On Sunday, when Ethan was talking to the twins about the sales of the Buffy Brain Refresher, he met Cedric through their introduction.

They suggested that Cedric could be responsible for the sales of Hufflepuff.

Unlike the twins who were famous in Gryffindor for their pranks, Cedric was welcomed by Hufflepuff because of his excellent character and knowledge.

Cedric, who had tested the effects of the Buffy Brain Refresher, patted his chest and assured Ethan:

"Leave the Hufflepuffs to me. You don't know that some of the fifth-year seniors are so anxious that they can't even eat."

For Hufflepuffs, not being able to eat is a big deal.

Although the five gold galleons are a bit expensive, there are still many Hufflepuffs who can afford them. Potions are expensive, and you can't let others sell potions at a loss!

""Cedric, we have introduced you to a good business, so you should treat us to a good meal."

Fred put his arm around Cedric's shoulders with a cunning look on his face.

The four houses of Hogwarts usually eat in the Great Hall, and the food is the same, not rich but not bad either. However, Hufflepuffs are close to the kitchen and have a good relationship with the house-elves, so they can prepare their own meals.

However, many little badgers don't like this, thinking that it is too much trouble for the house-elves, and they will only choose to prepare their own meals in the common room when it is worth celebrating or someone's birthday.

Now the twins want to rely on Cedric's relationship to prepare some good food.

"Yes, meeting Ethan today is indeed worth celebrating.

Cedric nodded in agreement without hesitation.

""Can I prepare the ingredients and cook it myself?"

Ethan asked. Compared to the old-fashioned fried steaks and lamb chops, Ethan would rather make some hot pot. Now that the temperature is only about ten degrees during the day, it is suitable to eat hot pot.

Before entering the wizarding world, Ethan often made hot pot at home in winter.

Before coming to Hogwarts to study, he also brought some hot pot base, which was bought at a high price from an authentic Chinese restaurant in Chinatown in London. Unlike those that have been modified to suit the tastes of local people, his hot pot is quite authentic.

Originally, he planned to wait until the weather was a little colder and go to the Forbidden Forest to get some mushrooms and game for hot pot. Now that he has the opportunity, he will naturally not let it go.

"The house-elves in the Hogwarts kitchen cook very good dishes, so we don't need to do anything."

George didn't believe in Ethan's cooking skills, so he immediately tried to dissuade him.

"Hot pot, a Muggle delicacy from China. I'll write some ingredients for Cedric and ask him to cook it in the kitchen. You'll know after you eat it."

Ethan knew that these explanations were not clear. Even in the Muggle world, China in this era was synonymous with backwardness in Great Britain, and no one knew much about China.

Not to mention the closed wizarding world, which probably didn't even know where China was. There are eleven wizarding academies in this world, two of which are in Asia, Xiaozi and the Middle East, and there is nothing about China. (Maybe they are all studying in Taoist temples.))

""Okay, you write it and I'll prepare it. But not all ingredients are available in the kitchen."

Cedric scratched his head. He didn't understand what hot pot Ethan was talking about, but he didn't want to spoil the fun of his new friend.

George and Fred also felt it was novel, so they naturally wouldn't refuse.

Ethan didn't write much, just thinly sliced beef and mutton, shrimp, and then vegetables, wild mushrooms, lettuce, radish, potatoes, etc., as well as chili oil and sesame.

After handing the note to Cedric, Ethan returned to the dormitory to get the hot pot base, and brought the butter beer with him.


The way to enter the Hufflepuff common room is to tap the rhythm of a wooden barrel. Led by Cedric, a group of people entered.

It was lunch time and there was no one inside except Ethan and the other four.

"The food will be brought over by the house-elf soon, what to do next?"

"I'll do it, it'll be done in no time."

Ethan said as he set up the cleaned crucible, turned on the alcohol lamp below to the highest setting, fried the hot pot base first, and then used clear spring water to inject enough

"That's it. When the food comes, put it in and you can eat it."

"Is this a magic potion?"

Fred swallowed his saliva and asked in disbelief.

It feels very spicy, but the taste makes people salivate. Is this thing really edible?

"The way Muggles eat has nothing to do with potions."

While answering Fred, Ethan used a freezing spell to cool down the butterbeer.

Not long after, the house elves brought the food over, and the water in the cauldron had already boiled.

After Ethan made a simple dipping sauce with chili oil and sesame for everyone, he began to serve the food. By the way, he used Transfiguration to conjure up a pair of tongs, which were specifically used to pick up food in the cauldron. After all, they didn't know how to use chopsticks. Due to the restrictions on the ingredients here, there was no way to get other dipping sauces. Anyway, they had to be prepared for local burning pain tomorrow.

Cedric and the other two watched Ethan eat beef and mutton in big mouthfuls after dipping it in chili oil. Finally, he couldn't stand the temptation and tried to pick up a piece of meat and put it in his own dipping sauce. After taking a bite with a fork, he couldn't stop.

One by one, they fished out the ingredients with shining eyes, eating non-stop while saying"Shaha".

"I said, can you guys eat slower and eat some vegetarian food? Eating only meat is not good for your stomach."

Ethan felt the pressure. These three were just starving ghosts reincarnated. Not only did they eat fast, but they also focused on the meat.


After taking a sip of butter beer, George said to Ethan while picking up the meat,"My stomach is very good. If you have a bad stomach, you can eat more raw food."

"Nellie, can you prepare some beef and mutton for us?"

Seeing that there was not much meat left on the plate, Cedric felt that it was still edible, so he immediately asked the house elf for more food.

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