as a resting area.

In the rest area, Ethan flipped through Peter's records about the Fiery Flame and his experience of successfully performing it.

When learning the Fiery Flame, you don't need the spell, but you have to remember the specific magic route and release the magic power.

The most important thing is to have the emotion of destroying everything in your heart, release the inner desire for destruction, and transform it into a substantial flame to burn everything.��

Emotion is the most important thing. If the emotion is not strong enough, it cannot be released successfully.

However, due to the strong desire for destruction, the Fiery Curse is extremely difficult to control and it is easy to hurt yourself.

Ethan ended up with this.

It cannot be used when the emotion is not enough, but it is extremely difficult to control when the emotion is too strong, so the usage rate is not very high, but Ethan does not have this worry!

First of all, according to the ability of the talent"Heart of Darkness", while improving the talent of black magic, the use of black magic does not require any emotional assistance.

In other words, as long as the magic operation mode of the Fiery Curse is mastered, Ethan can release the Fiery Curse whenever he wants.

And the talent"Flame Affinity" gives Ethan the natural control over fire magic. The combination of the two is simply perfect.

It's just that for the first time, Ethan still has to use emotional assistance to find the feeling of release, and then remove this step when he finds the feeling. It starts to operate according to the magic route written by Peter on the parchment, and then condenses the emotions of destruction and destruction into flames.

Soon, a ray of heart-pounding red flames floated out from the top of the magic wand and expanded rapidly. Although there were not many combustibles around, Ethan's magic power was the best fuel. The flames continued to spray out until the surrounding tables, chairs, targets, and other things were burned into a sea of fire.

In this process, Ethan also constantly controlled the direction of the flames, and finally turned it into a fire tornado that revolved around him.

If Ethan could pay attention to the panel at this moment, he could see that in just a moment, the proficiency level of the fierce fire spell had jumped to three.

It can only be said that the multiple learning talents, black magic talents, wizard talents, spell talents, and thinking abilities, plus the increase in the talent of"Heart of Flame", are stacked too terrifyingly.

As the flames became more and more vigorous, Ethan not only did not feel that he was about to lose control, but on the contrary, he became more and more handy. Until

Ethan completely disconnected the supply of magic power, the fire stopped expanding, but Ethan still had control.

Gradually, the fire tornado began to separate, turning into fire phoenixes and fire dragons, and letting these creatures run around the entire transformation site.

During this process, Ethan had a lot of fun.

Is this a magical transformation?

After a little thought, Ethan felt that it was not. After all, the transformation of magic is to perfectly change its essence, not just to have a shape.

Now this is just the characteristic of the Fiery Curse. The transformed appearance is a fire phoenix or a fire dragon, and the components are still Fiery Fire, without the slightest ability of a fire dragon or a fire phoenix.


Thunderous sounds rang in his ears, and a thunder hammer with a diameter of more than ten meters fell down with a bang. The fire phoenix in the air was directly smashed into sparks all over the sky. These sparks did not extinguish but fell on the ground.

And with Ethan's thought, these sparks quickly gathered to form a giant wolf formed by flames running on the ground.

Sure enough, even in the face of powerful magic attacks, the fierce fire could not be extinguished. It was necessary to wait until the magic power was exhausted.

Ethan guessed that the reason why Wan Zhu Jie Zhong could deal with magic such as the fierce fire spell and the fire escape body protection was that its essence was to use its own magic power to eliminate magic, and use magic power to fight magic power.

The spell that stopped immediately was like this. Ethan had already learned this magic. It was used to cancel the casting of some other spells, and it could also be used to resist the spells sent by the opponent. Wan Zhu Jie Zhong was an upgraded version of the spell that stopped immediately.

As the operation of the fierce fire spell became more and more Handy, Ethan gradually walked to the side of the Fiery Flame, and his intuition told Ethan that he would not be harmed by the Fiery Flame Curse.

Trusting his intuition, Ethan put his hand into the body of the fire dragon composed of Fiery Flame, and could feel the temperature rise, but there was indeed no harm, not only that, but even the wizard robe was intact.

How stupid it would be to be hurt by your own magic!

But when Ethan wanted to control the Fiery Flame to dissipate, he found that he still couldn't do it. The magic power in the flame had not been consumed, and it couldn't be dissipated directly. Maybe it would be possible to control it freely when the Fiery Flame Curse reached the full level.

Fortunately, it was not released outside, otherwise if there were more combustibles, it would not end all the curses, and who knows how big it would burn.

After consuming most of it, Ethan left the Room of Requirement.

When observing the panel, he suddenly found that the Fiery Flame Curse had reached level 6, which was the fastest upgraded magic.

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