After leaving the headmaster's office, there was already a line of people waiting at the staircase on the eighth floor, most of them were Ravenclaws, and some were Hufflepuffs.

Ethan briefly explained his punishment and left with the crowd.

At night, Ethan appeared at the door of Filch's office.

Dong! Dong!

"Come in!"

A hoarse voice came from the door.

As soon as he entered the door, Ethan smelled a strong smell of grilled fish. A skinny Maine Coon cat with dark fur was squatting on a chair and staring at Ethan.

"Come with me!"

Filch packed up briefly, holding the oil lamp and limping out of the office with Ethan.

Along the way, Filch said nothing, not at all like what Fred and George said, that he had an extremely foul mouth.

In fact, Filch didn't want to cause trouble. He knew very well what Ethan had done in the afternoon. This was not a good person, unlike other little wizards.

Filch was not afraid of revenge against Ethan for his foul mouth, nor did he care.

But if something happened to his cat, Mrs. Norris, he would not accept it.

So he also looked at the person and served him a dish. He knew very well who could have a foul mouth and who could not.

"This is it, go by yourself!"

After sending Ethan to Hagrid's hut, Filch turned around and left without any hesitation.

Looking at Filch who was limping but leaving as quickly as possible, Ethan was a little confused. He didn't do anything to him!

Even when he was out at night, he didn't run into him.


Two dog barks were heard in the dark night, and the next moment, Fangs came out from nowhere and circled around Ethan, wagging his tail.

""Ethan, is that you? Come in!"

The door was pushed open, and Hagrid stood at the door and shouted in the direction of the barking dog.

Hearing the barking of Fang, Hagrid knew that the person coming must be an acquaintance.

At dinner time, he also received the news that Ethan would come to patrol with him.

"It's me, Hagrid!"

Ethan replied, and walked into Hagrid's cabin with Fang.

The fireplace in the cabin was burning brightly, so it was still a little hot after entering. There was a large pot of venison and a plate of fried pork skin on the table, and next to it was Hagrid's favorite rock cake.

"Eat something first. The Forbidden Forest is quite cold now, and the patrol will take a long time."

After closing the gate, Hagrid invited Ethan to sit down and poured a bowl of venison soup for him. In the Forbidden Forest in October, the temperature at night was almost zero degrees, and the patrol would take several hours. It would be hard to bear it without eating something.

"Thank you!"

Ethan was not polite. He took the venison soup and ate a piece of venison with a fork. He found that the taste was actually quite good.

As for the rock cake, Ethan ate it with the venison soup, which was much better than eating it dry.

"Hagrid, can you eat spicy food?"

After eating a little, Ethan stopped and asked curiously to Hagrid who was still eating meat.

Although his physical fitness has improved and his appetite has increased, it is still far behind Hagrid.

"It's edible!"

Hagrid nodded in response, with the venison in his mouth.

""Okay, I'll bring you a gift tomorrow, a Muggle way of eating, which the little wizards of Hufflepuff like very much." During this period, Ethan also went to the Hufflepuff common room to eat several times. Hot pot is becoming more and more popular.

However, the hot pot made by the house elves is still a little bit worse, and the recipe is still being studied.

Ethan also wrote owls home and sent a lot of hot pot base.


After Hagrid had almost finished eating and rested for a while, he took Ethan out.

At this moment, Hagrid was holding a giant oil lamp in his hand, a giant crossbow on his back, a full quiver on his shoulder, and Fang was following him.

Of course, Fang was a little bit weak, too timid, and would probably run faster than Hagrid if he encountered any trouble.

On the dark and gloomy forest path illuminated by dim lights, Hagrid was introducing the situation of the Forbidden Forest to Ethan, and comforted Ethan by the way.

In his opinion, a normal little wizard should be afraid of the Forbidden Forest.

"Hagrid, is a crossbow better than a wand?"

After walking around for more than an hour, nothing happened except for a few magical animals running by occasionally. Ethan couldn't help asking this question that he had thought about but the answer was not accurate.

The Protection Spell is also called Universal Protection, which can protect against bullets from pistols and rifles, as well as the explosion of grenades. Ethan has tested this. His family does ocean-going business and there is no shortage of various guns and ammunition. (Universal Protection is a regional protection spell. I don't know if it is a variant of the Armor Charm.)

As for the crossbow, it is indeed powerful at close range, but it is not powerful enough to break the Protection Spell.

So Hagrid likes to carry a crossbow on patrol. Could it be that it has the property of breaking magic?

"Crossbows are still useful for dealing with frenzied magical animals, but they are not so effective against poachers, as they are too flexible and can use magic to defend against the crossbows I shoot."

Hagrid has nothing to hide, this is the truth.

But he is not afraid of poachers in the Forbidden Forest. First of all, he has a lot of pets, which are pets to him but deadly to others. He also has a good relationship with the centaurs and can get their support.

So Hagrid's task is to resist and delay the poachers. With his high magic resistance and powerful strength brought by his giant blood, he can do this.

"So that's it!"

It turns out that there are no materials with magic-breaking properties in this world. I was just overthinking.

However, guns and crossbows are still very threatening to wizards, especially guns, which can hit them by surprise. In addition, those who can use the Iron Armor Spell are considered elites, so there won't be too many of them.

""Look, moon-crazy beasts!"

Suddenly, Heiger grabbed Ethan, pointed to an open space in front of him, and signaled Ethan not to disturb them.

Following the direction pointed by Heiger, Ethan saw some small creatures that looked like alpacas, with a pair of big eyes wide open, looking up at the full moon in the sky with their necks raised, and their two hind legs swinging irregularly.

Not to mention, this little thing is quite cute

"Ethan, you are lucky. Moon-crazy beasts usually only come out during a full moon. They are very shy and will hide when they encounter any noise."

"See those silvery white spots? That's the excrement of the moonbeasts. It's a very good fertilizer. Pumpkins can grow very big if used as a fertilizer. Sometimes I also send some to Professor Sprout."

When Ethan heard Hagrid say that, he felt sick all of a sudden.

Dancing and pooping at the same time, it's really amazing that they are magical animals.

Moreover, they poop more and more. Almost every few steps, there will be more silvery white spots under their feet. As time goes by, these silver spots gradually cover the entire ground, forming a stage that belongs to them alone.

When the song ended, the moonbeasts also went back to the cave. Hagrid just said that this is a way of courtship for them, that is, they are so anxious to go home for sex.

Only Ethan doesn't play with the biting cabbage, otherwise they will be led back to produce feces. (The biting cabbage is indeed strong in the game, but it is definitely not that strong in reality.)

"Let's go collect the feces of these moonbeasts. This stuff is useless when exposed to sunlight."

Hagrid strode forward. In his opinion, this is a good thing. He has his own vegetable garden. In addition to providing himself with some food, he also grows pumpkins for Halloween every year.

After using Transfiguration to create a box, Ethan used the levitation spell to automatically load the feces of the moonbeasts into it, saving Hagrid the trouble of picking them up one by one.

"Ethan, that's all for today. I'll put these away and send you back to Hogwarts!"

Hagrid said to Ethan excitedly while holding the box of Moon Beast feces.

After patrolling for nearly two hours and watching the Moon Beast dance for a while, it was almost time. Hagrid would not let Ethan stay until dawn.

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