Boom! Boom!

“”Who is it?”

Terry’s voice sounded impatiently.

Looking at the sky outside, it was just getting light, probably just after six o’clock.

“I’m Parker Waters!”

“”Hello, senior, what can I do for you?”

Knowing that it was a senior, Terry hurried over to open the door, no longer in a bad mood. There were only about 80 people in the whole Ravenclaw, and more than a semester had passed. Even if you were not familiar with them, you would know who they were.

And this Parker Waters was a senior in the fifth grade. He was kind and enthusiastic, and his grades were quite good. He often helped some young eagles in the lower grades solve problems they didn’t understand.

Although he was not a prefect, he was quite popular in Ravenclaw.

“I’m here to look for Adrian. Hagrid, the school’s key keeper, wants to see him. He’s outside the common room now.”

He was here to pass on a message as well. Just as he was about to leave, he ran into Hagrid at the door of the common room.

Hagrid came to the Ravenclaw dormitory to look for Ethan, but he couldn’t answer the door knocker and couldn’t get in, so he could only wait outside the door.

When he met Parker Waters who was leaving, he asked him to help pass on a message, and he didn’t come in.

“Ethan, Hagrid is looking for you!”

Turning around, Terry shouted at Ethan’s bed.

“Got it, I’ll go right away!”

Ethan had already started to get dressed. He was awake when the knock on the door came, so he naturally heard their conversation.

But why did Hai”167″ Ge look for him so early in the morning?

What happened?

After a simple wash, Ethan hurriedly set off.

“Ethan, come with me!”

The moment he saw Ethan, Hagrid pulled Ethan’s arm and walked out. He looked very anxious.

“No, what happened to Hagrid?”

Ethan asked, and then he was dragged away in a daze.

“It’s not convenient to talk about it here, you’ll know when you get there!”

Hagrid looked around nervously, with a guilty look.

Ethan understood, it was most likely related to magical creatures, or the extremely dangerous ones that were forbidden to be raised.

If something happened in the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid would not be so careful, he would just say it openly, and he would most likely go to Dumbledore.

Could it be that Hagrid had secretly raised something during this period?

Woof! Woof!

When they arrived at Hagrid’s hut, Fang was barking wildly at the door outside the hut.

And if Ethan was not mistaken, Fang’s tail seemed to have a large bald spot, as if it had been bitten by a dog, no, it was a dog.

The moment he saw Ethan, Fang immediately ran to Ethan’s feet and whimpered.

He looked quite aggrieved.

“Fang, you stay outside for now.”

Hagrid grabbed the collar around Fang’s neck and pulled it away from Ethan. Then he opened the door a little, carefully looked inside, and waved to Ethan.

“”Ethan, come in!”

Ethan walked in and found that Hagrid’s hut was in a mess. Hagrid’s bed was dismantled, as if there was a purebred Husky locked up in the house.

“”Help me check it, it’s not eating.”

Hagrid pointed to a yellow winged lizard huddled in the corner and said to Ethan.

“Is this Ukrainian Ironbelly?”

Ethan looked at Hagrid in confusion.

Bright grey scales, deep red eyes, slender claws, these are the characteristics of Ukrainian Ironbelly, but the limbs are too thin, even if it is just born, it shouldn’t be like this.

You should know that Ukrainian Ironbelly is the largest fire dragon, and its cubs are one size larger than others when they are born, unless they are stunted.

If nothing unexpected happens, it must be that it has an accident.

And it bit its teeth. It can only be said that for every magical animal Hagrid raises, the status of the teeth will be -1

“That’s right, it’s the Ukrainian Iron Belly. It hasn’t eaten anything since last night. I’m afraid it will starve to death.”

During the time when they were patrolling the Forbidden Forest together, Hagrid knew about Ethan’s ability. He was born to attract magical animals. If it doesn’t eat when I feed it, maybe Ethan will come.

This is also the reason why Hagrid thought of Ethan the first time the accident happened.

“Prepare some fresh tender beef and chicken blood mixed with brandy.”

Since Ethan was also hatching dragon eggs, he had to learn how to raise a baby dragon.

Wild baby dragons eat meat after birth, and there is no problem with the teeth and digestive ability of fire dragons.

However, in the dragon farm, in order to make the baby dragons grow faster and stronger, they have to be fed brandy and chicken blood every half an hour, and of course they also have to eat meat.

“The meat is ready, I’ll prepare the brandy and chicken blood.”

Hagrid said as he ran away in a hurry.

Ethan saw the vigilance in the eyes of this Ukrainian iron belly. This was the first time Ethan felt vigilance from a magical animal.

He didn’t know what happened to it.

But Ethan still approached it carefully step by step.


As Ethan approached, the fire dragon cub let out a half-threatening and half-fearful howl, and its thin body couldn’t help but shrink back again.

In this regard, Ethan was unmoved and continued to approach it, until his hand came above its head and saw that it had the intention to bite, then he stopped.

Ethan stared at it for a while, and it finally quieted down.

Only at this moment did Ethan put his hand on its bald head and stroked it downward with his thumb.

“Ethan, you are worthy of me. I can’t get close to it, otherwise it will bite me. Even Fangya’s tail was bitten.”

Hagrid walked in, holding a plate of thinly sliced meat in his left hand and a basin in his right hand. He was covered with chicken feathers.

Seeing that Ethan had already calmed the dragon cub, he seemed very excited.

He really did not find the wrong person.

“First, bring the chicken blood mixed with brandy.”

“Oh, OK!” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hagrid did not dare to neglect it and quickly handed the basin to Ethan.

