On Tuesday, the first-year wizards left Hogwarts Castle and went to the Quidditch field outside to prepare for flying lessons.

In the morning's Charms class, Seamus had a small accident and blew up the lock with the Unlocking Charm. (Just tell me whether it was opened or not!)

But it didn't have much impact, and he was the only one who was a little blackened by the smoke and fire from the explosion.

This class can be said to be the most enthusiastic class Ethan has ever seen, with groups of little wizards gathered everywhere to discuss.

Among them, the Slytherins and Gryffindors were the worst, and each of them was telling about their awesome riding experiences, so much so that Ethan and others in Ravenclaw heard it.

"They said they caught up with a plane on a broomstick. Have you really seen a plane?"

Listening to the boasting of the neighbor next door, the Muggle-born Terry couldn't help but wonder, is it true?

How powerful a broomstick must be to catch up with a plane!

Anyway, he didn't believe it.

"Don't expect wizards to know much about the Muggle world. Maybe he knows more about toy airplanes."

Ethan couldn't help it and said���This is a bit too much. Fighter jets are measured in Mach speed, and civil aircraft can reach hundreds of kilometers per hour. How can a broom fly at this speed?

However, the Muggle world has indeed developed too fast in recent years, and many wizards still have the same concept of the Muggle world as one or two hundred years ago.

Maybe they just heard the name of the plane and thought it was about the same speed as the old cars.

"When you ride on the flying broom, you must hold the broom handle in front of you with both hands. Beginners use it to control the direction.……"

Gene didn't know much about airplanes and didn't comment. He just told a few people some things to pay attention to. He used flying brooms a lot when he was at home.

When the class was about to start, Madam Hooch came to the court with dozens of flying brooms and distributed one to everyone.

Just looking at the flying broom under his feet, Ethan wanted to complain. Where did the funds go?

This broom is not only old, but even the tail at the back is almost bald, and there are obvious cracks on the broomstick.

The antiques that Ethan collected in the Room of Requirement are better than this.

The teaching course began.

The first step is to call the broom into your hand.

Ethan has no problem with this step. The broom is easy to get, and there are quite a few young wizards who can do this.

But Ethan clearly saw that Hermione's broom kept rolling and turning on the ground, but it just couldn't get up.

This made Ethan almost laugh out loud. She has no talent for flying at all.

Ron was the same. Ethan had just heard him bragging to Harry about how good he was at flying his broom, but now he took off with a slingshot and hit his head. It took almost ten minutes before everyone was able to hold their brooms.

Ethan also saw a few clever ones using their toes to hook up their brooms.

Then Madam Hooch showed everyone how to ride on a broom without sliding off, and then she began to correct everyone's way of holding the broom.

"All right, when I blow the whistle, you should push off the ground with your legs, push hard, hold the broom steady, rise a few feet, then lean forward slightly and fall back to the ground. Listen to my whistle and……"

However, before Madam Hooch shouted"start", Neville had already rushed out because he was too nervous. No matter how Madam Hooch shouted below, Neville just couldn't come down because he was already panicking.

And he flew higher and higher, already shoulder to shoulder with the top of the Hogwarts tower.


With a scream, Neville fell from at least twenty feet high.

This professor is really no good!

I don't know if he is Dumbledore's relative.

You can at least use magic to pull Neville down!

Although wizards have a certain magic resistance, you are an adult wizard, and a professor, can't you do this?

""Shock absorber!"

Ethan threw a deceleration spell at Neville, who was falling rapidly from mid-air.


Neville's face hit the ground in the bushes, but he quickly got up.

Madam Hooch checked and found that there was nothing wrong, just a shock.

Fortunately, there was no teaching accident. I don't know what happened to this class of students. All kinds of situations happened one after another just after the start of the school.

"Ravenclaw, ten points!"

Madam Hooch looked at Ethan with great appreciation, and then announced loudly.

Cassandra and Hermione looked over at the same time. Ethan actually took the lead in this flying class!

"I'm sending the child to the infirmary now. You put the broom back to where it was. No one is allowed to move!"

She said as she helped Neville into Hogwarts Castle.

Although Neville was not hurt, he was frightened now. It would be best if he took some tranquilizers.

As in the original book, even with Ethan's help, Neville still lost the memory crystal ball and was picked up by Draco who was arguing with Harry.

"The crystal ball is flying over here!"

Ethan didn't even have his wand, he just waved his hand and took the crystal ball from Draco's hand. You should study hard in your first year, why are you participating in Quidditch? No matter the professors or the principal, they don't set a good example and follow the rules. How can we, the students below, follow the rules?


The crystal ball in his hand suddenly flew away. Draco panicked at first, then pointed at Ethan with an angry face, but he couldn't say anything.

After all, he really couldn't beat him!

He wanted to use his father to suppress the other party, but it was too shameful to tell others that he had to use his father to beat a Muggle wizard.

"Harry, pass it to Neville."

Ignoring the impotent and furious Draco, Ethan threw the crystal ball to Harry.

"Leave it to me!"

Harry, who got the crystal ball, looked at Draco proudly.

This made Draco even angrier.

He had wanted to use the crystal ball to tease Harry and make him ride the flying broom to embarrass himself, but it was because he was hanging out with the damn Weasley and rejected the noble Malfoy.

Such a good opportunity was ruined.

He blamed Ethan for all this.

When Madam Hooch came back again, because of Ethan's insertion, there was naturally no commotion, and one by one they began to practice again under her command.

When Ethan just flew up, he thought his balls would be stuck, but it turned out that he was overthinking. There was a magic cushion on it, which could not be touched or seen at ordinary times, but it could be used when sitting on it. Feel it. (The cushion charm, invented in 1820, pushed the flying broom forward a big step.)

Ethan didn't know whether it was because of his good flying talent or because he was an experienced driver in his previous life, but he felt that this was not difficult.

But before Ethan had played for a while, Cassandra rushed over and passed Ethan, leaving a provocative look.

So she is looking for trouble?

Ethan was unmoved, turned around and continued to fly, but Cassandra was obviously unwilling to let Ethan go.

After drawing a semicircle in the air, she caught up with Ethan again. She just wanted to surpass Ethan.

This scene also appeared in the low altitude of the Quidditch field. Ethan had been dodging, and Cassandra behind him was chasing him.

【Thanks to Mr. Yang Jianquan for the reward, thank you! 】

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