Time quickly came to December.

Saturday, just after eight o'clock!

""Ethan, wake up, it's snowing!"

Terry yelled in the dormitory early in the morning and opened the window.

This was the top floor of the tower, and the cold wind mixed with the snow made Ethan wake up instantly.

"It's just snowing, are you so surprised?"

Ethan yawned and sat up, looking at his roommate speechlessly.

In this winter, there is nothing better than a warm bed, and there are no classes today.

"This is the first snow since we came to Hogwarts. Look down there, there are already people having snowball fights."

Terry was quite excited. To be honest, Ethan felt that he might be suitable for Gryffindor.

What Ravenclaw chose to have snowball fights instead of studying?

"That's right, you can't sleep on that day, maybe there are seniors waiting for you to build a snowman together!"

Gene on the side also agreed with Terry's idea.

For the sake of the senior, Ethan did not insist, and after changing his clothes, he left the dormitory with a few people.

After breakfast, when we came to the outside of Hogwarts, there were already quite a few people here.

There were lions, badgers, and snakes piled up in the snow on the open space, but there was no trace of an eagle.

Well, without the help of magic, this eagle should not be built.

"Ethan, let's build a snowman together!""Ninety-seven-three" As soon as there was an open space beside the Black Lake, Qiu Zhang saw Ethan from a distance and shouted loudly.

Ethan looked in the direction of the voice and saw four girls, all of whom were seniors. In addition to Qiu Zhang and Penelope, there were Qiu Zhang's roommate and best friend Marietta Aikmo, and Penelope's roommate Enid Hansen.

Ethan had some impression of Marietta, as she was the one who reported Harry, but it was understandable. It was difficult for a student to resist under the coercion of the pink toad.

What's more, the toad had great power in the Ministry of Magic and was backed by the Minister, and Marietta's family all worked in the Ministry of Magic. If they offended them, they would have trouble living.

"We won't bother you anymore, Michael, let's have a snowball fight!"

Terry saw this and pulled Michael towards the craziest area with the most people, where a snowball fight was going on with the colleges as the camp.

"Have fun!"

Seeing Ethan approaching, Enid Hansen patted Penelope's perky butt and left with Marietta.

After being roommates for such a long time, who doesn't know who?

It's just that in her opinion, Ethan is involved with too many girls and is not a good choice.

But Penelope is willing, and no one else can control it.

Then the three of them made a snowman and took ice from the Black Lake to make ice sculptures.

They didn't prepare to retreat until their hands were frozen red. After all, the warming spell can't keep you warm when you are in direct contact with ice and snow.


A huge sound came from the ice surface of the Black Lake. A large crack appeared near the center of the Black Lake, and the little wizards on the ice ran away in a hurry.

I saw a huge tentacle breaking through the ice and stretched out, followed by the second, third, and even the whole octopus crawling out.

I don't know if it wants to come out to bask in the sun.

""Prefect, there's a fight over there!"

A young Ravenclaw wizard ran up to Ethan and the other two breathlessly and reported to Penelope

"Who started the fight?"

"The four colleges are fighting, it's a mess!"

The prefects of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff have arrived. He came here because he saw that Penelope was the prefect closest to the scene. The prefect has the right to deal with things like this, and he can't just watch Ravenclaw suffer!

If it gets worse, he will call the professor.

"How is this going?"

"Gryffindor threw a snowball, and ended up burying a rock in the snowball and throwing it at Slytherin's head. Slytherin retaliated with rocks, hitting us Ravenclaws. I don't know how Hufflepuff got involved, and now they don't use rocks anymore, they use wands instead."

"I'll be there right away!"

After saying hello to Ethan, Penelope trotted all the way to the snowball fight area.

As a class monitor, Penelope had the responsibility of managing the little wizards.

I just don't know how Terry and the others are doing. Several roommates should be there now, but it shouldn't be a big problem!

""Ethan, I'm going to Quidditch training. Do you want to watch?"

Penelope left, and now only Qiu Zhang and Ethan are left. However, Qiu Zhang also has to go to Quidditch training at ten o'clock.

The Quidditch House Cup has begun. Gryffindor and Slytherin competed last week. Due to Ethan's intervention, Harry was not selected for the Gryffindor team, which made Slytherin win.

The next game is between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, so the two houses will train hard as long as they have free time, and they are bound to win against each other.

As the seeker of the Ravenclaw team, Qiu Zhang must not be absent.

"I won't go. You know I'm not interested in Quidditch."

Ethan's flying talent is still very high. Qiu Zhang also wants Ethan to sign up for Quidditch next year, so that they can play together.

But Ethan declined. He really has no interest in it.

If it's gambling, Ethan can still play a few hands, but forget it if he plays himself.

After parting with Qiu Zhang, Ethan plans to go to the library.

The pass to the restricted area approved by Quirrell is only valid before Christmas. Now he will go to see if there are any books related to alchemy and ancient magic runes.

Ethan has read several conventional books on alchemy and has also tried some alchemical works, all of which use materials picked up in the Forbidden Forest.