Ethan took it and put it on the ground, slowly pushing it towards the dragon cub.

The dragon cub first looked at Ethan, then stared at the red liquid in the basin, slowly approached, and drank it in big gulps.

As long as it starts to eat, there will be no problem.

It is thin, so I will take care of it later.[]

After taking the beef from Hagrid, Ethan also pushed it in front of the dragon cub.

“Ethan, it’s all thanks to you, otherwise I really don’t know what to do”

“You know, it’s my dream to raise a dragon.”

“Wait, Hagrid, it is illegal to raise dragons privately. If you are found out, you will be imprisoned in Azkaban.”

Ethan said this not to report or anything, after all, he also has a dragon egg.

And now he has started to incubate it with the black flame of Fire Escape. After it adapts well, he will have to try Fiendfyre.

By then, after being burned by Fiendfyre, it will become stronger, bloodthirsty and fierce, and its genes may mutate.

“Don’t worry, no one will find out.”

Hagrid patted his chest and assured.

This was the only hobby he had, so how could he give up the dragon he had obtained? Besides, if he was really afraid, he would not raise dangerous things like the Acromantula and the Three-Headed Dog.

“It takes two years for a fire dragon to become an adult. In half a year, it will be as big as your bed. In a year, it will be as big as your little house. How can you hide it?”

“Unless you keep it in the Forbidden Forest.”

The Ukrainian Iron Belly is fifty feet long when it grows up, and even bigger if it spreads its wings. It can’t stay in Hagrid’s hut for two months.

Anyway, Ethan’s dragon was going to be kept in the Room of Requirement when it was young, and when it grows up, it will be moved to the Forbidden Forest using a box with an Untraceable Expansion Charm.

Of course, if a box like Newt’s is made, it can naturally be carried around, but this cannot be done in a short time.

The main reason is that the dragon needs too much space, unlike the Winged Demon that can usually enter a dormant state, and the Voldemort will not move when there is nothing to do, as long as there is food….

“Of course I know that.”

Hagrid said stiffly. In fact, he was not prepared at all, and he was reluctant to put it in the Forbidden Forest. What if it was so weak and was bullied?

“Also, Hagrid, how did you get this dragon?”

This is the point that Ethan wanted to ask.

Quirrell and Voldemort have not come to class since they were beaten by Ethan. No one knows where they are. The dragon egg that was prepared to be used to trick Hagrid was also intercepted by Ethan.

Under normal circumstances, no one would give Hagrid a dragon egg. Even the most ordinary one would cost more than 3,000 gold galleons on the black market.

The value of the Ukrainian Iron Belly is definitely not lower than the value of the Hebridean Black Dragon Egg.

“I won this yesterday when I was playing cards in the pub, and that guy was just dying to get rid of it.”

At this point, Hagrid’s face was full of pride, after all, it was really lucky to win a dragon.

“Yesterday, you just got it and it hatched?”

Ethan asked curiously. This feels a bit wrong!

“When I got it, it was already hatched, and it was a dragon cub.”

Now Ethan understood why it didn’t eat. After hatching, a dragon will feel close to the first creature it sees, and will eat the food he gives it, just like Norbert in the original book.

This one must have been frightened after hatching, and it was in an unfamiliar environment and with unfamiliar people, so it naturally didn’t want to eat.

In the black market, dragon cubs are not as valuable as dragon eggs. Of course, the most valuable are adult dragons, which are almost full of treasures.

“Did he also ask you about the three-headed dog?

If he did, it would be a sure sign that Voldemort has returned.

“How do you all know that it’s mine?”

Hagrid whispered, and then said to Ethan:

“That’s true. A dog with three heads is not common. It’s normal for him to be interested. I drank some wine at the time, so I told him that Fluffy likes to listen to music the most. As long as he listens to music, he will fall asleep quickly.”

When Ethan heard this, he knew that Voldemort was back. Ethan was right. He would not give up the Philosopher’s Stone.

“Chicken blood and agave need to be fed every half an hour. Hagrid, I recommend you to read the two books”Guide to Raising Dragons” and”Raising Dragons for Fun and Profit”.”

In the original book, Hagrid got a dragon egg and had enough time to learn how to raise a dragon. Now he got a dragon cub in a hurry, so he was naturally not prepared.

These two books record all the techniques for raising dragons. After reading them twice, you can basically master them. After all, it’s not a spell or something that needs to be understood.

“OK, I understand. I’ll go to the library to borrow some books later.”

“I’ll be leaving first, I have classes to attend later!”

Ethan said as he prepared to retreat. The dragon cub had already spoken, so it shouldn’t be a big problem if Hagrid came to feed it later.

“Wait, this is for you. It was killed about seven years ago, but I was a little late. Its horn was also cut off and I kept it. I didn’t have much use for it, so I gave it to you.”

Hagrid handed a long horn with a silver-white halo and spiral patterns to Ethan.

Ethan could tell it was a unicorn’s horn at a glance.

With his affinity for animals, Ethan had a good relationship with the unicorns in the Forbidden Forest, so he could naturally get close to them. However, facing this group of horses with good looks and human nature, he didn’t think of touching their horns.

It was nearly one meter long, and Ethan weighed about 3.5 kilograms.

But this thing was sold by the ounce, and one ounce was one hundred gold galleons. This one was much more valuable than a dragon egg.

It should be said that he was worthy of being the hidden rich man of Hogwarts. He was generous.

【Thanks to the boss Zuidie Gongzi for the three rewards, thank you boss! 】.

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