The finished products include shoes with lightness and silencing spells, crystal balls that can release the same lighting spell as Seamus, spider silk clothes that are cold-proof, warm and automatically decontaminated, etc.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

On the way to the library, Ethan saw George and Fred, who were sneaking around. Both of them were holding snowballs in their hands.

""Shh, keep your voice down!"

The two were startled, turned around and saw that it was Ethan, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Professor Quirrell just came into the office!"

"Then what?"

"Don't you want to see what's behind Professor Quirrell's scarf?"

Fred looked at Ethan in surprise.

Quirrell had been wearing a scarf on his head since the beginning of the school year, and he had never changed his scarf. They suspected that there must be some shameful secret behind the scarf.

So after seeing Quirrell today, they followed him all the way here.

"What are you going to do?"

Ethan almost guessed it. He had heard from netizens before that it was because the twins hit Voldemort, now Quirrell, on the back of his head with a snowball that one of them was killed.

"Throw snowballs at him. When the snow soaks his scarf, I don't believe he won't untie it!"

Fred looked at Ethan with a smug look on his face.[]

He thought this was a great idea.

"Ethan, do you want to join us?"

George invited Ethan!


"But you have to follow my instructions."

Ethan used Transfiguration to create a bucket that could be opened and closed at the bottom, and filled it with snow water.

"We use magic to put this barrel on the door, and then use silk thread to connect the bottom of the barrel to the door. As long as the door is opened, the bottom of the barrel will open. We hide here and don't expose ourselves, otherwise the professor will definitely deduct points for playing a prank on you, and then Professor McGonagall will kill you.........."

""Okay, I'll listen to you."

George and Fred looked at each other and agreed with Ethan's proposal.

What could be better than this to achieve the goal and avoid deductions?

Soon Ethan arranged everything and waited for Quirrell to take the bait.


The office door finally moved. Under the gaze of Ethan and others, Quirrell walked out defenselessly. Suddenly, the bottom of the wooden barrel above his head was opened, and a large amount of snow water fell from the air.

Quirrell was soaked directly.


Quirrell cried out in grief, and after looking around and finding no one, he quickly hid back in the office and closed the door.

"It seems that there is something hidden in it. He didn't take it off even though it was soaked by the snow."

Fred was more certain of his judgment.

"What is hidden is none of our business, so let's just leave it at that. If we are caught playing a prank on the professor, each person will be deducted at least 50 points. Gryffindor doesn't even have 100 points yet. Are you sure you want to challenge Professor McGonagall's bottom line?"

"It's all the fault of that damned bat monster!"

George cursed Snape in a timid manner. If it weren't for him, Gryffindor wouldn't be in such a bad situation!

Now it's almost Christmas, if all the points of Gryffindor are deducted, then Professor McGonagall will have a hard time.���I'm afraid Fred will be even more upset.

After a few more words, Ethan parted with the two.

If it were someone else, you would just take care of this trivial matter.

I just had a good impression of the twins, and now they are friends, so I helped them.

And I just completed an achievement

【[Draw the Sword at the Devil]

Wearing shining armor, holding a sharp sword, with a firm gaze and a resolute step, the roar of the devil shook the world, but the brave man was not afraid, and courage was running in his blood.

Achievement goal: Cause damage to the Dark Lord (1/1)

Achievement reward: Snake Man

Walking on the way to the library, Ethan closed the panel, which was a reward better than nothing.

Snake Man can only communicate with snakes and open the door to the Chamber of Secrets. The rest is useless.

Just like Harry, except for using it in the Chamber of Secrets, it is just a decoration afterwards.

Walking into the library, it is much larger than it looks from the outside. The densely packed bookshelves are linked together, and each bookshelf has at least 5.6 thousand books. Madam Pince is maintaining order inside.

There are not many students inside today, but Ethan still saw Hermione. After saying hello to her, Ethan went straight to the restricted area.

Madam Pince looked at Ethan and didn't care. After all, Ethan had been to the restricted area more than once, and the pass was still with her.

Although she didn't understand why Quirrell gave Ethan the note, it was none of her business.

Last time, Ethan had looked for the famous book"High-end Black Magic Deciphered", but the library didn't have it at all.

It was full of profound black magic, including the method of making Horcruxes, but there was another one in the Black family.

It took nearly an hour for Ethan to finally pick out three books,"Detailed Explanation of Runes","The Secret of the Runes", and"The Secret of the Runes".》、《Ancient Runes: The Lost Power》、《Alchemy: Equivalent Exchange.

Alchemy is the most complicated subject.、W、L、There are only twelve subjects in the O'S exam, but why are there thirteen subjects?

It's simple. Alchemy is for sixth graders. Yes, only after taking O'S exam can you take the O'S exam.、W、L、s exam before you can take the alchemy class.

Alchemy is closely related to ancient magic, especially those complex and advanced alchemy.

Ancient magic is quite brain-burning. Many Hogwarts graduates who have chosen ancient magic can only memorize some of the content in the textbook, and forget about understanding and using it.

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